Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-07 Thread Mordechai Peller
Patrick H. Lauke wrote: Veine K Vikberg wrote:
So it's not WAI that's unforgiving, but Bobby in its miopic 
application of the guidelines (which are, at this stage, already quite 
out of date in many areas such as the one discussed here).
There is really a quite simple solution, which is what you should be 
doing anyway: separate out the behavioral layer. A very good source is 
/Unobtrusive JavaScript 

Bobby *DOES NOT* examine external JavaScript files, so it will be none 
the wiser. If you think it might be cheating, think again; you're just 
protecting it from it's own (well documented) flaws.

Here's your anchor:
In an EXTERNAL JavaScript file have:
function addLoadEvent(func) {
 var oldOnload = window.onload;
 if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
   window.onload = func;
 } else {
   window.onload = function() {
function getElementsByClassName(className, node){
   node = node||document; // Defaults to document object if no node is 
   var all = node.all||node.getElementsByTagName('*');
   var arr = new Array();
   for(var i=0; i
   if(all[i].className == className){
   arr[arr.length] = all[i];
   return arr;

function addPopUps () {
   var i;
   var popups = getElementsByClassName("popup");
   for (i=0; i
   popups[i].onclick = function (){;return 

if (document.getElementByTagName) {
Note:* Much of the above I originally adapted from various sources. 
While I haven't tested addPopUps, I adapted it from working code I've 
written. Also, if needed, getElementsByClassName can be easily adapted 
to handle tags with multiple class names by using a regular expression.
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 03:41 AM 12/7/2004 +, you wrote:
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
If you try and validate anything towards the standards at Bobby (which is 
the measurement my clients in the public sector uses) there is no way you 
can get around the redundancy, if you only do onclick it gives you an 
error at level 2, that is what I mean with unforgiving.
So it's not WAI that's unforgiving, but Bobby in its miopic application of 
the guidelines (which are, at this stage, already quite out of date in 
many areas such as the one discussed here).
True on both accounts, a tired Swede in diaspora shouldn't be allowed to 
answer technical email after a certain time of the day, always creates 
confusion ;)

Well, from what my tired brain can read, you are saying that there is no 
device independent equivalent, so that is why WAI validators ask for the 
redundancy? I couldn't agree more with the people at W3C here, that it is 
in fact as misnomer, but then why hasn't it been picked up by WAI I wonder?
Because WAI are not the ones working on the (X)HTML standard.
In XHTML 2.0 it will come down to the specific implementation of device 
independent DOM User Interface Events
(in this case, DOMActivate), so there's hope...
True, but one would think that they would share findings at least?
And yes, am anxious to see what may come out of XHTML 2.0, I see a little 
hope flicker at the horizon.

If I could only convince people in decision making positions I would stop 
using it in a heartbeat
Unfortunately dumb mechanical validators like Bobby (checking against 
outdated guidelines) have done more harm than good in this respect. I too 
hope that decision makers will see that accessibility is often a 
continuum, rather than simply a list of checkpoints that need to be 
fulfilled blindly (no pun intended)
So true, I made a pointless speech about a few issues that the mechanical 
validators are complaining about to the top decision makers, and proposed 
that we would use the in house available people with disabilities (vision, 
movement etc) but I was talking for deaf ears. After 2½ hour the head of 
the board said, that it would be a good extra to do after all pages 
validated and was approved by the board.
Thereafter it would be tested on them, needless to say for the reason that 
spurred this discussion alone, it would fail for a lot of them if they had 
to use it.

 It never happened. ...
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
If you try and validate anything towards the standards at Bobby (which 
is the measurement my clients in the public sector uses) there is no way 
you can get around the redundancy, if you only do onclick it gives you 
an error at level 2, that is what I mean with unforgiving.
So it's not WAI that's unforgiving, but Bobby in its miopic application 
of the guidelines (which are, at this stage, already quite out of date 
in many areas such as the one discussed here).

Well, from what my tired brain can read, you are saying that there is no 
device independent equivalent, so that is why WAI validators ask for the 
redundancy? I couldn't agree more with the people at W3C here, that it 
is in fact as misnomer, but then why hasn't it been picked up by WAI I 
Because WAI are not the ones working on the (X)HTML standard.
In XHTML 2.0 it will come down to the specific implementation of device 
independent DOM User Interface Events
(in this case, DOMActivate), so there's hope...

