tee wrote:
> 1) wrap the input inside 'label' is bad practice - so I have not done
> that for years.

No it isn't. Using the for attribute is best practise, but there is no
harm in doing both (unless you need the elements to be separate for
styling purposes).

> 2) learned that 'button' is better over the 'input' for submit

No, it isn't. It has more flexibility, but is buggy in Internet Explorer
so you have to apply work arounds. It isn't worth it unless you need the
features provided by the button element.

> 3) Will wrapping button inside 'label' is: a) OK - no ill effect
> whatsoever; b) very good; c) bad- never do that.

Entirely pointless - the label for buttons is content of the button
element (or value of the input element).

David Dorward                               <http://dorward.me.uk/>

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