Re: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

2008-05-21 Thread David Dorward

On 22 May 2008, at 05:15, Julián Landerreche wrote:

I wasn't convinced at first because:
- fieldset/legends are used in forms to group controls. This is  
common usage/practice, and even more, it's the usage recommended by  
the W3C, as some of you already remarked on this thread, .ç

Yes, that is what fieldset is designed for.

I wasn't convinced by counter arguments because:
- this isn't a CSS/JS issue. In fact, the idea is to have it as  
structural labels/markup, that will be probably invisible for  
sighted users. I'm not trying to achieve something fancy, although I  
have said that fieldset+legend looks fine, and more important,  
helpful for users when CSS is "disabled"  (browser default CSS)

Most of the arguments against it (at least those which haven't been  
shot down already) were about semantics, not CSS or JS.

And also, not convinced because of this other reasoning (hope it's  
not a fallacy):

- if it validates (true)

So do layout tables. DTDs can't describe the language in /that/ much  

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

- if the W3C doesn't explicitly says anything about not using  
fieldset/legend outside forms (¿true?)

They don't say you shouldn't use  to indicate the start of a  
new paragraph either.

If the spec explicitly listed everything you shouldn't abuse markup  
for, it would be huge. Tables are an exception due to the widespread  
abuse they had when the spec was written.

-> it could be used to add semantics or meaning in a new way outside  

If that meaning is "These controls should be groups, and here is their  

Let me add other real-world examples of using/combining HTML  
elements/attributes to create new semantics, all well known by us:

- ul > li > a  = a navigation menu

The semantics there are no new. A navigation menu is a list of links.  
This is just using the right markup for it.

- div + abbr + span + predifined classes = microformats  (chunks of  
HTML with added meaning). As Jason stated above: "s are for  
separating components/sections of a page and can be semantically  
very strong, especially when given a meaningful class or id name"

Microformats take some markup that is *correct* for a given pattern of  
content, add some class names and then document the pattern.

Probably, at first, nobody though that by combining an unordered  
list of items with links could be "seen" as a navigation.

The table of contents on the HTML 4 spec uses lists. So the idea has  
been around for a long while.

In fact, before the Web Standards mindset change, not too many  
people were doing nav menus that way.

No, they were using tables because the liked the way they rendered in  

And that's probably my point: trying to add new semantics and better  
accessibility with current HTML elements.

The closest you can come to adding new semantics is agreed sets of  
class names, which isn't a very good way, but was about the only  
option open during the days when HTML wasn't being developed.

What you are suggesting is taking old semantics and using them even  
though they don't fit. Fieldsets group controls and their labels. You  
can't just throw away all but the first two words of that.

David Dorward

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

2008-05-21 Thread Julián Landerreche
Although since the beginning I wasn't convinced (that's why I started this
thread) about using fieldset/legend for adding structural labels to
non- content (particularly, "action" links or "site nav" links), I'm
still not convinced by exposed counter arguments against using it.

I wasn't convinced at first because:
- fieldset/legends are used in forms to group controls. This is common
usage/practice, and even more, it's the usage recommended by the W3C, as
some of you already remarked on this thread, .ç
- couldn't find any research nor articles in favor or against this practice,
particularly, when it concerns to possible issues on accessibility.

I wasn't convinced by counter arguments because:
- this isn't a CSS/JS issue. In fact, the idea is to have it as structural
labels/markup, that will be probably invisible for sighted users. I'm not
trying to achieve something fancy, although I have said that fieldset+legend
looks fine, and more important, *helpful* for users when CSS is "disabled"
(browser default CSS)

And also, not convinced because of this other reasoning (hope it's not a
- if it validates (true)
- if the W3C doesn't explicitly says anything about not using
fieldset/legend outside forms (¿true?)
-> it could be used to add semantics or meaning in a new way outside forms.

