Just a small point Mike but in the section Webcam you have a spelling error, teh instead of the.
Maureen Beattie

Hugh, thanks for your suggestions. I'm sorry that in the rush yesterday I didn't thank you for your input.  I've implemented all of your suggestions and I have a better site now as a result.  Thanks

I notice that on one page now that the fonts are smaller, the  flow of text has resulted in some orphan text alongside an image, so I'll have to change the standard image width a bit i think.   

But broadly speaking, the site is something I am quite pleased with.

I should also say that the radio community is far more impressed than this group.  I have had a number of gushing testimonials from webmasters at other stations.

For the record, I've racked up 67 hours on this project so far, and maybe another 60 or so to go before I'll call it complete and in the maintenance only phase.

In addition to the CSS, i've written all my own code.   It's fully dynamic, with access going to be given to about 60 people to different parts of the site for different roles.  Each can work on their own parts of the site without it appearing in public until it's ready and approved by someone with the right authority level.  In addition we're going to be taking 2 web services feeds, and providing half a dozen to other sites.

I'm really thrilled with how fast it loads even though it's hosted on a shared environment in the midwest of the USA.

Anyway, thanks for everyone's help with this site (it's http://hawkradio.org.au if you're coming in late to the discussion) and I'm still interested in anyone's input about any aspect of the site, as long as it's polite.

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia

--------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [WSG] Site check please - launched it finally!
Date: 15/11/04 10:06


Whoops, that was a typo. I should, of course, have written "76% or

I read somewhere (I'm sure someone on the list will remember where)
that 76% works for all modern browsers better than 75%, because of a
rendering difference in one of the browsers.


> <<<<> 5) I'd suggest setting your "body" font size to 76% or 0.7em. It
> looks
>> just a little better at that size.
> It already is .7em, which is only half default size (49% of the total
> pixels per character box of the default size).>>>>>
> Thanks for your thoughts Felix. The size is already at 0.7em because
> I
> adopted the excellent suggestion of Hugh Todd and changed it.

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