[WSG] prevent cropping of a div

2006-01-09 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have a wrapper div containing a base display I want the base display 
to extend to

the full height of document or screen which ever is greater

However the background image in the base display is cropped when 
scrolling is required
this only occurs in FF, Safari and Opera - not in IE.  I have tried 
using borders instead of
background image on the base display no avail. 

I am seeking the impossible??

link below, have checked the mark & css both are vaild.


thanks in advance - Sam

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Re: [WSG] All in the Head: Document Type Definition

2006-01-09 Thread Lynne Pope
On 1/10/06, Martin Heiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Document Type Definitions were AFAIK first used by SGML and later
> for defining XML and XHTML. Because of the limitations of the DTD
> Language XML Schema has been developed. XML Schema is kind of
> heavyweight so that many people use the simpler RELAX NG instead.

Now I am getting confused! LOL
XML is a subset of SGML - right?
But DTD's define the elements. attributes and entities of the document
type, and their order, and just happen to use SGML to do so.  SGML not
XML - or am I missing something?

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Re: [WSG] Jello Mold not working right in IE/Win

2006-01-09 Thread Justin Carter
On 1/10/06, Justin Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I'm seeing in IE6 is a fixed width layout that is centered at
> resolutions above 1024x768. I'm also seeing a horizontal scrollbar on
> my second monitor at 1024x768 (maximised), so it seems the width might
> need to be 1 or 2 pixels less.

Sorry, I also meant to say that in IE6 it is displaying at fixed width
even below 1024x768. This was the whole point I was trying to make,
because the conditional comment is there to work around IE not
supporting max-width, however since the layout does not seem fluid
(i.e. it has a fixed width) there is no reason to even bother
implementing a max-width.

Did you intend the layout to be fluid at smaller resolutions?
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Re: [WSG] Jello Mold not working right in IE/Win

2006-01-09 Thread Justin Carter
On 1/10/06, Seona Bellamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone who is running a larger resolution than 1024x768 please have a
> look and tell me if the layout is holding up?
> Even better, can someone explain to me what the code in this conditional
> comment is doing in the first place? According to the Creator it is to "give
> IE/5/6/Win the javascript hack that helps them do max-width" but I'm not
> sure how or why

I think the numbers in the expression are entirely wrong. I believe IE
is always evaluating to tru because the clientWidth (browser window
width) is always larger than 0. expression() is used to evaluate a
JScript statement (its an MS proprietary thing I think), and the
statement in the code you pasted above is like a short hand of of an
IF..THEN..ELSE statement. It's evaluating the width of the browser
client window, then returning the value before the colon if the
expression is true, or the value after the colon if it's false.

What I'm seeing in IE6 is a fixed width layout that is centered at
resolutions above 1024x768. I'm also seeing a horizontal scrollbar on
my second monitor at 1024x768 (maximised), so it seems the width might
need to be 1 or 2 pixels less.

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Re: [WSG] Jello Mold not working right in IE/Win

2006-01-09 Thread Seona Bellamy
On 09/01/06, Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I haven't had a look at your page in IE win but noticed one thing inthe source code.In your conditional comment, the width of the _expression_ is set to anegative % value. Don't think that is correct.
Hmm... good point. This was code generated by the Jello Mold Creator,
and I just copied it with the assumption that it was correct. 

So I've removed the "-" sign, and that seemed to help a tiny bit. I
started playing with the numbers and eventually came up with:

This makes the scrollbars go away on my screen (I'm running 1024x768,
which is the smallest resolution that the Jello Mold is accommodating -
management decision, not mine). Not sure what it does on larger
screens, however, since this sorry excuse for a computer I'm given
doesn't do anything higher.

Can anyone who is running a larger resolution than 1024x768 please have a look and tell me if the layout is holding up?

Even better, can someone explain to me what the code in this
conditional comment is doing in the first place? According to the
Creator it is to "give IE/5/6/Win the _javascript_ hack that helps them
do max-width" but I'm not sure how or why. The values I've eventually
come up with seem to make it work, but they don't make any sense. Who's
going to have a window smaller than 8px???



[WSG] Document Type Definition

2006-01-09 Thread Karl Dawson
From: Martin Heiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:24:50 +0100
Subject: Re: [WSG] All in the Head: Document Type Definition


on Monday, January 9, 2006 at 16:29 wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:

>> "A Document Type Definition is an XML schema language and defines a
>> set of declarations that conform to a particular markup syntax."

>> Is this true for HTML DTD's? Are they XML as well?

>IMHO it's not wrong, but very confusing. A DTD defines a
>sort of schema, but DTDs aren't XML. They do the same, what can be
>achieved with XML Schema, but in a different way.

>Document Type Definitions were AFAIK first used by SGML and later
>for defining XML and XHTML. Because of the limitations of the DTD
>Language XML Schema has been developed. XML Schema is kind of
>heavyweight so that many people use the simpler RELAX NG instead.

>I think that Karl took that explanation from Wikipedia...