Let me add other real-world examples of using/combining HTML
elements/attributes to create new semantics, all well known by us:
- ul > li > a  = a navigation menu
- div + abbr + span + predifined classes = microformats  (chunks of HTML
with added meaning). As Jason stated above: "s are for separating
components/sections of a page and can be semantically very strong,
especially when given a meaningful class or id name"

Probably, at first, nobody though that by combining an unordered list of
items with links could be "seen" as a navigation. In fact, before the Web
Standards mindset change, not too many people were doing nav menus that way.

And that's probably my point: trying to add new semantics and better
accessibility with current HTML elements. Of course, if the fieldset/legend
*really* hurts accessibility, print this thread, delete it and burn the
printed copy to ashes.

@Ted wrote:

Go for the header and div. it's semantic and the header gives screen readers
> (and Opera) something to navigate with.

Probably this is the most common way of doing it. But we all know the
problems that arise when using headings: it's pretty hard to establish with
level of heading should go for different navigational/secondary content on a
If we think and rethink a webpage as a document, I really doubt that a
navigation menu, or a "skip to" menu, or even the footer deserve a heading.
Haven't you ever think that you were mis-using or wasting headings for the
sake of semantics?

If we take a look to manual/scientific books (a kind of document, probably
the "parent" of a web pages), there are sometimes notes or boxes with little
complementary content on the margins of the page. Although most of the
times, they are marked up as a heading and a little paragraph, I've seen
also some of this side notes as fieldset+legend+content.
I'm not trying to say that fieldset/legends could be used to mark side
notations of an article on webpages.
Again, the primary use I can think is about adding structural labels.

Hope someone could do further research regarding usability/accessibility,
which is what should decide the benefits or cons of this proposed practice
and what could lead us to have better common practices with current set of
HTML elements.


On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Jason Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Julian,
> One more subtle point here (after taking this discussion into the office
> with guys that work with me) a point was made today that within DOM
>  is part of the  hence you cannot reference a 
> through DOM unless it is inside a , so it is definitely a wrong
> approach to use it in that way, especially if you want to do fancy
> JavaScript stuff with it all.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Jason
> On 5/21/08, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > So, there were a number of sites that began using fieldsets and legends
>> outside of forms.
>> > You may still find documentation talking about how nice it is to work
>> with. Unfortunately,
>> > fieldsets and legends are only for forms and you shouldn't use them
>> otherwise. I've actually
>> > been dealing with this recently in the zemanta firefox plugin. This
>> inserts a fieldset with
>> > a list of links for adding related content to blog posts. I logged a bug
>> and they'll fix it
>> > in a future release. But it just goes to show this is a commonly misused
>> pattern.
>> People were also using fieldsets simply because they contain floats
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Thierry |
>> ***

Re: [WSG] NoScript Help Please!

2008-05-21 Thread Jeffrey Lowder

Hi IceKat

If javascript is required for the link - then write/append it to the  
page using javascript - then if javascript is being used - no link


On 22/05/2008, at 1:31 PM, IceKat wrote:


Thanks to those who have replied so far. I'm still a bit lost  
because this has gotten a bit more complicated so I'll explain a bit.

I have a page which lists records in a mysql database. They each  
have varying options including delete. They are printed with a php  
loop. The table of records is in a form and the delete button has in  
fact become a input type=image which posts some data back to the  
page with a javascript return confirm. The posted data is then  
excecuted. The php and mysql is fine but the javascript is doing the  
confirming which means that if it's turned off then there is no  
confirmation of the delete. This is the reason why I am trying to  
put in a regular image with a link to another page which only  
appears if javascript is disabled.

I know this isn't a JavaScript help page but I'm hoping that someone  
will understand my babbling because I'm having trouble getting this  
to do what I need and validate my page at the same time. The first  
solution posted by Michael seemed good until I realised it was  
actually an input type=image that I needed (sorry about that). The  
solution below seems to do what I need but the complexity of the  
javascript makes me feel cold.

Can anyone either mail me directly to save clogging up this mailing  
list or point me to a place where I can learn what I need? Does  
anyone know a good javascript forum?

