Re: [WSG] Image with borders due to Anchor tag

2009-01-17 Thread Simon Moss
Isn't it because the img tag when within an anchor tag will by default 
show a blue border around it - behaviour from the days before css? 
Separate behaviour from the anchor tag itself - a special instance of 
the img tag itself.

So if you're wondering why - well - because of history? (I never thought 
working with the web would make me feel old... ;-)  )

Simon M
The question, better explained is, using the above code, why do you 
have to apply the CSS attribute, border: none;, to the image tag 
within the anchor tag? Rather than using text-decoration: none;, to 
the anchor tag, like you would use it to apply to an anchor tag with 
text in it to remove the underline.


a href=link.html style=text-decoration: none;text is now not 

a href=link.htmltext is now underlined/a

As the anchor tag automatically applies the blue, underlined part of 
the text, when surrounding an image tag it puts the underline on the 
image, but in a blue border form around the image. Why use border: 
none; to the image rather than text-decoration: none; to the anchor tag?

If you have a page that needs all the links to have no underline or 
border (if an image is a link as well), why would want to have to 
have to declarations for that, rather than one? You could have:

 text-decoration: none;

a img
 border: none;

but that takes a little more coding. Not that much more but still... 
you could have just used the a { text-decoration: none; }.

Brett P.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Software to read aloud web pages (targetted at literacy issues not vision issues)

2008-04-04 Thread Simon Moss

Rebecca Cox wrote:

Someone's asked me about software that will read aloud from a web
page, in a user friendly way
Hi Rebecca - I don't know if you're aware of the Voice facility in Opera 
9 - you have to enable Voice Controlled browsing in the preferences 
which means you download a 10.5 MB file, but then you just highlight 
text you want to have read out, hold Scroll Lock and press V and it is 
read out.

Sadly it is in an American accent - but you can choose the gender of the 
voice and modify it a little. You're probably looking for something a 
little more advanced than this - but thought I'd point it out as it is 
so quick and easy!


Tel: 0117 908 3831
Mob: 07843 383395

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Strange CSS problem

2007-12-16 Thread Simon Moss

Michael Horowitz wrote:
Interesting as Andrew pointed out the issue does not occur is IE 6.  I 
have it only occur in IE 7 which would make it a new IE bug.   The 
frustrating part of typepad is I cannot delete the original css 
declaration only overwrite it with the new one.

I'm also new to learning firebug, how does it show you this is 
occurring.  I've mainly found it useful for javascript debugging.

I didn't realise that typepad gave those constraints. That is frustrating!

If you open Firebug in a new window and select the html in the left hand 
window, and css in the right hand window, then any html element that you 
click on in the left hand window will have all relevant (and 
over-ridden) css style rules for that element displayed in the right 
hand window. It's indispensable!

I think somehow IE7 is recognising an over-ridden style as still being 
relevant once another link in the page has been clicked - I assumed it 
was the rule on line 228 - but that is just a guess. I hope that's of 
some help.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] introducing a prompt to download or open a pdf

2007-10-16 Thread Simon Moss
They certainly don't make it easy to find -

Someone suggested using a PDF icon.

Is this something you can get from adobe?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Simon Moss

Designer wrote:

Andrew Maben wrote:
But as to the cost of compliant, accessible HTML, does anyone *not* 
find it quicker and easier (and hence cheaper) to write than tag soup?
Recently, his son got involved and mailed me to say that a friend of 
his was doing it for nothing and he could do it very quickly, so he 
was replacing my stuff with his friend's. It would be unprofessional 
to name names, so i won't, but suffice to say that this person is not 
an amateur.  You want a laugh?  Look at the work he's produced :

Thing is, all my effort and work to provide him with a decent site has 
gone down the tubes.  Standards?
A quick look at the code suggests it's more a case for crying. You say 
this person is not an amateur - but one look shows that they have used 
Dreamweaver without ever looking at the code that Dreamweaver generates. 
I stopped training people in how to use Dreamweaver when MX first came 
in back in 2004 - (and I've been doing penance for training people to 
use WYSIWYG editors ever since!).

This is what we're up against - the lobby for who web design is quick 
and dirty and done with a WYSIWYG editor without any regard for the 
code, standards, accessibility or very much else (not a single alt 
attribute on the page I looked at!). You must be gutted, Bob!

Andrew - this is what we're facing. It is easier to write compliant and 
accessible HTML - but how many designers are writing code at all (or 
care at all about standards?). The gap between WYSIWYG users and web 
artisans is growing wider - not narrowing!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] question on 'logical tab order'

2007-09-22 Thread Simon Moss

You shall able to navigate this site using tab features with your 
keyboards comfortably. Logical tab orders are taken into account to 
prevent confusion;  :active and :focus pseudo classes are used so that 
links and form items are highlighted when they are 'tabbed to'. [1]

Hi Tee,

I would first point out is that this will be almost meaningless to 
anyone other than people familiar with html and css - so this is a 
message to web designer colleagues, but certainly not to the general 
public! Having said that - I'm not a language expert (gave up teaching 
English 17 years ago!) but below I've put a couple of versions, with 
explanations below them.

