Re: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Christian Montoya
Can't you make the < a> fill the entire td? i think it's
display:block? then the background of the link will look like it fills
the table cell. 

Re: [WSG] Standards based visual design guidelines

2005-09-14 Thread Christian Montoya
Hey, to answer your question, I start with this:

It's Section 508 guidelines for the Web. It's required for US government agencies only, but it's a good recommendation for commercial sites too. 

Then I follow these guidelines:

- colors that contrast well, and still provide contrast for color blind viewers. 

- text based links / navigation, or a text alternative somewhere on the page if images are used

- liquid layouts, not fixed width, is always more visually accessible

- inline links that don't just say click here, but wrap the title of the link, i.e. subtle links are more intuitive. an example:

"< a>A List Apart< /a> is a great publication for designers."

is actually much better than

"A List Apart is a great publication for designer. < a>Click here< /a> to view it."

- avoid backgrounds behind text... i've had people complain about that

- use acronyms

- add an arrow background image to external links, to show that the link goes outside of your website

and some others I can't think of now. The W3C validator has a "tip of
the day" section that shows when you validate a website, and that has
some great advice for visual design. 

[WSG] Press release: Official launch of the Web Accessibility Tool Consortium (WAT-C,]

2005-09-14 Thread Steven . Faulkner
Leading Accessibility Organisations Launch International Development

Australia, Europe, Japan and United States form "WAT-C" to create real time
web and software accessibility analysis tools via GPL. - Thursday,
September 15, 2005

Melbourne, Australia. Today organisations representing four continents
announced the official launch of the Web Accessibility Tool Consortium
(WAT-C, The new consortium is developing a series of
browser-based web accessibility analysis tools under a general public
license agreement.

"By harnessing the passion, knowledge, and creativity of this international
group of web accessibility practitioners," stated Steven Faulkner WAT-C
founder, "We have a unique opportunity to provide tools to promote the
understanding and development of an accessible web."

WAT-C is a collaboration of some of the world's leading accessibility
practitioners. These developers of free web accessibility testing software
& services include:
  Accessible Information Solutions [Australia]
  Infoaxia [Japan]
  Juicy Studio [UK]
  The Paciello Group [USA]
  Wrong HTML [Japan]

The consortium will promote and pursue software development goals
  Free web accessibility testing software
  Enhanced development of existing web accessibility testing tools
  The internationalization of web accessibility testing software

"There is an international movement to harmonise divergent web
accessibility guidelines, such as WCAG by the W3C, Section 508 in the US,
and JIS in Japan," Makoto Ueki of Infoaxia and co-founder of WAT-C. "We
want to support this process through international collaboration in the
development of tools to help all web developers produce accessible

WAT-C will shortly release an updated version of the Web Accessibility
Toolbar for Internet Explorer, and recently announced the release of a
Colour Contrast Analyser utility. Toolbar versions for Mozilla/Firefox and
Opera are in development.


Steven Faulkner
Accessible Information Solutions

Makoto Ueki
Infoaxia, Inc.

Mike Paciello
The Paciello Group

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Re: [WSG] Looking for help with standard-based JS rollovers

2005-09-14 Thread Jorge Colon
If you have some knowledge of arrays you might be able to do it. First of
all you have to separate the behavioral part from the document, just as you
would have separated the presentational part from the document part. It
degrades nicely in browsers that either don't support Javascript or
Javascript is disabled. Read this article on Adactio:'s_document_object_model/9

Okay, now just thinking about this, this is the logic that I would use. Make
two two-dimensional arrays one being called "links" and the other one
"rollovers." For each corresponding link there will be a URL to the image.
When you hover over the link, the action will be triggered, the URL for the
image changes to the corresponding link, and visually you see that the image
changes. If you can't do it or can't find someone to do it, I'm available
for hire.

