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On 22 Aug 2005, at 12:18 AM, Jan Brasna wrote:

Does this statement imply the machine hosting Virtual PC and IE becomes vulnerable to malicious software?

No. Only the guest OS (WXP, W2K) is vulnerable. It runs in sandbox.

no reason to suspect anything will be different

Colors are different (due to the matter of Mac's different gamma).

It's straightforward to set up a monitor profile with a gamma that matches a PC's.

How does using VPC, compare to just using Browser Cam?

You can try behavior or interaction too.

..and resize browser windows, zoom text etc, to check effectiveness of liquid design.

Personally, I find being able to test CSS variations (box model hacks, for instance) in real time, in a real browser environment, an invaluable dvelopment tool, and one that was well worth the expense. Heck, I covered the cost of the software in the time I saved testing the first site I built after I installed it!

Omnivision. Websight.

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