You will be able to navigate this site comfortably using the tab key on 
your keyboard. Logical tab order is taken into account to prevent 
confusion; :active and :focus pseudo classes are used so that links and 
form items are highlighted when they are 'tabbed to'.


You should be able to navigate this site comfortably using the tab key 
on your keyboard. Logical tab order is taken into account to prevent 
confusion; :active and :focus pseudo classes are used so that links and 
form items are highlighted when they are 'tabbed to'. (Why not when 
they are focussed. ?)

Explanation of changes:

You shall able - could be You shall be able - but that sounds 
awkward - it is more common to say You will be able or even to change 
the tense to You should be able which I think fits the meaning better.

I moved comfortably from the end of the sentence - eg:

navigating the site should be comfortable when using the tab key on your 

rather than:

navigating the site when using the tab key should be comfortable

(what you had was not incorrect - but I think moving the word 
comfortably to the middle of the sentence is a more direct way of 
saying what you want to say).

Logical tab order is seen as a singular item - you are talking about one 
thing - the logic of the tab order (even though that splits up into many 
parts). It is confusing when you stop to look at it!

I hope this is helpful!


Tel: 0117 908 3831
Mob: 07843 383395

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari now on Windows

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Moss
I've just downloaded Safari 3.0 (522.11.3) and I'm running it on Win XP  
Pro SP2 and have to say I haven't experienced any problems so far (touch  
wood). The fonts are fine, and I even used the bug report button - it took  
a long time, but didn't crash as others are reporting.

FWIW I have been running iTunes and Quicktime on this machine - I wonder  
if that has anything to do with it?


Gary Barber wrote:
Main problem I have with safari is on win xp sp2 none of the fonts it  
wants to use render at all. Makes life very interesting.

Tel: 0117 908 3831
Mob: 07843 383395

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ie positioning help needed

2007-06-02 Thread Simon Moss

Hi Kevin,

It's still acting up in IE7 (and IE6 appears to have width problems with  
the #header div which is throwing everything out)...

In IE7 it seems to be reading the position relative from where the  
#gradient div is in the code - that is, if you set top to 0, it aligns  
with the bottom of the #wrapper div. The only way I can get #gradient to  
appear in the right place (while keeping the current code) in IE7 is to  
apply top: -125px.

You could use conditional comments to serve that up exclusively to IE7 -  
but does the #gradient div really need to be outside the #wrapper div?  
Would a z-index not place it over the #rightcol div?

HTH - but I hope this casts some light on what's happening in IE7.

Cheers for now,


Theres a div acting up in ie7(6 as well?) -
it shows up on the bottom right of the ie7 screen but works in ff and  
Since i was made aware of the problem Ive made changes but need to see  
another screen shot to see if they've had any effect.

Tel: 0117 908 3831
Mob: 07843 383395

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] ie positioning help needed

2007-06-02 Thread Simon Moss
It still doesn't work - it's doing the same thing, but from directly  
beneath the text instead of from directly beneath the wrapper.

I haven't used position:relative much myself, so can't cast any light on  
why IE is behaving differently.

Given that it is treating position:relative differently from all the other  
browsers, I reckon using conditional comments and giving IE a different  
stylesheet for that one value would make sense.



kevin mcmonagle wrote:

I put it inside the wrapper in the version below-it works as you  
suggested in ff and safari.

How does this look on your end?

Tel: 0117 908 3831
Mob: 07843 383395

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] target and accessibility

2007-03-10 Thread Simon Moss
In fact there is a let-out clause - - you *can* use the same  
text for different links, providing you use unique title text for each  

(still irritating - but as you say - there is a point there...)


That's why it failed validation of course.  viz:

13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link. [Priority 2]
 Link text should be meaningful enough to make sense when read out  
of context -- either on its own or as part of a sequence of links. Link  
text should also be terse.
 For example, in HTML, write Information about version 4.3 instead  
of click here. In addition to clear link text, content developers may  
further clarify the target of a link with an informative link title  
(e.g., in HTML, the title attribute).

So I repeat : 20 items for sale would have to be:

Buy now,
Buy it now,
Buy this now,
Now buy it,
Get it at once,
Purchase now,
Get yer wallet out,
Fork out now,
Dig in for the dosh,

etc etc.  :-)

Ludicrous!  I see the point, obviously, but really!!!

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