Jorge Colon

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[WSG] Looking for help with standard-based JS rollovers

2005-09-14 Thread Seona Bellamy

Hi guys,

Here's an outline of the requirements:
The site I'm working on has a dynamically-generated menu (a nested  
list with Son of Suckerfish dropdowns) running horizontally  
underneath the banner section. In order to add a little more life and  
interest to the pages, we want to have the banner change as you roll  
the mouse over the menu items - each section has its own banner, so  
if I roll over "Reading Room" the banner will change to show the  
reading room banner image. The banner image is currently set as a  
background on the header container.

The problem: I'm not that great at Javascript. *grin*

So can anyone point me at (or give me) some appropriate code, please?  
It would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [WSG] Standards based visual design guidelines

2005-09-14 Thread Peter Ottery
On 9/15/05, kvnmcwebn wrote:

>"I'm looking for some examples of standards based visual design 
> guidelines
> and wondering if you can point me to anything you've seen or 
> personally
>use in your design process...?"

hiya, not sure I get where you are coming from. As in, i cant think of
any instances of where visual guidelines for 'standards based' design
would be different from visual guidelines for a "non-standards based"
design. A brilliant, intuitive visual design is completely possible
with standards, or not. Same goes for a terrible design :)

I'll take a punt at providing some help anyway :)

The biggest things I concentrate on when designing a page are:

- defining a clear visual hierarchy. making the most important things
(according to the brief) have the loudest 'volume' - and designing
tiers of importance around that. Its often a balancing act, finding
the right balance between elements that allow the eye to quickly grasp
what the page is aiming to convey.

- providing visual separation between elements where the content is
not directly related, and conversely providing a visual link between
content that is related. this can come in the form of things like
lines, background shades or just varying amounts of space.

- clearly indicating the 'action points' on a page, whether they be
links, buttons forms etc.

they're the big picture considerations i think of when approaching a
design. If you're talking about some actual hard recommendations like
sizes, spacing, colours I don't think you'll find it. I've often
dreamt about such a project - but when it comes down to it, every
brief/project is different and I think the best approach is to keep
your guidelines very high level - something like those 3 points above.


Peter Ottery ~ Creative Director
Daemon Pty Ltd (yeah yeah, redesign coming :)
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RE: [WSG] Standards based visual design guidelines

2005-09-14 Thread kvnmcwebn
"I'm looking for some examples of standards based visual design 
 and wondering if you can point me to anything you've seen or personally
use in your design process...?"

Form follows function.
Less is more-more or less.

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Re: [WSG] Web font families

2005-09-14 Thread Alan Trick
Paul Bennett wrote:
>>And Times New Roman is the default font by browsers, if I remember correctly? 
>>At least 
>>IE's default font.
> I may be wrong (it happened once before ;) ) but I would think that the 
> browser would use the default SYSTEM serif font. Seeing as this (for Windows) 
> is Times New Roman, that's what you'll see on Windows machines...
> Welcoming feedback from those more 'in the know'
> Paul

IIRC, you are correct. Although this by many different things. Mainly -
the theme that you are using. If someone installs a different theme,
that may change the default font.

In linux we the same sort of system, except that what is the default
font is less common because of the gtk and qt, and the fact that things
are vey easy to theme. For example in my gtk theme in linux it defaults
to some sans serif font (bitstream vera sans, I think). Then there's the
Macs which are a whole 'nother ball game.

At any rate, the most important thing is that you can't rely on
anything. There is no way to reliably tell the fonts on your users
machines or seamlessly let them download fonts you want them to use,
because the people who are in charge of this sort of thing are too
greedy to be able work together and create a standard (and the w3
couldn't care less about presentation).

Another really annoying thing is that the fonts are not very consistant
in there sizing. So sometimes I stuble on sites that have really large
or unreadably small font's because of this.

So the story is that you can't expect pixel perfection. HTML and CSS
were not designed for that, if you need that sort of thing I think the
PNG format would be good for you ;)
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Re: [WSG] Standards based visual design guidelines

2005-09-14 Thread dwain alford

Herrod, Lisa wrote:


I'm looking for some examples of standards based visual design guidelines
and wondering if you can point me to anything you've seen or personally use
in your design process...?