Many Thanks,

David Dorward wrote:

Three issues:

1: A start tag starts an element, an end tag ends an element, and  
elements must be contained entirely within other elements.

2: noscript is a very poor means of handling the 'no js case', it  
doesn't cope with 'JavaScript supported, but not the functions you  
are calling'

3: Links make GET requests, and GET requests shouldn't do anything  
significant to the server (like deleting files). People have run  
into problems with precaching proxy servers following all the links  
to get the content available for users and deleting lots of files  
as they go. For changes to the server, use POST.

I would do something like this:


And then: 

 function deleteFiles(e, obj) {
YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(e); // Don't submit the form normally
   // And then whatever else you want your JS to do
var elements = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('delete_file', 'form');
 YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(elements, "submit", deleteFiles);

YUI documentation is available from

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

Take a quick look here - you will see that javascript off is actually more
common than people using safari or opera! I know this is only 1 site - but
it does have some relevance.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:54 PM, tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 21, 2008, at 8:20 PM, Adam Martin wrote:
>  " I have no success in selling accessibility when I try to find clients,
>> nobody buys it, so whatever extra care I make for accessibility is from me,
>> free of charge"
>> Accessibility is really not that difficult to put in place - I also
>> believe as professionals providing web design / development services that
>> this should not be an addon that we charge but part of what the client
>> should expect too get - imagine a builder charging you to make your house
>> compliant. :)
> Yes, I embrace that, an accessibility should be a de facto for a web design
> service.
> However, a highly accessible site that can be accessed by everyone
> regardless of disability takes a lot of care and time - but this isn't a
> problem for me. When I said "I have no success in selling accessibility", I
> meant apart from the basic needs (everything lined up, look good, accessible
> with mouse and keyboard), clients DO NOT CARE if a person uses screen reader
> to browse his site. We need law to make them CARE, but there isn't any.
> Take the shopping site example, he wants the add cart not re-direct to cart
> page, because he thinks this will prevent people to shop more in his shop
> (now, this is another whole study of shopper behaviors which I don't know
> of). I can delivery what he wants on this , but you and other said and I
> knew it too, that I need to provide a confirmation message, and the best way
> to do it is using ajax /js as you suggested, quote your word: "This
> obviously has both usability and accessibility issues.".
> This is what I am unable to sell. Using an ajax validation to show
> confirmation/warning message works pretty well, the only time it doesn't
> work is someone using a special UA that supports no JS/AJAX.
> By 'de facto', if client said I don't want to redirect to checkout page. I
> answer with a 'no problem' because I know a JS validation can take care of
> some accessibility, and I don't need to explain anything to him but deliver
> what he wants. But if I am to be so accessible purist, I will say, no, we
> can't do that, because how if someone with a screen reader that has no
> support of JS/AJAX shops your store, and no redirection to the checkout
> page, then she may get confuse and this is very bad for you site. No law
> backs me up, and I am unable to sell that 'maybe, possible' 1%
> accessibility.  A good notion and "The power of the Web is in its
> universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential
> aspect." won't work unless there is a law says so.
> tee
> ***
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A community of people that care about their health and fitness
Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

On May 21, 2008, at 8:20 PM, Adam Martin wrote:

" I have no success in selling accessibility when I try to find  
clients, nobody buys it, so whatever extra care I make for  
accessibility is from me, free of charge"

Accessibility is really not that difficult to put in place - I also  
believe as professionals providing web design / development services  
that this should not be an addon that we charge but part of what the  
client should expect too get - imagine a builder charging you to  
make your house compliant. :)

Yes, I embrace that, an accessibility should be a de facto for a web  
design service.
However, a highly accessible site that can be accessed by everyone  
regardless of disability takes a lot of care and time - but this isn't  
a problem for me. When I said "I have no success in selling  
accessibility", I meant apart from the basic needs (everything lined  
up, look good, accessible with mouse and keyboard), clients DO NOT  
CARE if a person uses screen reader to browse his site. We need law to  
make them CARE, but there isn't any.

