Hi all,

I've no doubt some of you know this, and some of you have read the
article, however in a turn of happy coincidence for myself as I was
trying to puzzle out the answer as to why my Monospace font heading in
Safari was not behaving as I thought it should, I happened to have Mr
Eric Meyers blog open in another browser; http://meyerweb.com and
therein was the answer;

To quickly summarise the article, firstly I didn't actually know (or
hadn't remembered) that whilst browsers default font size to 16px,
monospace fonts are sized at 13px. Additionally, sized in em's not all
browsers will transfer a monospace styled element it's parent font
size, and finally even after specifying the font family Safari still
won't confer the desired sizing.

As it transpires the work around is in the font-stack. Oddly by
setting the font-stack with 'serif' (or even sans-serif I presume) as
the final font family Safari finally plays ball, eg; (font-family:
"Corier Neu", monospace, serif; font-size: 1em;) - snippet taken from
Mr Meyers' article -

As this nearly became a question to the group and only lucky chance
provided the answer in minutes, and the information was previously
unknown to me, I thought I'd share especially to those creating novel
font stacks.

John Unsworth

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