Or better yet... change that height to 1.2em and it will work with resizing text too (up to about 200% at least)

looks like a job for a table!
or even a definition list...
why did you use an ol?

try this
#searchlist ol li span.date {display: block;height:20px;width: 100px;float:left}
li {clear:left}

I added a small height to the span and clear:left to the li
works on mozilla... I didn't teste others


Peter Ottery wrote:

Hi all,
I've got a simple list of events with dates and am trying to keep it as a simple ordered list.
http://www.c41.com.au/test.html shows my example with everything else stripped out. (the css is inline just for ease of creating the example.)
I thought I had it sorted until I realised that it goes a bit out of whack when the event name is long and wraps back down underneath the date.
I'd like to have the event name wrap - but just under itself - basically the same as a simple but ye olde table structure would where each date/event name were in a different table cell.
any ideas on how to get this working nicely or a better way of doing it?
pete ottery

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