My client has asked me to make a dynamic page with PHP and such, but
they'll like to keep their current design, however, I am needed to
rewrite it to be supported under every browser ( before only IE
supported it *ugh* ), so as you can tell, there is need for action.

Their current site can be found here;

However, notice that only IE can view it, some javascript will require
you to use IE.

Anyways, I am rewriting the entire system, and I am wondering, cause
the client want the exact same amount of spacing between the 4
elements ( the image, the list of items, the head menu and the title
link ), for now I use tables so I can show them some progress soon,
but I really want to use div tags. And I have been trying and trying,
and it works under Opera and Firefox.

But since IE is the most used browser, it needs to look the exact same
in that browser, so I was wondering if anyone of you knew how to do

My current work:
The work without PHP:
An image of how it should look:
<i>Of course without the guide lines</i>

Please notice that I do not have IE to view the page in. And therefore
if you know a way, I will be very pleased.

And yes, the content in the content area should always start from the bottom.

Kind regards,
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