Take the shopping site example, he wants the add cart not re-direct to  
cart page, because he thinks this will prevent people to shop more in  
his shop (now, this is another whole study of shopper behaviors which  
I don't know of). I can delivery what he wants on this , but you and  
other said and I knew it too, that I need to provide a confirmation  
message, and the best way to do it is using ajax /js as you suggested,  
quote your word: "This obviously has both usability and accessibility  

This is what I am unable to sell. Using an ajax validation to show  
confirmation/warning message works pretty well, the only time it  
doesn't work is someone using a special UA that supports no JS/AJAX.

By 'de facto', if client said I don't want to redirect to checkout  
page. I answer with a 'no problem' because I know a JS validation can  
take care of some accessibility, and I don't need to explain anything  
to him but deliver what he wants. But if I am to be so accessible  
purist, I will say, no, we can't do that, because how if someone with  
a screen reader that has no support of JS/AJAX shops your store, and  
no redirection to the checkout page, then she may get confuse and this  
is very bad for you site. No law backs me up, and I am unable to sell  
that 'maybe, possible' 1% accessibility.  A good notion and “The power  
of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of  
disability is an essential aspect.” won't work unless there is a law  
says so.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

"Ooooh ! What does that button do ?"
If you call it "CHECKOUT", the user knows what will happen. Yes, it will
take her straight to the checkout page where she can complete the

If you call it "ADD TO SHOPPING CART", you are using a metaphor here. You
are telling the user that there is a "shopping cart" just as there is one in
the local departmental store. You are framing the user's mental model. So
the user pictures a virtual shopping cart, where she can keep on adding
items and when she is done, she can proceed to "checkout". Remember, if you
are using the label "ADD TO SHOPPING CART", you should also have a
corresponding icon and an area on the top right of the page designated
and labeled as a "SHOPPING CART". This area will update on each click of the
"ADD ..." button, so the user knows that she has added some items to the
virtual shopping cart.

Bipul Keshri
Senior Information Architect
Mobile: +91 999 910 6202

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:56 AM, tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When a customer add a product to cart, which way is more user-friendly? Be
> redirect to 'my cart' page, or stay at the same page?
> Right now Magento directs it to checkout page (p/s. this is the only
> eCommerce software I ever use apart from the paypal BIN button so I have no
> comparison and don't know how other carts do it), it makes sense to me as a
> customer because  this is how I expect it to be : add cart, process to
> checkout. I don't want one more click to do the checkout. But client thinks
> otherwise, he wants no redirect as he wants people continue shopping. Also
> makes sense too, though not for my habit, but I have learned that I don't
> make sites for myself :-)
> I hope this is ON topic as I view it as a usability issue.
> Thanks!
> tee
> ***
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> ***

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

On May 21, 2008, at 11:20 PM, Adam Martin wrote:

I have no success in selling accessibility when I try to find  
clients, nobody buys it

Sadly, that's probably true enough. But usability is much easier to  
sell - especially if framed in terms of "you do want your customers  
to be able to find and purchase your products, don't you?"

 "Accessibility" doesn't even have to be a part of the conversation,  
it's just a huge component of usability.


"In a well designed user interface, the user should not need  

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] NoScript Help Please!


Thanks to those who have replied so far. I'm still a bit lost because 
this has gotten a bit more complicated so I'll explain a bit.

I have a page which lists records in a mysql database. They each have 
varying options including delete. They are printed with a php loop. The 
table of records is in a form and the delete button has in fact become a 
input type=image which posts some data back to the page with a 
javascript return confirm. The posted data is then excecuted. The php 
and mysql is fine but the javascript is doing the confirming which means 
that if it's turned off then there is no confirmation of the delete. 
This is the reason why I am trying to put in a regular image with a link 
to another page which only appears if javascript is disabled.

I know this isn't a JavaScript help page but I'm hoping that someone 
will understand my babbling because I'm having trouble getting this to 
do what I need and validate my page at the same time. The first solution 
posted by Michael seemed good until I realised it was actually an input 
type=image that I needed (sorry about that). The solution below seems to 
do what I need but the complexity of the javascript makes me feel cold.

