Hi, my name is Nigel. I run a little firm in Colorado. I have been lurking around here for a few months now so I figured it was time to hop in and say hello.

I just overhauled my site as well so comments are welcome. I have stuff to do yet I completely mucked up my accessibility.

Take note the purpose of my post is to say hello and ask the following.

I have added a link exchange to my site here www.ultimatechcc.com/resources/links I would be into adding a webstandards group members link exchange for those interested. If I get a little activity I will go ahead and add the catagory for it. I operate out of an unusual business model and typically like to appear to help people for a living. However I am not really interested in adding just some web dude to my page. You need to know whats up :) Thus far that would seem to characterize all of you folks...... given the nature of things I will keep it to a few links a page and you can have whatever link text and description you would like...

thanks, and glad I finally popped in..

Nigel Lew
E-Commerce Project Manager
Ultimatech Creative Consultancy
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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