On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:30 AM, David Storey wrote:

> On 5 Sep 2010, at 13:49, tee wrote:
>> I have a mobile site (just using media queries) that initially used XHTML 
>> Basic 1.1, the site rendered fine except with a few glitches (bugs!!??) that 
>> I know existed in this browser. Decided to convert the site to HTML5 and all 
>> I did was change the HTML5 doctype, it has no validation error, it renders 
>> the same in Safari Mini and Andriod, yet in Opera Mini it results a very 
>> long horizontal scrolling bar in portrait view, in landscape view it's a bit 
>> shorter  (about 50px I think). I switched back to XHTML Basic 1.1, the 
>> horizontal scrolling bar gone!
> Without seeing the site it is hard to tell, but it i probably due to the 
> rendering mode. 

I setup a test case:

If you can test from Opera Mini, please let me know what you see in 2 to 4 test 
pages. Do you see a horizontal scrolling bar and shrunken page? 

If you could help identify the behavior and result of #5 would be great.


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