Can anyone either mail me directly to save clogging up this mailing list 
or point me to a place where I can learn what I need? Does anyone know a 
good javascript forum?

Many Thanks,

David Dorward wrote:

Three issues:

1: A start tag starts an element, an end tag ends an element, and 
elements must be contained entirely within other elements.

2: noscript is a very poor means of handling the 'no js case', it 
doesn't cope with 'JavaScript supported, but not the functions you are 

3: Links make GET requests, and GET requests shouldn't do anything 
significant to the server (like deleting files). People have run into 
problems with precaching proxy servers following all the links to get 
the content available for users and deleting lots of files as they go. 
For changes to the server, use POST.

I would do something like this:



And then:


  function deleteFiles(e, obj) {
YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(e); // Don't submit the form normally
// And then whatever else you want your JS to do
var elements = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('delete_file', 'form');
  YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(elements, "submit", deleteFiles);

YUI documentation is available from

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

" I have no success in selling accessibility when I try to find clients,
nobody buys it, so whatever extra care I make for accessibility is from me,
free of charge"

Accessibility is really not that difficult to put in place - I also believe
as professionals providing web design / development services that this
should not be an addon that we charge but part of what the client should
expect too get - imagine a builder charging you to make your house
compliant. :) I have a strong belief that here in Australia a lot of
websites are going to be tested on discrimination grounds - do you want to
be the one bearing this as the provider?


On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:56 PM, tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 21, 2008, at 4:48 AM, Adam Martin wrote:
>  I would also like to add that staying on the page when adding a product to
>> the cart is quite likely going to use javascript (aka ajax) to add the
>> product to the cart and inform the user that the item has been added. This
>> obviously has both usability and accessibility issues.
> Hi Adam, just learned that I can easily switch on/off from the
> configuration, and the js validation has already in place. The transition of
> how the message shows up isn't very smooth (jumpy!) when the product to add
> to cart isn't at the top of the page.
> I will try talk client out of it, my worry is that this is not a client who
> cares about people using other UA except the common browsers.  I have no
> success in selling accessibility when I try to find clients, nobody buys it,
> so whatever extra care I make for accessibility is from me, free of charge,
> that I have not found anybody appreciate it except people from this list :-)
> Such is a reality.
>> I think Magento's approach is pretty standard and what the user expects.
>> The idea that by taking someone to the cart will stop them shopping is in my
>> opinion very flawed. In fact, i would argue in the opposite - in that if the
>> customer merrily puts item in the cart - they will then get a shock when
>> they do get too see the cart.. and give up.
>> Great work magento is doing... I have been playing with it since day 1.
> Same here. There were times (in beta) I regretted being jumping in too
> early for this software, however, as the site's launch date gets closer, I
> feel that I have after all made a great choice talking client into waiting
> this long - I'd been building this site since day 1. A great learning
> opportunity that I can also get paid.
> tee
> ***
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> ***

A community of people that care about their health and fitness
Free fitness videos, recipes, blogs, photos etc.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

On May 21, 2008, at 4:48 AM, Adam Martin wrote:

I would also like to add that staying on the page when adding a  
product to the cart is quite likely going to use javascript (aka  
ajax) to add the product to the cart and inform the user that the  
item has been added. This obviously has both usability and  
accessibility issues.

Hi Adam, just learned that I can easily switch on/off from the  
configuration, and the js validation has already in place. The  
transition of how the message shows up isn't very smooth (jumpy!) when  
the product to add to cart isn't at the top of the page.

I will try talk client out of it, my worry is that this is not a  
client who cares about people using other UA except the common  
browsers.  I have no success in selling accessibility when I try to  
find clients, nobody buys it, so whatever extra care I make for  
accessibility is from me, free of charge, that I have not found  
anybody appreciate it except people from this list :-) Such is a  

I think Magento's approach is pretty standard and what the user  
expects. The idea that by taking someone to the cart will stop them  
shopping is in my opinion very flawed. In fact, i would argue in the  
opposite - in that if the customer merrily puts item in the cart -  
they will then get a shock when they do get too see the cart.. and  
give up.