If it is something you use during design development, let me know that too,
as I'm interested to see how developers/designers apply standards from a
purely visual perspective.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing your story,

hi lisa,
i use the jigsaw puzzle design method, which is not taught anywhere that 
i know of.  the jigsaw method is taking blocks of content and putting 
them together visually into a hopefully pleasing design.  if not 
pleasing at least utilitarian.  i strive for some form of cohesion in 
the design.  by that i mean that the elements can be followed in some 
sort of comprehensive fashion.  it may not be pretty, but there should 
be some logic to the format.  the following site is under reconstruction 
off line for seo purposes, but the format is the same.  it may not be 
pretty, but hopefully utilitarian and logical in it's approach.  if you 
would like to comment to the list that would be fine as well as off list 
comments are also welcomed.


dwain alford

The Savior replied;
"There is no such thing as sin;..."
'The Gospel of Mary of Magdala'
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[WSG] search plugin

2005-09-14 Thread Drake, Ted C.
Hi All

I just posted a plugin for your firefox browser. It installs a search option
for stuff on  In other words, when you need to find the
code for sprite rollovers, you go to the search box in the top right, choose
alistapart, type in sprite rollovers and voila, you get the search results in your browser window.

Installation is a piece of cake, just click on a link.

Here's the post:



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Re: [WSG] Standards based visual design guidelines

2005-09-14 Thread Terrence Wood
Interesting topic.

Outside of the design fanboi/grrl type sites most design resources (at
least those I use) tend to be grounded in usability, rather than pure
visual design - probably because visual design is supposed to be creative,
whereas standards (arguably) are not - they're what everyone/someone else
did, or represent the collective sub-conscious.

And, visual design is just one aspect of web design that should
communicate some value about the thing it represents (i.e. what one
attaches to something based on an emotional/conditioned response from the
visual stimulation) while serving the dual purpose of enabling an
interactive experience.

Certainly there are design trends which tend to be derived from and/or in
turn inform other visual media, and I would suggest that most web designs
can be categorised into very few design patterns (I think the lucky number
seven was mentioned some time ago, but I can't recall where that came

Herrod, Lisa said:
> I'm looking for some examples of standards based visual design guidelines
> and wondering if you can point me to anything you've seen or personally
> use
> in your design process...?

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Re: [WSG] wishing not for picky browsers (was) Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-14 Thread Ben Curtis

On Sep 14, 2005, at 12:40 AM, heretic wrote:

At 03:44 PM 9/7/2005, Christian Montoya wrote:

I was actually thinking the other day, browsers should be more like
compilers... they should refuse to parse incorrect code. Then the
enforcement would be on the output end, too.

Why on earth would I want to use a browser that refused to show me
pages that didn't validate?  I'd be blocked from seeing 98% of what's
on the internet.


Realistically the horse long since bolted on the concept. But imagine
two scenarios:

1) Code compilers were as forgiving as browsers

In this scenario, it wouldn't matter how broken, inefficient or
vulnerable (security holes) the program was; the compiler would
cheerfully let it through and it could end up on your computer.

Now think about how often you have to patch the average windows
machine to plug up the latest hole. Imagine how much worse it would be
if there was even less standards enforcement! :)

Meaning, that I could teach my mom to program effectively in an  
afternoon? That artists and journalists would get basic programming  
skills covered in the first two weeks of class? That about one out of  
three people interested in software would actually be able to program  
it -- unlike the one out of maybe twenty now?

How horrible. :)

2) Browsers were as unforgiving as compilers

If this had always been the case, everything you could view on the web
would be standards-compliant.

