Joseph R. B. Taylor wrote:

Trouble is if I stick a floated element in the center column and then
try to clear it with another element, the element with the style of "clear" clears the whole left column instead of just the floated element within the center column.

Is there a fix for that behavior? Is it a matter of sticking a position style of some kind on the center column?

It's a matter of isolating the center column - or parts of it - from the
rest of the page.
That can be done by establishing a new 'block formatting context'[1] for
the good browsers, and playing around IE/win Layout-bugs[2] to achieve
the same. IE7 is harder to convince, but it can be done.

I tried that in your page, and it worked in Opera and IE/win, but some
of that javascript stuff created problems for such a solution in Firefox - made it freeze, so I gave up.
It might be worth a try at your end though.


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