Re: [WSG] Chinese translations and PHP includes

2006-03-20 Thread Micky Mourelo
Hi Adrian,

> when I save the include, all Chinese characters are rendered as a series of 
> question marks.

Could it be just a problem with your editor? Are you saving the file
with the right encoding? What happens when you reopen the files on
your editor?

> I do not place any header in my includes
You need not. Only on the final page.

Have you tried including those files manually on the final page
(copy&paste)? If you get the same result then it has nothing to do
with php or includes.

You seem to be serving no http encoding headers. Maybe sending the
http enconding could help.
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Re: [WSG] Odd FireFox div background image behavior

2006-03-20 Thread Micky Mourelo
Whenever you float elements inside another element, the element
contaning the floats needs to have an overlow defined and a width, the
width should not be 100% or IE will still not expand the container.
This is what the spec says in an obscure part; and an obscure manner.

#containerDiv {overflow:hidden;width:770px;}

This, IMHO, is better, and more correct, than the display:table
solution (besides if I'm not sure all browsers will support
display:table). But sometimes setting widths and/or overflows it is
not an option. Another option is to float the container, and another
one (the worst option if there was no element already on the code) is
to have another element after the floated ones set to clear:both.
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-16 Thread Micky Mourelo
If you a referring to the for/id issue, yes, that is the way. As for
the rest of the xhtml depends on what you want to achieve. But looks
ok to me.
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Re: [WSG] Employee Hierarchy in CSS

2006-03-16 Thread Micky Mourelo
Nope, empty divs are not really nice. But empty divs are just the
symptom, why do you want to present an empty container? I've had
designers do stuff like that, always having 3 boxes for products per
row whether there'd be less than 3 products.

If your case is something like that, and it is a visual problem, like
having 3 blue boxes, or anything of the sort, try having a background
span three columns, thus even if you only have 1 div, you get the
visuals for three. This may be too specific, I know. If you could
expand on this we could try to help.

Just do not use a  or  when you can set the img to block and
get the same results. And I would go, intead of divs, for a UL with
IMG and captions inside the LI.

You could also try this





I have even gone to the extent of using DL's with DD's being the
captions and DT's being the IMG.

Same css method as yours but I do not see the need for classes, at
least not 2 classes, one (for that exception you mention) would
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-16 Thread Micky Mourelo
To Richard Czeiger:

That's one of the problems of copy & paste :o) anyway, I thought it
was obvious that my code was just an example, maybe should have
preceeded it with "pseudo-code", but just in case: never leave name=""
in blank and never use a "field" id for a field :op.

This discussion is getting old. Legends are optional from XHTML 1.0 on
and the for attribute is an aid for ie users, so use it since it is
not wrong (maybe just redundant, but not wrong in any way) to use it
at all.
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-15 Thread Micky Mourelo
> You don't need to set the for and id attributes when the input is within
> the label because the association is implicit.

Not on IE. IE won't make the label clickable unless it is associated
through "for".

> The legend is a required child of fieldset.

What do you mean by required? Accessibility issue? Specwise the DTD
seems to say it is optional, and the validator agrees.
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-15 Thread Micky Mourelo
Hi Richard,

 I looked at your example. You need not use a fieldset for every
input. All you have to do is put the input inside the label, set the
label to block and a margin-left to the input; and save the fieldset
for a real field set. As for the title (Mr, Ms. etc) the thing to do
would be:


In this case you would set the labels to inline.

But in reality I would recommend either forgetting about the legend
(p?), almost impossible to style, or to position:absolute it; not that
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Re: [WSG] Tag clouds

2006-03-14 Thread Micky Mourelo
Tag clouds are, almost always, a list of links ordered alphabetically, in which the more "whatever", the bigger in font size. So it seems logical to use a simple UL with As in every LI.You are right about semantic meaning on presentation, but you could add the frequency to the tag {Japan (14798) Kyoto (12585)}; you could even hide it through css (I do not sse the problem here, after all font size would be representing the frequency) You're example is not bad as it is really a table what you are coding, but you are showing less information trough presentation, why hide data? as I understand it you have 3 columns but through css you only show info regarding 2 columns.
If your data consisted of only 2 columns, would you still use a table?My point is, tags usually only carry two data, tag and frequency, so a UL or DL often do. In your case a table might seem more correct only if you really need those 3 columns.
Please no BIG or SMALL, we are going forward not backwards.If you show the frequency number you have more semantics than strongs or ems will ever have, so using classes would be the way to go, and, as someone pointed out, you need more than two levels of magnitude on tag clouds; otherwise they would not look like clouds,

Re: [WSG] Usability issue with form help

2006-03-13 Thread Micky Mourelo
Maybe I'm missing your point, but using the tabindex attribute does not
solve your problem?, You can set the tabindex to cycle trough the
inputs and then continue with the help links. It is a totally
accessible method; a bit uncomfortable (to have to pass through all the
input fields to get to the help links, but the links are reachable)

Accesskeys are not good here because they would launch the help instead of focusing it.

Or you could show the help information on focus, either via css (not on
ie) or _javascript_, which would be a lot more informative as everyone
knows how to fill their last name, but if you put a question mark next
to the input field it will make them wonder if they have to fill their
last name in an unfrequent fashion.

BTW: Your example has a  repeated and you should put the meta before the title.