If I could only convince people in decision making positions I would 
stop using it in a heartbeat
Unfortunately dumb mechanical validators like Bobby (checking against 
outdated guidelines) have done more harm than good in this respect. I 
too hope that decision makers will see that accessibility is often a 
continuum, rather than simply a list of checkpoints that need to be 
fulfilled blindly (no pun intended)
Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 02:28 AM 12/7/2004 +, you wrote:
However, the WAI is not as forgiving and this is a device-dependent 
attribute, where redundant input methods are required for the same 
element. There are five instances where WAI gives us no choice but to use 
I find it interesting how you refer to WAI as unforgiving and leaving you 
no choice. Of course, accessibility is not the rote mastery of a set of 
guidelines, but also involves a level of judgement.
If you try and validate anything towards the standards at Bobby (which is 
the measurement my clients in the public sector uses) there is no way you 
can get around the redundancy, if you only do onclick it gives you an error 
at level 2, that is what I mean with unforgiving. (I am in the US btw, and 
governmental bodies here needs to see that the pages are validating with 
Watchfire tools)

Thanks for the long and exhaustive rundown of what WAI is, what event 
handlers are etc...but I think you'll find that I am quite well versed in 
the subject matter. One thing to note: even people at the W3C agree that 
onclick is effectively a misnomer of what should really have been called 
onactivation. There *is* no device independent equivalent: onkeypress is 
just as device dependent, if not more, as "onclick" - however, onclick is 
de-facto triggered by a variety of devices, not just mouse buttons. Do a 
search around the subject of whether or not onclick is to be considered 
device dependent or device independent, and you'll find that modern 
thinking on the issue is that onclick *is* device independent.  Even on 
the actual WAI IG list, the subject seems almost unworthy of a prolonged 
Well, from what my tired brain can read, you are saying that there is no 
device independent equivalent, so that is why WAI validators ask for the 
redundancy? I couldn't agree more with the people at W3C here, that it is 
in fact as misnomer, but then why hasn't it been picked up by WAI I wonder?

These are the guidelines I follow, and I have the hopes that the browser 
market would start to adhere to (or at least attempt to) the standards,
The standard have holes in them. For true device independence, truly 
independent handlers such as (fpr lack of appropriate terminology) 
onactivation for onkeypress, and something like onactivatortriggererd for 
onmousedown/keydown or onactivatorreleased for onmouseup/keyup would be 
needed. Currently, even some of the "doubled up" event triggers only seem 
to cover mouse and key/switch activation, and don't cover things like 
voice...but I digress.
Agreed that it's like a Swiss cheese at points, and pretty solid at others, 
however it's the best we have to work with at the present time, and as the 
regulations for some governmental sites here in the US are to at least 
fulfill WAI AA, if not AAA, I see no other choice for me to continue to use 
both, even though I would rather not, since the validator crave it because 
it's in the WAI standards.

But I'm happy to respect that you follow the guidelines, but I must point 
out that it's not as cut and dry as you may think.
No, indeed it isn't I'm afraid.
If I could only convince people in decision making positions I would stop 
using it in a heartbeat

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
and if the goal was only XHTML compliance 
I would agree with you to 100% on the issue of not using onkeypress for 
the reason above.
I actually never mentioned anything about XHTML validation in my 
original reply, but yes.

However, the WAI is not as forgiving and this is a device-dependent 
attribute, where redundant input methods are required for the same 
element. There are five instances where WAI gives us no choice but to 
use redundancy:
I find it interesting how you refer to WAI as unforgiving and leaving 
you no choice. Of course, accessibility is not the rote mastery of a set 
of guidelines, but also involves a level of judgement.

