Title: Message
I have,  for a number of years, used and recommended a particular shopping cart (not going to advertise it here) 
Unfortunately, as with many such programs, the output it generates is laced with deprecated tags and attributes, nested tables and element nesting errors galore.  Besides, it is resource intensive as it's trying to be all things to all people.  Starting to look like bloatware (about 100 scripts, most with font elements etc in them).  Many features, of which most shops would only use a handful.
Does anyone know of any shopping cart software (preferably in ASP) that produces valid XHTML1 strict output and gives the web designer all the flexibility he/she needs with templates and CSS?  I'm not fussed if it still has a table layout as long as it's not nesting them.
Given recent discussions, one would expect such a cart to be inexpensive, since developing to standards is easier :-)
I've searched Google but couldn't find any.  I'd develop one myself, but haven't got the time and I'm not a programmer (though I'd love to give it a go).
Thanks in advance
Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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