----- Original Message ----- From: Nathanael Boehm
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Problem with onclick and onClick

Geez, it's been a while since I've used Dreamweaver ... but I think I had this problem once. Not sure if it was with DW or some other HTML editor but there was some setting whereby the editor went through and "cleaned up" my code upon save ... so it's not your server, it's your HTML editor thinking it's helping you out.

I'd have no idea where the setting is though ... sorry.

Nathanael Boehm
Canberra, Australia
0409 288 464

Thanks Nathan, I found it : (I'm using dreamweaver CS4) under the 'a' tag, there is a choice of format for 'onlick' and the default is 'mixed case'. I changed it to lower case and all is now well. What threw me was that all my code was correct - all in lower case - and it was only on upload that Dreamweaver changed the case!



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