Great work magento is doing... I have been playing with it since day  

Same here. There were times (in beta) I regretted being jumping in too  
early for this software, however, as the site's launch date gets  
closer, I feel that I have after all made a great choice talking  
client into waiting this long - I'd been building this site since day  
1. A great learning opportunity that I can also get paid.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

Jason Grant wrote:

One more subtle point here (after taking this discussion into the office 
with guys that work with me) a point was made today that within DOM 
 is part of the  hence you cannot reference a  
through DOM unless it is inside a   ...

An easy theory to test, and hence, to prove utterly wrong :-)

Not that I support the idea of using a fieldset outside a form,
but bogus is bogus...

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-621-3445   ===

  dream.  code.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

Hi Julian,

One more subtle point here (after taking this discussion into the office
with guys that work with me) a point was made today that within DOM
 is part of the  hence you cannot reference a 
through DOM unless it is inside a , so it is definitely a wrong
approach to use it in that way, especially if you want to do fancy
JavaScript stuff with it all.

Hope this helps.



On 5/21/08, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So, there were a number of sites that began using fieldsets and legends
> outside of forms.
> > You may still find documentation talking about how nice it is to work
> with. Unfortunately,
> > fieldsets and legends are only for forms and you shouldn't use them
> otherwise. I've actually
> > been dealing with this recently in the zemanta firefox plugin. This
> inserts a fieldset with
> > a list of links for adding related content to blog posts. I logged a bug
> and they'll fix it
> > in a future release. But it just goes to show this is a commonly misused
> pattern.
> People were also using fieldsets simply because they contain floats
> --
> Regards,
> Thierry |
> ***
> List Guidelines:
> Unsubscribe:
> ***

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

> So, there were a number of sites that began using fieldsets and legends
outside of forms. 
> You may still find documentation talking about how nice it is to work
with. Unfortunately, 
> fieldsets and legends are only for forms and you shouldn't use them
otherwise. I've actually 
> been dealing with this recently in the zemanta firefox plugin. This
inserts a fieldset with 
> a list of links for adding related content to blog posts. I logged a bug
and they'll fix it 
> in a future release. But it just goes to show this is a commonly misused

People were also using fieldsets simply because they contain floats 

Thierry |

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

I would also like to add that staying on the page when adding a product 
to the cart is quite likely going to use javascript (aka ajax) to add 
the product to the cart and inform the user that the item has been 
added. This obviously has both usability and accessibility issues.
I think Magento's approach is pretty standard and what the user expects. 
The idea that by taking someone to the cart will stop them shopping is 
in my opinion very flawed. In fact, i would argue in the opposite - in 
that if the customer merrily puts item in the cart - they will then get 
a shock when they do get too see the cart.. and give up.

Great work magento is doing... I have been playing with it since day 1.

Andrew Maben wrote:

On May 21, 2008, at 3:44 AM, walied yossry wrote:

In such a situation, either the user(buyer) added something to the 
shopping cart, and still wants to add some other stuff, we will call 
this "case A", or the user(buyer) just wanted this single item "case B".

I think in either case a user needs confirmation that the selected 
item has indeed been added to the cart. Redirection to the cart page 
is probably the easiest (from a development perspective) and most 
reassuring (from a user perspective). I'd suggest that if you're going 
to stay on the shopping page then the user needs to see a message to 
the effect that "Item X has been added to your cart" with a "Checkout" 
link, and possibly even a list of all items in the cart - and even so 
a number of users are likely to take a side trip to the cart page to 
make sure, at least for the first purchase. Levels of trust in 
e-commerce remain low (sorry, no citations) so it's still very 
important to provide reassurance at every step.