Thanks for the long and exhaustive rundown of what WAI is, what event 
handlers are etc...but I think you'll find that I am quite well versed 
in the subject matter. One thing to note: even people at the W3C agree 
that onclick is effectively a misnomer of what should really have been 
called onactivation. There *is* no device independent equivalent: 
onkeypress is just as device dependent, if not more, as "onclick" - 
however, onclick is de-facto triggered by a variety of devices, not just 
mouse buttons. Do a search around the subject of whether or not onclick 
is to be considered device dependent or device independent, and you'll 
find that modern thinking on the issue is that onclick *is* device 
independent.  Even on the actual WAI IG list, the subject seems almost 
unworthy of a prolonged discussion

These are the guidelines I follow, and I have the hopes that the browser 
market would start to adhere to (or at least attempt to) the standards,
The standard have holes in them. For true device independence, truly 
independent handlers such as (fpr lack of appropriate terminology) 
onactivation for onkeypress, and something like onactivatortriggererd 
for onmousedown/keydown or onactivatorreleased for onmouseup/keyup would 
be needed. Currently, even some of the "doubled up" event triggers only 
seem to cover mouse and key/switch activation, and don't cover things 
like voice...but I digress.

But I'm happy to respect that you follow the guidelines, but I must 
point out that it's not as cut and dry as you may think.
Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 11:54 PM 12/6/2004 +, you wrote:
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
Well, my link was given for XHTML Strict, in where my solution is the 
only way to both make sure it is to the greatest extent accessible as 
well as validating the code.
Let me explain a little more;
You missed my point completely: keep the onclick, but ditch the onkeypress,
as it otherwise means users can't tab past your link. Onclick is triggered by
the keyboard as well, so there's no need for a matching onkeypress.
I know that keyboard users with Mozilla will get stuck at the link, I did 
not miss that point, and I think that is an issue that Mozilla needs to 
address shortly, since it's non compliant behavior.

I am following W3C guidelines for XHTML validation, and I follow WAI 
Content Accessibility Guidelines 1999/05/05, Support Level: AAA ( )

For the XHTML there is no need to put in redundant code, the code will 
validate with either the onclick or the onkeypress, or both used 
redundantly as my example was, and if the goal was only XHTML compliance I 
would agree with you to 100% on the issue of not using onkeypress for the 
reason above.

However, the WAI is not as forgiving and this is a device-dependent 
attribute, where redundant input methods are required for the same element. 
There are five instances where WAI gives us no choice but to use redundancy:

onclick  with onkeypress
onmouseup  with onkeyup
onmousedown  with onkeydown
onmouseover with onfocus
onmouseout with onblur
These event handlers responds to what the user does, weather it is key 
press, mouse clicks, voice activated etc. Most of these event handlers are 
only for eye candy, or to get a users attention, but onclick/onkeypress is 
a part of the functionality of the page and must be presented device 
independent to achieve even AA WAI standards.

This is the reference to WAI standards for the above;
These are the guidelines I follow, and I have the hopes that the browser 
market would start to adhere to (or at least attempt to) the standards, I 
know .. I know... it's Utopia, but what can one do?

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
Well, my link was given for XHTML Strict, in where my solution is the 
only way to both make sure it is to the greatest extent accessible as 
well as validating the code.

Let me explain a little more;
You missed my point completely: keep the onclick, but ditch the onkeypress,
as it otherwise means users can't tab past your link. Onclick is 
triggered by
the keyboard as well, so there's no need for a matching onkeypress.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Mordechai Peller
Paul Novitski wrote:
You can find an excellent introduction to scripting events on 
Peter-Paul Koch's
Another excellant resource is Unobtrusive Javascript 
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Ben Curtis

Interesting solution you have come up with here, however, thinking 
validation versus functionality here, this is the same idea of a 
'catch-all' handling, however, I am not sure that your script linked 
to this can give both on-click and on key press to the user can it?

If so I would love to see an example of your code, or even better in a 
working page somewhere :)
Earlier posts gave notes on why onkeypress is undesirable for people 
who navigate with keyboards, so I won't address that.

A working, valid, example and tutorial on how to markup your link for 
xhtml-valid new windows and use javascript to apply behavior is here:
I suspect his code would be better if it attached an onclick handler 
instead of modifying the attribute (the valid DOM 
attribute, not the invalid xhtml attribute).

