Andrew Maben schreef:
Further, it's a misunderstanding of the dynamics of the relationship to speak of users visiting your site. On the contrary, the user is extending an invitation to your site to visit HER browser, on HER computer, in HER home or workplace, so you (we) are beholden to the highest standards of courtesy and respect, if you hope to be invited back.
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This sounds a bit too hippie for me, and in the end it's just all the same. Whether the visitor visits your stand/shop or the invitor invites you to send your brochure to her home, you have to make sure that her platform and your website fit. Either way, you have to pay respect for those who show their interest and in the end you hope that you'll meet again. No matter who's visiting who. I prefer the visitor metaphor though, as it fits better to websites that are not shops and such, but more like encyclopedias.


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