When I first started learning HTML, I viewed-source on the "Yahoo"  
page. The only Page. They hadn't bought a domain yet. They had a  
message at the bottom of the page, after having listed a couple  
hundred categorized links, "If you know of another URL not on this  
list, please let us know." If browsers were as restrictive as  
compilers, *none* of those sites would even exist, because they were  
all done in the free time of professors, students, internet  
aficionados, and hackers with better things to do. But HTML was so  
easy and forgiving, everyone was trying their hand at it. Three years  
after explaining what a URL was, they were on billboards and ads  
everywhere. That's faster adoption than the DVD had at about the same  

Making browsers forgiving is part of the core ideology of the Web. I  
wouldn't discard it so casually.


Ben Curtis : webwright
bivia : a personal web studio
v: (818) 507-6613

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[WSG] position relative & z-index woes

2005-09-14 Thread Marco van Hylckama Vlieg
Hi again,

I'm having another weird issue with MSIE and I wonder if anyone knows
how to fix it.

If you visit this page:

and you type something in the search box on the top right, 'google' for
example, it will trigger some Ajax that fills a div located under the
search box.

The div has position: relative; and a left: num px; attribute.
It also has a high z-index to make it float above the page layout.
In Firefox it works perfect but in MSIE the layout of the page is
distorted as soon as the div gets filled. It's like it eats up space
even though the z-index is higher than the rest of the page.

Is there any way to get around this?



Marco van Hylckama Vlieg - Senior Web Developer
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RE: [WSG] display inline question

2005-09-14 Thread Mike Pepper
Ted Drake wrote

>I was asked to create a nested definition list with the nested dl's looking
like simple lines of text.

Ted try the setup I have for my site map at

The associated CSS is:

dl {
font-size: .9em;
padding: 0 0 .2em 0;
margin: 0;

dt {
line-height: 210%;
width: 55%;

dd {
background: #F6F6F6;
border: #DDD 1px solid;
margin: -.2em 1em .8em 50%;
padding: .4em .6em .4em .6em;
text-align: justify;
height: 1%;

I believe it encompasses your needs: two columns, both compressible on page
contraction, DD associated with its TD.


Mike Pepper
Accessible Web Developer
Internet SEO and Marketing Analyst

Guild of Accessible Web Designers

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Re: [WSG] Firefox rendering issue

2005-09-14 Thread Kenny Graham
Try sticking something (a comment or whatever) inside your 

There used to be a bug where Gecko wouldn't attempt to render empty
divs.  If it hasn't been fixed, it might be the problem.
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Re: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Bert Doorn


Is there a way to style the td element with a background colour if an
 element has a active_menu id?

As others have said, you;d need to resort to JavaScript to do this, or 
change the setup so the id is on the container you want to change.

One thing though...  Is this in a data table or is part of a navigation 
list?  If the latter, I'd use a list (ul or ol) rather than a table. 


Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites 

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RE: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Scott Swabey - Lafinboy Productions
As Matthew said, the selectors step down, so you could apply the active_menu
id to the td, then use descendence(!) on the contained elements.


#active_menu { styles }
#active_menu a { styles }


Scott Swabey
Lafinboy Productions

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew 
> Cruickshank
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 September 2005 7:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id 
> selector of the child element
> On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 16:56 +0800, Martin Smales wrote:
> > Is there a way to style the td element with a background 
> colour if an 
> >  element has a active_menu id?
> No, CSS Selectors don't allow this. They can only step down, not up.
> You could do the equivalent in JavaScript, or... well, a long 
> term strategy might be lobby browser makers to support XPath 
> or something. So basically I don't have any good advice for you.
> .Matthew Cruickshank
> **
> The discussion list for
>  See
>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **

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Re: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Martin Heiden

  that's  not  possible  all  selectors work the other way around. You
  could  assign a class or, if you don't need it for other things, the
  id  to  the  td  tag. If this isn't possible on the server side, use
  javascript to do so.



am Mittwoch, 14. September 2005 um 10:56 schrieben Sie:

> Is  there  a way to style the td element with a background colour if
> an  element has a active_menu id?

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Re: [WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Matthew Cruickshank
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 16:56 +0800, Martin Smales wrote:

> Is there a way to style the td element with a background colour if an
>  element has a active_menu id?