Ben Curtis
WebSciences International
v: (310) 478-6648
f: (310) 235-2067

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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 07:51 AM 12/7/2004 +1100, you wrote:
Just use target="_blank" and use my DTD which is modified to allow the 
One of the more resourceful ways of getting around the problem with 
target="new" that I have seen, however since it's not endorsed by W3C to be 
included in Strict I think there is a reasoning for that:
Basically if I recall correctly, the Strict version of any HTML DTD has 
ever had the target attribute included (forgive me if I am wrong but I 
started to build in HTML 2.x and my memory of such times are fading), the 
only two DTD's that are allowing it is XHTML Frameset and Transitional, and 
if all other fails the fall back id to step back down on the DTD's.

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

RE: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 10:59 AM 12/6/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Aside, while it may be convenient to embed javascript in HTML tags by way 
of illustration, let me reiterate the oft-made point that doing so in 
practice is a mistake, for at least these two reasons:

1) User agents that don't support the scripting language or any of the 
functions used in the script will throw an untrappable error.  Better to 
apply behavior to objects on the page from a safe distance whereby nothing 
occurs when the script is unsupported.  The most common way to do this is 
to engage an initialization script with the window.onload event which 
checks specifically for support before adding behavior to objects on the page.

2) Separating content (HTML markup) from behavior (script) from style 
(CSS) is A Good Thing because modular software is easier to maintain, and 
because old, cranky, or idiosyncratic browsers can more easily be 
protected from components they don't support.

I would therefore mark up that tag (uniquely identified so a script can 
find it easily) simply as:

and apply the behaviors separately from a linked script.
Interesting solution you have come up with here, however, thinking 
validation versus functionality here, this is the same idea of a 
'catch-all' handling, however, I am not sure that your script linked to 
this can give both on-click and on key press to the user can it?

If so I would love to see an example of your code, or even better in a 
working page somewhere :)

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 06:03 PM 12/6/2004 +, you wrote:
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
*Don't* use onkeypress, as Mozilla browsers - and rightly so - treat a TAB as
a keypress as well. Using onkeypress makes it impossible for users to TAB 
that particular link. Onclick is, despite its name, device independent, as 
the vast
majority of browsers (I'm actually compiling a list which I'll publish 
later tonight)
trigger the event via the keyboard as well (in the case of a link, hitting 
will trigger the onclick)
Well, my link was given for XHTML Strict, in where my solution is the only 
way to both make sure it is to the greatest extent accessible as well as 
validating the code.

Let me explain a little more;
The above mentioned code is the HTML 4.x target="new" in a newer fashion, 
where the new window is launched by passing the href attribute to the 
window open object's method. The return false is returned from the event 
handler. If Java script is enabled the false returned is prohibited from 
being processed and the Java script event handler does it's task. Now in 
the event of Java script turned off, the link is a 'normal' href link, 
which will be carried out by the browser, and the user can visit that link, 
however in the same window as they were in (not opening in a new window). 
It's basically a catch-all scripting to be as accessible as possible. Since 
my prime concern with most of the web sites I build is accessibility this 
is the script that will work for most occations, and this code is not 
platform/device dependent. The reasoning is to provide onclick for mouse 
users and onkeypress for using a keyboard. I do this to make sure that the 
most users can access the pages I build (my target is supporting down to 
NS/IE 4.x)

  *IF* there was a way of completely not using Java script I would go with 
that, but there is no way around the issue as I have found, since the 
latest statistics I saw on the Java script subject was that 20-25% has it 
turned off in their browser, and that Flash is now ahead in usage. That 
maybe be all good and well, however the usage of Flash makes the 
accessibility issues larger (however can be solved) but few wants to pay 
the difference in development cost.

   HTH, Regards
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Chris Stratford
Just use target="_blank" and use my DTD which is modified to allow the 

Matthew Cruickshank wrote:
Ted Drake wrote:
Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for 
target="_blank". I can't remember the correct javascript statement 
that opens it in a new window.
I'm sure others could use it as well.

Rather than a replacement it's best to include both,
This is so older browsers, and search engines, can follow popup links,
but newer browsers that use the onclick ignore the href because of
onclick's 'return false'.

.Matthew Cruickshank

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Chris Stratford

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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Terrence Wood
unless, of course, you are using a DTD that doesn't include 
target="_blank", such as XHTML 1.0 strict or XHTML > 1.0.

