Sunday, November 14, 2004, 12:11:52 PM, Peter wrote:

>> And fifthly, be careful when inventing class names that they won't
>> be a rude word in any possible language in the world!

> Why would you use anything like that? Why take the chance of embarrassing
> anyone?

Now you are being silly.

It's possible to check that a word is not rude in languages you do
know (but even then not certain, unless you use a lot of rude words
yourself) but it most certainly is not possible to do so for every
language in the world.

Didn't Sean Connery have to use a different alias in Europe because
"connery" means something rude in one or more european languages?

>>  Iain

> End of discussion.

Really? Seems not. Or is this some sort of attempt at censorship by
an arrogant list admin, who doesn't want ridiculous assertions



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