RE: [WSG] : Problem with attribute "BORDER" in movint to strict mode is solved

2006-01-05 Thread Jes Bigum
Thank you all Terrence, Nic and Kvnmcwebn

I got it working. With

li img{border:0px;}

(I´m completly self-trained and have pretty nice gaps in my knowledge.)

I liked -

li a#current {
background: url(path/to/image.gif) no-repeat 0 50%;
padding-left: img-width; /* add value in px */ }
- very much but it seems that it chooses the top line of the list as current
all the time?  I´ll fiddel around with it. 

THANKS very much. Going strict...


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[WSG] : Problem with attribute "BORDER" in movint to strict mode. (the dotting of t's)

2006-01-05 Thread Jes Bigum





I´m trying build this site, in strict mode, bu i´m having
trouble removing the border of the image inserted in the list.

(the image, is supposed to shift line to the appropriate
line on navigation), can anybody help me with this problem.?  
(css not separated yet).



Thank you in advance, 




RE: [WSG] Claiming compliance when a site doesn't' actually comply

2006-01-05 Thread Jes Bigum
Hi Nic. 

Good Question,

but I think that people just dont know, Maybe a wordlist at, and other webplaces alike would help, a wordlist that
in a very short manner explains the most important terms in a short and
mayby allegoric manner (sure a ship with a enginge of chewing gum will flow
downstream but). I think mayby a little more tranparency in the
discussions will help people get on the wagon. People arguing for Web
standards have by far the best arguments. And the arguments, they are
getting better and better.  

And besides The people that exclusivly relies on WYSIWYG are a lost cause

Bevare of the false profets.  

KR, Jes. 

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