On 2004-12-07 8:07 AM, Matthew Cruickshank wrote:
Rather than a replacement it's best to include both,
This is so older browsers, and search engines, can follow popup links,
but newer browsers that use the onclick ignore the href because of
onclick's 'return false'.
"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have 
nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." 
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Matthew Cruickshank
Ted Drake wrote:
Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for target="_blank". I can't 
remember the correct javascript statement that opens it in a new window.
I'm sure others could use it as well.
Rather than a replacement it's best to include both,
This is so older browsers, and search engines, can follow popup links,
but newer browsers that use the onclick ignore the href because of
onclick's 'return false'.

.Matthew Cruickshank

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RE: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Paul Novitski
At 10:11 AM 12/6/04, Ted Drake wrote:
I'm a bit confused by the (this.href) code. Should I replace that with the 
page in the href="" section or is it looking back at the href and use that url?

-Original Message-
From: Veine K Vikberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The keyword 'this' refers to the object at hand: in this context, this 
refers to the  element in the Document Object Model.  You can find an 
excellent introduction to scripting events on Peter-Paul Koch's

Aside, while it may be convenient to embed javascript in HTML tags by way 
of illustration, let me reiterate the oft-made point that doing so in 
practice is a mistake, for at least these two reasons:

1) User agents that don't support the scripting language or any of the 
functions used in the script will throw an untrappable error.  Better to 
apply behavior to objects on the page from a safe distance whereby nothing 
occurs when the script is unsupported.  The most common way to do this is 
to engage an initialization script with the window.onload event which 
checks specifically for support before adding behavior to objects on the page.

2) Separating content (HTML markup) from behavior (script) from style (CSS) 
is A Good Thing because modular software is easier to maintain, and because 
old, cranky, or idiosyncratic browsers can more easily be protected from 
components they don't support.

I would therefore mark up that tag (uniquely identified so a script can 
find it easily) simply as:

and apply the behaviors separately from a linked script.

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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Paul Novitski
At 10:03 AM 12/6/04, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
*Don't* use onkeypress, as Mozilla browsers - and rightly so - treat a TAB as
a keypress as well. Using onkeypress makes it impossible for users to TAB 
that particular link.

Isn't it true that, if one did use onkeypress, the attached event handler 
could examine the key value and allow TAB to pass through untrapped?  I'm 
not one to advocate unnecessarily complicated code when a simpler method is 
close at hand, but 'impossible' is a strong assertion.


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RE: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Ted Drake
I'm a bit confused by the (this.href) code. Should I replace that with the page 
in the href="" section or is it looking back at the href and use that url?

I understand the repetition for keypress/onclick are for those without a mouse 
and those with a mouse. n'est-ce pas?


-Original Message-
From: Veine K Vikberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


At 09:28 AM 12/6/2004 -0800, you wrote:

>Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for target="_blank". I 
>can't remember the correct javascript statement that opens it in a new window.
>I'm sure others could use it as well.
>Thank you
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Veine K Vikberg wrote:
*Don't* use onkeypress, as Mozilla browsers - and rightly so - treat a 
TAB as
a keypress as well. Using onkeypress makes it impossible for users to 
TAB beyond
that particular link. Onclick is, despite its name, device independent, 
as the vast
majority of browsers (I'm actually compiling a list which I'll publish 
later tonight)
trigger the event via the keyboard as well (in the case of a link, 
hitting "enter"
will trigger the onclick)

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
The discussion list for
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Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Veine K Vikberg

At 09:28 AM 12/6/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for target="_blank". I 
can't remember the correct javascript statement that opens it in a new window.
I'm sure others could use it as well.
Thank you

Ted Drake
Web Content Editor
CSA Travel Protection
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Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread mike bailey
use .
Ted Drake wrote:
Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for target="_blank". I can't 
remember the correct javascript statement that opens it in a new window.
I'm sure others could use it as well.
Thank you
Ted Drake
Web Content Editor
CSA Travel Protection
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The discussion list for
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[WSG] a quick target question

2004-12-06 Thread Ted Drake
Could someone give me the appropriate replacement for target="_blank". I can't 
remember the correct javascript statement that opens it in a new window.
I'm sure others could use it as well.
Thank you

Ted Drake
Web Content Editor
CSA Travel Protection
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