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> On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 17:41:32 +1000, Alan Harrison wrote:
>> Mark is quite correct when he says that complex e-mail harvesters will
>> probably work around these methods, but it appears that most of the
>> harvesting is done by very basic programs that are looking only for e-mail
>> addresses stored in conventional format.
> Assuming true intelligence on the part of a spammer is probably going
> too far, but it does occur to me that it is in the interests of
> spammers not to try too hard to collect addresses.
> By only collecting the most easily found addresses (ie the
> un-obfuscated ones) they:
> 1) still get many millions of addresses to use and
> 2) are less likely to reach the group that will report them.
> But that sort of thinking assumes sensible reasoning on the part of the
> spammer. :)
> FTR - I've had great success with minimising spam with simple
> replacement with character entities. Note that I also hide the
> 'mailto:' part.
> Lea

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