[WSG] Multiple class names in older browsers

2005-06-01 Thread Maxine Sherrin

I need to find out if multiple class names, like this:

Heading level 1


h1.blue {
background-color: purple; }

h1.orange {
font-size: 500%; }

Were supported in older browsers, in particular IE5 and IE5.5.

Is anyone able to just take a quick look at the following page in 
either or both those browsers and let me know?




Maxine Sherrin

web : westciv.com

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[WSG] Any Safari 1.0 users out there?

2005-03-31 Thread Maxine Sherrin
I wonder if someone could confirm something for me. I got a comment the 
other day about a specific page at our site having major problems in 
Safari 1.0. I don't actually have access to Safari 1.0, and the person 
who made the comment now seems to have disappeared.

But, being a in the business of selling software to Mac customers, and 
this being the opening page to our site, I'm a little paranoid about 
something like this. I've actually worked on instinct and figured that 
the problem was being caused by using an image replacement technique, 
so I've ditched this and gone back to a good old inline image.
I'd really appreciate it if someone who had Safari 1.0 could have a 
look at this page for me.

And if it is a stinking wreck, are other pages the same?, eg
Maxine Sherrin

web : westciv.com
blog : http://westciv.typepad.com/standards/
flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxine/
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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[WSG] Unicode-bidi and direction

2005-01-31 Thread Maxine Sherrin
Just wondering: does anyone here have any experience with these two 

I've got a handle from the specs how you actually use them, but, are 
they in fact supported in any browsers such as Opera, Firefox or Safari 
(or any others of course, but I'm kind of assuming that with IE the 
answer is "no".

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Re: [WSG] Comment before the DOCTYPE?

2005-01-23 Thread Maxine Sherrin
On 24/01/2005, at 1:40 PM, JohnyB wrote:
I think it is a lot easier to treat all IE/win (5+) as one and
the same, so I always use the OK, will prolly do this, Although being the postmodernist that I am, 
I'm quite enjoying the doc as it is now, with a comment which refers to 
the fact that "this is a comment" :-)

thx for everyone's directions though - very much appreciated
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[WSG] Comment before the DOCTYPE?

2005-01-23 Thread Maxine Sherrin
I'm going through all the templates which came from our design 
competiton which will be used in Style Master 4, knocking them into 
shape. I've found one which puts a comment *before* the DOCTYPE 
declaration. And of course, when you remove this comment the layout 
breaks in IE6.

Contrary to what I would have thought, the document still validates (as 
XHTML strict) even with this comment there.

A little bit of guessing and research tells me that obviously the 
comment is making the browser drop into quirks mode. But I want to 
document this for people who ultimately use the template. Does anyone 
have any good info on:

1. how/why this particular trick works.
2. whether the document really is valid or not. I mean, it validates, 
but there's no shortage of places in the spec where it says "the 
DOCTYPE declaration has to come before anything else"

3. any good reasons why using a comment like this is bad in some way - 
you know, will I start growing hair on the back of my hands or 
something like that?

Thx in advance
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[WSG] Font size, and how large is large enough?

2004-03-22 Thread Maxine Sherrin
Hi all,

Have just started major site overhaul at www.westciv.com which will 
boldly try for

1. XHTML (would love strict but will prob. have to settle for 
3. improved architecture
4. uber-sexy stylishness

But this very first afternoon I'm pondering a couple of related things 
that I would really like a bit of peer review on.

1. I want people to be able to read the text on my page, but I also 
want it to look stylish and not bulky. Is it possible to have both of 
these things? What do people prefer to do at the moment? I only ask 
because time and again when I go to a page and say "hey, I really like 
the text on this page" and then see that it is set using pixels or 
points and doesn't change in size when you increase the text size in 

2. What degree of increase in text size must my layout be able to cope 
with? I know some designs can cope with any increase, eg

but as soon as you try to do anything sophisticated with both a 
vertical and a horizontal navbar you seem to invariably get problems.

How acceptable is it to fix the font size in navbars?, as is done here


Sorry to have gone on, and of course none of this is by way of 
criticism of any of these sites - it's just a theme I noticed once I 
started looking for a solution to my own problem. Any opinions, debate, 
much appreciated.


Maxine Sherrin
Westciv: software and courses for the standards based web
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help