Yes I did :o
I was attempting to shield the reader (and myself lol) from the next
layer of geekiness down and concentrate more on the going forward with
the knowledge rather than it's roots overly much. Having said that,
could you (anyone) offer a neat sentence to clarify what I originally
said? That was the one part where I had to trust the source for it's


> Martin

Karl Dawson
Crusader for Web Standards and Accessibility
Accessites Team Member - http://www.accessites.org/

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone
regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
Tim Berners-Lee - W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

Re: [WSG] Dynamic DIV Height

2006-01-09 Thread James
Thanks for the help Seona,

I followed the advice in the URL you sent me and
everything works great. Well, sorta...

Adjusting the height created another issue in Opera 8.
It's no longer displaying the background image for
#sitewrapper. I'm not sure if it's a bug in Opera 8,
or it's due to my inexperience with CSS. I've tried
setting height to 100% in each id selector  and tried
various arrangements, but that didn't work. anybody
have any advice?

Page...: http://tinyurl.com/ae5uo
CSS: http://tinyurl.com/ddllf

Thanks for the help,


If you respond via mailing list please don't include
my URL to my site. I don't want it archived on the
list. Thanks!

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
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Re: [WSG] All in the Head: Document Type Definition

2006-01-09 Thread Martin Heiden

on Monday, January 9, 2006 at 16:29 wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:

> "A Document Type Definition is an XML schema language and defines a
> set of declarations that conform to a particular markup syntax."

> Is this true for HTML DTD's? Are they XML as well?

IMHO it's not wrong, but very confusing. A DTD defines a
sort of schema, but DTDs aren't XML. They do the same, what can be
achieved with XML Schema, but in a different way.

Document Type Definitions were AFAIK first used by SGML and later
for defining XML and XHTML. Because of the limitations of the DTD
Language XML Schema has been developed. XML Schema is kind of
heavyweight so that many people use the simpler RELAX NG instead.

I think that Karl took that explanation from Wikipedia...




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Re: [WSG] All in the Head: Document Type Definition

2006-01-09 Thread Christian Montoya
On 1/9/06, Karl Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "All in the Head" is a series of articles that I am publishing to concisely
> explain how and why to construct a high quality, web-standards compliant
> head section for a web page. The first article examines the Document Type
> Definition (DTD).
> http://www.thatstandardsguy.co.uk/2006/01/09/all-in-the-head-document-type-definitions/
> Comments, especially error-spotting and general "bravo" very welcome, it all
> helps with my work position.

"A Document Type Definition is an XML schema language and defines a
set of declarations that conform to a particular markup syntax."

Is this true for HTML DTD's? Are they XML as well?

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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Re: [WSG] Free CSS Editor Recomendations?

2006-01-09 Thread Michael Wilson

Artemis wrote:
I was wondering if the professionals in here can recommend any free CSS 
Editors that might possibly be geared towards a newbie to CSS.

There are quite a few free CSS and markup editors (including some for 
Mac) listed on the css-d mailing list wiki -- 

Best regards,
Michael Wilson

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[WSG] All in the Head: Document Type Definition

2006-01-09 Thread Karl Dawson
Dear All,Apologies if this is wanton self-promotion, let me know so I don't spam again next week ;-)"All in the Head" is 
a series of articles that I am publishing to concisely explain how and why to 
construct a high quality, web-standards compliant head section for a web page. 
first article examines the Document Type Definition 
(DTD).http://www.thatstandardsguy.co.uk/2006/01/09/all-in-the-head-document-type-definitions/Comments, especially error-spotting and general "bravo" very welcome, it all helps with my work position.
Regards,-- Karl DawsonCrusader for Web Standards and Accessibilityhttp://www.thatstandardsguy.co.uk--
Accessites Team Member - http://www.accessites.org/--"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
Tim Berners-Lee - W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

Re: [WSG] Semantic image gallery software

2006-01-09 Thread Joshua Street
On 1/9/06, Al Kendall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josh,
>Is it possible to leave the thumbnails with the main pic instead of
> having to go back the the thumbnails each time?
> Cheers
> Al

Sure thing, there's a fairly simple templating system that lets you do
just that if you so desire.

On 1/9/06, Rowan - RMW Web Publishing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With regards to the demo; it would be nice to provide a few more
> "hooks" (id's)
> in the HTML so that it makes things easier to style with CSS alone.

On a similar note, the templating thingamajig means you can insert
extra classes or IDs as required. The demo/default template is built
to be lean, and your point about absolute URIs is well received. (We
could cheat on the demo and just make it leaner that way, but...
well... you know). Hopefully that'll get into an update sometime

RE: H1 breadcrumb semantics, that struck me as being better than
having no headings at all. It's clearly a headER, if not a headING...
but I tend towards thinking it describes the upper-most level of
content on the page adequately. Point taken, though. One of the
difficulties in making default templates for something like this is
it's almost certain users (i.e. developers, not end-users) have their
own ideas about what the markup surrounding the gallery should be
like... so I consider the default template to be adequately generic
that people can see how it works in a vague sense and then change it
as they wish.

I'm interested to hear other peoples' opinions (on the breadcrumb
issue especially), but feature (i.e. non-markup)-specific comments
would be better sent offlist.

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