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List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

On May 21, 2008, at 3:44 AM, walied yossry wrote:

In such a situation, either the user(buyer) added something to the  
shopping cart, and still wants to add some other stuff, we will  
call this "case A", or the user(buyer) just wanted this single item  
"case B".

I think in either case a user needs confirmation that the selected  
item has indeed been added to the cart. Redirection to the cart page  
is probably the easiest (from a development perspective) and most  
reassuring (from a user perspective). I'd suggest that if you're  
going to stay on the shopping page then the user needs to see a  
message to the effect that "Item X has been added to your cart" with  
a "Checkout" link, and possibly even a list of all items in the cart  
- and even so a number of users are likely to take a side trip to the  
cart page to make sure, at least for the first purchase. Levels of  
trust in e-commerce remain low (sorry, no citations) so it's still  
very important to provide reassurance at every step.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Guestbook

Dear Bob,

I suggest you try to find a CMS guestbook that is also editable and 

with a PHP interface to manager non wanted articles and writing.

It is very useful for a client or yourself to manage it with a simple 


Designer wrote:

Hi All,

I've had a request to put a guestbook on a client's site. I've 
searched amomgst the maze of google refs, but there seems to be a lot 
of  micky mouse things. I am after an accessible, (x)html valid (of 
course!) example.

I feel sure that someone on the list will have done this, or at least 
know where to point me?

Any help gratefully appreciated.



List Guidelines:

Michael Persson
front-end developer & seo

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] PHP Standards

Ian Chamberlain skrev:
Fingers crossed this is not too far off topic; being a newby to PHP; any 
clues where I can find how-to's, snippets, libraries or even application 
suites built from PHP that are built to a good minimum standard please.

I am guessing that PHP is much like JavaScript in that a lot of what is 
floating about is either poor or pooh the result of all the good programmes 
stending their time on ASP or J2EE.

There is no "standard" for PHP, but there are best practices. And they 
mimick what's happening on the client.

Client: Separation of concerns between design, content and behavior.
Server: Separation of concern between different kinds of logic.

The number one priority having grasped the basics of the language would 
be to separate presentation logic from business logic, the second to 
separate business logic from data storage logic. When you evolve as a 
developer you may have even more tiers.

Some people like to call this MVC. However, the web and PHP are ill 
suited for *pure* MVC implementations. But PHP has never been about 

Another thing they have in common. Frameworks ar good, but not something 
you can use to avoid learning the language

A third thing in common: All devs should agree on a style guide! Naming 
conventions, indentation, bracket placement, etc.

A few more notes:
PHPDoc is something that should be picked up ASAP. I teach it to newbies.

Read the manual and search it thoroughly. The strength of PHP are the 
numerous built in functions. Replication of built in functions in 
userland PHP code is a waste of time, CPU cycles and makes the code bloated.

And PHP 4 really is dying. PHP 5 is faster and has a ton of goodies. Do 
not bother with PHP 4 any more!

Good books:
Learning PHP
PHP 5 Unleashed
PHP Power Programming
Advanced PHP Programming

Lars Gunther

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Guestbook

Hi All,

I've had a request to put a guestbook on a client's site. I've searched 
amomgst the maze of google refs, but there seems to be a lot of  micky 
mouse things. I am after an accessible, (x)html valid (of course!) 

I feel sure that someone on the list will have done this, or at least 
know where to point me?

Any help gratefully appreciated.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] NoScript Help Please!

On 21 May 2008, at 07:11, IceKat wrote:
I'm totally hoping that someone can help me with this. I'm trying to  
use noscript tags but I CANNOT get my page to validate. Below is the  
section which is giving me trouble. Please can someone tell me what  
the trouble is.


Three issues:

1: A start tag starts an element, an end tag ends an element, and  
elements must be contained entirely within other elements.

2: noscript is a very poor means of handling the 'no js case', it  
doesn't cope with 'JavaScript supported, but not the functions you are  

3: Links make GET requests, and GET requests shouldn't do anything  
significant to the server (like deleting files). People have run into  
problems with precaching proxy servers following all the links to get  
the content available for users and deleting lots of files as they go.  
For changes to the server, use POST.

