Re: [WSG] un-border-collapse, possible?

2010-09-19 Thread tee
On Sep 19, 2010, at 2:17 PM, tee wrote:

> Hi David,
> Just got a chance to revisit this issue.
> I want the border radius for table. While setting up an example page I 
> realized why I thought border radius isn't possible was due to the background 
> colors I had for the table and td cell, with the combination of border radius 
> for table.
> Border collapsing is handy and clean when I want to have consistent borders 
> width in th and td cells (#1a) without having to declare border 
> (left/right/top/bottom) individually , and I'd been using this for years.

Also, something I'd just discovered, the "border collapse" is a remedy for an 
IE8 table bug which the table has a 100% width but it can't expand to the 
container's width. A bug I stumble on a couple times and got  it fixed but 
didn't quite know how I got it sorted, until just now,  I removed the border 
collapse in a site that I was working to try to get the radius effect, and 
found that it triggered the table bug.


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Re: [WSG] php word press error help

2010-09-19 Thread Joseph Ortenzi
You probably want to be mailing these questions to a wordpress
group, Marvin, as it's not a WSG issue.

Also, you don't need to run it on your local machine. it would make the most
sense to host it externally, on a shared server like Dreamhost, if you're OK
with a US-based server.


On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Marvin Hunkin wrote:

>  hi.
> where can i get the latest version of php and my sql.
> got wamp server 2.0.
> or is that over kill.
> will poste the error message below.
> read the word press help.
> went to word press admin, then install php.
> and here's the error message below.
> thank you for your help.
> marvin.
>  [image: WordPress] Error: PHP is not running
> WordPress requires that your web server is running PHP. Your server does
> not have PHP installed, or PHP is turned off.
> > [image: WordPress]get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$wpdb->users'") != null );
> // Ensure that Blogs appear in search engines by default $blog_public = 1;
> if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) $blog_public = isset( $_POST['blog_public'] );
> $weblog_title = isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ? trim( stripslashes(
> $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) : ''; $user_name = isset($_POST['user_name']) ?
> trim( stripslashes( $_POST['user_name'] ) ) : 'admin'; $admin_password =
> isset($_POST['admin_password']) ? trim( stripslashes(
> $_POST['admin_password'] ) ) : ''; $admin_email = isset(
> $_POST['admin_email'] ) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ) :
> ''; if ( ! is_null( $error ) ) { ?>
> ERROR: %s' ), $error ); ?>
> />
> ' . __( 'Already Installed' ) . '
> ' . __( 'You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall
> please clear your old database tables first.' ) . '
> ' . __('Log In') . ' 
> ' ); } $php_version = phpversion(); $mysql_version = $wpdb->db_version();
> $php_compat = version_compare( $php_version, $required_php_version, '>=' );
> $mysql_compat = version_compare( $mysql_version, $required_mysql_version,
> '>=' ) || file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php' ); if ( !$mysql_compat &&
> !$php_compat ) $compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress
> %1$s  requires PHP version %2$s
> or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s
> and MySQL version %5$s.'), $wp_version, $required_php_version,
> $required_mysql_version, $php_version, $mysql_version ); elseif (
> !$php_compat ) $compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress
> %1$s  requires PHP version %2$s
> or higher. You are running version %3$s.'), $wp_version,
> $required_php_version, $php_version ); elseif ( !$mysql_compat ) $compat =
> sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress 
> %1$srequires MySQL version %2$s or 
> higher. You are running version %3$s.'),
> $wp_version, $required_mysql_version, $mysql_version ); if ( !$mysql_compat
> || !$php_compat ) { display_header(); die(' ' . __('Insufficient
> Requirements') . '
> ' . $compat . '
> '); } switch($step) { case 0: // Step 1 case 1: // Step 1, direct link.
> display_header(); ?>
> ReadMe documentation at your leisure. Otherwise, just fill in the
> information below and you’ll be on your way to using the most extendable and
> powerful personal publishing platform in the world.' ), '../readme.html' );
> ?>
> error ) ) wp_die( $wpdb->error->get_error_message() ); display_header(); //
> Fill in the data we gathered $weblog_title = isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] )
> ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) : ''; $user_name =
> isset($_POST['user_name']) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['user_name'] ) ) :
> 'admin'; $admin_password = isset($_POST['admin_password']) ?
> $_POST['admin_password'] : ''; $admin_password_check =
> isset($_POST['admin_password2']) ? $_POST['admin_password2'] : '';
> $admin_email = isset( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ?trim( stripslashes(
> $_POST['admin_email'] ) ) : ''; $public = isset( $_POST['blog_public'] ) ?
> (int) $_POST['blog_public'] : 0; // check e-mail address $error = false; if
> ( empty( $user_name ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke display_setup_form( __('you
> must provide a valid username.') ); $error = true; } elseif ( $user_name !=
> sanitize_user( $user_name, true ) ) { display_setup_form( __('the username
> you provided has invalid characters.') ); $error = true; } elseif (
> $admin_password != $admin_password_check ) { // TODO: poka-yoke
> display_setup_form( __( 'your passwords do not match. Please try again' ) );
> $error = true; } else if ( empty( $admin_email ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke
> display_setup_form( __( 'you must provide an e-mail address.' ) ); $error =
> true; } elseif ( ! is_email( $admin_email ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke
> display_setup_form( __( 'that isn’t a valid e-mail address. E-mail addresses
> look like:' ) ); $error = true; } if ( $error ===
> false ) { $wpdb->show_errors(); $result = wp_install

Re: [WSG] un-border-collapse, possible?

2010-09-19 Thread tee
Hi David,

Just got a chance to revisit this issue.

I want the border radius for table. While setting up an example page I realized 
why I thought border radius isn't possible was due to the background colors I 
had for the table and td cell, with the combination of border radius for table.

Border collapsing is handy and clean when I want to have consistent borders 
width in th and td cells (#1a) without having to declare border 
(left/right/top/bottom) individually , and I'd been using this for years.

I needed to do something like #6 (still not perfect due to the space in th 
cell) without the hassle of #6 codes, but it's not possible with simple code 
like this:

table {border-radius: 15px; border-collaspe: collapse}
table, th, td {border:1px solid #369; }


On Sep 15, 2010, at 5:59 PM, David Hucklesby wrote:

> On 9/15/10 10:42 AM, tee wrote:
>> When border-collapse is declared, it can't do border-radius.
>> I have this: table {border-collapse:collapse}
>> Because the site has many table layouts, it's easier to declare
>> border-collapse in the table, but in one specific table in a given
>> page I want to use border-radius, however I can't overwrite the
>> border-collapse:collapse. Another two options are "separate" and
>> "inherit".
>> ?
> I'm unclear as to whether you want the table border rounded, or the
> table cells? I'm going to assume you mean the individual cells, since
> you mention border-collapse--which applies to the cells.
> Yes, to apply rounded corners to the cells, you will need to use these
> CSS properties:
> border-collapse: separate;
> border-spacing: length [ length ];
> Now you can apply border-radius to the cells (I have done it...)
> Getting the layout to match in IE 5-7 may be problematic, as the
> border-spacing property is ignored. The only option here is to use the
> cellspacing attribute of the  itself. Not a good option either,
> as you can only set a single value, rather than the "x" and "y" values
> that are optional in CSS border-spacing.
> Aside: the border-collapse does not affect the border on the table. But
> you already knew that...
> Cordially,
> David
> --
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