I'm getting this and find nothing on a search: element "nolayer" undefined

It's part of an existing site forms so have to keep it as far as I know....how do you "define" nolayer?



----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Horizontal Menu- Site Check

Joshua Street wrote:

No help there right now, coz I'm at home and without access to IE,
BUT... I do have a bug report for you.

Firefox 1.0.x/Linux (and presumably on every other platform, and
probably 1.5 also) your "menubase.gif" background for the
"Destinations" menu (left column) really isn't working too well. I
sized the text up and down and still couldn't get it to match the
lines in the background image. You probably should seriously think
about putting that background on the LI instead, because it's...
moderately broken at the minute (I imagine it could/would also be
broken in IE at non-default (or even default) text sizes, too).

That aside, I like the site... especially the front page... nifty
boxes! (Mind you, the smaller square content boxes are doing some
funky stuff with enable/disable CSS with web developer's toolbar in
Firefox... suffice to say you won't have too many people with that
problem outside this list! ;-))

Thanks Josh,

I see the menu situation now thanks, will throw it into the li.
I have no idea what you mean when disabling css and the boxes on main page, they are all background images in the stylesheet so when I disable styles they dont show...

Feedback is appreciated thanks! This one was a big job and continuing but very close to releasable..

Bruce Prochnau
BKDesign Solutions

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