I would do something like this:



And then: 

  function deleteFiles(e, obj) {
YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(e); // Don't submit the form normally
// And then whatever else you want your JS to do
var elements = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('delete_file', 'form');
  YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(elements, "submit", deleteFiles);

YUI documentation is available from

David Dorward

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a question concering shopping cart function (somewhat usability issue I think)

Hi tee,

Always think as if you're there...and think about the possibilites.
In such a situation, either the user(buyer) added something to the shopping
cart, and still wants to add some other stuff, we will call this "case A",
or the user(buyer) just wanted this single item "case B".

I believe the ratio of "case A" is much higher than "case B". Now, if you're
"case A", what would you want to see after clicking on "add to shopping
cart" ?

I tried to show you the way here instead of giving you the solution. :)


On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 9:26 AM, tee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When a customer add a product to cart, which way is more user-friendly? Be
> redirect to 'my cart' page, or stay at the same page?
> Right now Magento directs it to checkout page (p/s. this is the only
> eCommerce software I ever use apart from the paypal BIN button so I have no
> comparison and don't know how other carts do it), it makes sense to me as a
> customer because  this is how I expect it to be : add cart, process to
> checkout. I don't want one more click to do the checkout. But client thinks
> otherwise, he wants no redirect as he wants people continue shopping. Also
> makes sense too, though not for my habit, but I have learned that I don't
> make sites for myself :-)
> I hope this is ON topic as I view it as a usability issue.
> Thanks!
> tee
> ***
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Walied Youssry
Art Director
mobile: (+2).010.1555.709
"Do not argue with idiots,
they drag you down to their level and beat you up with their experience."
*peace* :-|

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding structural markup

Hi Julien

A little history may help.


In the early days of standards-based markup, people were looking for more
structural ways to markup content. It was a bit of a wild west and you saw
various attempts to replace a table with x, y, or z. Unfortunately, the
standards-based developers did not always read the html guidelines, or the
documentation was just vague enough to give some flexibility (I’ve been
rightly blamed for bastardizing my much beloved definition list). 


So, there were a number of sites that began using fieldsets and legends
outside of forms. You may still find documentation talking about how nice it
is to work with. Unfortunately, fieldsets and legends are only for forms and
you shouldn’t use them otherwise. I’ve actually been dealing with this
recently in the zemanta firefox plugin. This inserts a fieldset with a list
of links for adding related content to blog posts. I logged a bug and
they’ll fix it in a future release. But it just goes to show this is a
commonly misused pattern.


Go for the header and div. it’s semantic and the header gives screen readers
(and Opera) something to navigate with.


Ted Drake



Behalf Of Julián Landerreche
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:45 PM
Subject: [WSG] Fwd: using fieldsets and legends (outside a form) for adding
structural markup


A workmate come with this idea, which then I have searched on web and
haven't found too much information about it, but this: [1] and [2].

The idea: using fieldset and legend for adding structural markup/labes [3]. 
It seems that using fieldsets _outside_ forms doesn't make the code to
invalidate. Also, in HTML 4.01, legend is required, but optional in XHTML.

Currently, I like the approach of adding structural markup using a heading
() even just a simple ,
and if necessary, hide them by CSS
I borrowed the idea from and


Main navigation 

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

So, applying fieldset and legend this could be rewritten like this:

Main navigation 

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

Another example: a list of actions (that are in fact, simple links, so, it's
just another navigation) where it could make even more sense.

You can do the following 


Putting aside anything related to CSS styling (legends could be difficult to
style, but aren't really difficult to hide using display:none; although
using position: absolute; left:-px could be better for accesibility, but
that positioning method on legends has inconsistencies across browsers):

1. Could there be accessibility issues using fieldset/legend outside a form?
2. Or could this method enhance the accessibility (in fact, structural
labels enhance accessibility)?
3. Is there any other research/resource that can add some light on this?



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