No, CSS Selectors don't allow this. They can only step down, not up.

You could do the equivalent in JavaScript, or... well, a long term
strategy might be lobby browser makers to support XPath or something. So
basically I don't have any good advice for you.

.Matthew Cruickshank

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[WSG] Style a parent element based on an id selector of the child element

2005-09-14 Thread Martin Smales

Hello, are you able solve this dilemma for 
Is there a way to style the td element with a 
background colour if an  element has a active_menu 


Re: [WSG] wishing not for picky browsers (was) Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-14 Thread heretic
> At 03:44 PM 9/7/2005, Christian Montoya wrote:
> >I was actually thinking the other day, browsers should be more like
> >compilers... they should refuse to parse incorrect code. Then the
> >enforcement would be on the output end, too.
> Why on earth would I want to use a browser that refused to show me
> pages that didn't validate?  I'd be blocked from seeing 98% of what's
> on the internet.

You're right in terms of what the user wants, but I would say that
what the user wants is not what is best for them. For example, we want
rich tasty food but it's not what's best for us all the time :)

Realistically the horse long since bolted on the concept. But imagine
two scenarios:

1) Code compilers were as forgiving as browsers

In this scenario, it wouldn't matter how broken, inefficient or
vulnerable (security holes) the program was; the compiler would
cheerfully let it through and it could end up on your computer.

Now think about how often you have to patch the average windows
machine to plug up the latest hole. Imagine how much worse it would be
if there was even less standards enforcement! :)

2) Browsers were as unforgiving as compilers

If this had always been the case, everything you could view on the web
would be standards-compliant. Or at least, as compliant as a computer
can test for... there would still be any number of ways for the human
element to create problems :)

So it's a nice daydream to think how things might have been; but
to introduce it now would be marketshare suicide for the browser

Personally I'd be fine with it; but most of the people on this list do
not fall in the "average" category and our pages are more likely to be
compliant. I think I'd just love to see the fallout against big
application vendors when all of their products ceased working

That was an awfully long way of saying, you're right in the current
practical sense; but I think the sentiment is more accurately applied
as "if we could turn back time...".



--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] Questions about the new european parliament web site

2005-09-14 Thread Alan Gutierrez
* Matthew Cruickshank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-13 19:39]:
> > Maybe it would be more educational if someone could describe how these
> > tags might have been built.
> > 
> > I'm assuming they are using a .net platform that has been horribly
> > hacked. Maybe I shouldn't throw blame immediately at .net, but I have
> > noticed similar things with them.
> > 
> > Should the CMS have translated all of the xml stuff into an action or
> > content? Is it just bad code?
> > 
> It's just bad code. They're almost certainly using Apache Cocoon to
> aggregate a bunch of XML formats together, but they haven't written
> their XSLT to strip namespaces or tags. This was the same problem that
> faced when it launched their Apache Cocoon site.
> The problem they're facing is that they've got XML coming from all kinds
> of sources, Eg, they might have a content repository providing XML like
>   Some title
>   Some content
> And they'll combine that with a couple of RSS feeds, some XHTML, and
> maybe some search engine results, and end up with a lot of XML
> namespaces and non-XHTML tags. This is no bad thing, provided they go to
> the effort of cleaning it up into XHTML.
> They could put another stage in their pipeline to filter the namespaces
> and such with some XSLT and using  exclude-result-prefixes=" ... ">
> Cleaning the result up into XHTML as the final stage in the pipeline
> though is messy, and generally it's better to write wrappers around all
> the XML you're aggregating, convert this to XHTML, and then keep a
> simple sitemap that just aggregates these wrappers together.

I'm following a process to transform the incoming feed into
clean Atom 1.0, ant to JTidy the content into XHTML. Then I can
take a standard set of transforms to convert into RSS 2.0, HTML,
and whatever else down the road.

Getting it clean coming in makes it much easier to keep it clean
going out.

Alan Gutierrez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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