[Apologies for cross-postings]

The Canberra Information Architects group is having a very special speaker at their upcoming Cocktail Hour on Thursday 2 October. The session will be relevant to anyone having to make sense of legal or compliance documents, such as standards and guidelines, and as such we thought the folk on this mailing list might be interested.

Details below:


The next Canberra IA Cocktail Hour is Thursday 2 October 2008. We are delighted to have Nathan McDonald, Service Director of the Mustor Institute, coming down from Sydney especially to speak to us.

The Mustor Institute works hard to make the complex world of regulation, business, contracts etc accessible for, and understandable by, all through their novel “Regulatory DNA (MIS 1000)” approach. This system for navigating through these difficult domains has been described as “revolutionary” and “one of the most exciting developments”.

Nathan will demonstrate the clarity and simplicity provided by the DNA method using examples such as:

    * NSW Building Industry payment regulations;
* Austrac Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) regulations;
    * Australian Department of Defence contracts; and
    * Australian Taxation Office regulations.

The session aims to be interactive and practical, so we want you to submit examples of the legal texts that you have to work with (e.g. contracts, policies, regulations and agreements). Nathan will use these as an exercise and point of discussion. Send your examples, preferably in Word or RTF format, to jessica [at] formulate [dot] com [dot] au by close of business on Monday 1 October.

Join us for what’s guaranteed to be a thought-provoking and fascinating meeting. You’re also welcome to come for an informal dinner afterwards in Manuka/Kingston.

Time: 17:30-19:00
Day/Date: Thursday 2 October 2008
Venue: Stamford Interactive
Level 1
301 Canberra Avenue (right near Officeworks)

Please RSVP to [facibus AT gmail DOT com] as soon as possible for catering purposes.



Jessica Enders
Formulate Information Design
Phone: (02) 6116 8765
Fax: (02) 8456 5916
PO Box 5108
Braddon ACT 2612

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