
I joined this group in 2005. I have learned a lot since. I am currently completing an essay for my studies. I selected the topic of web standards for my project covering the challenges of why web standards haven't been achieved. My arguments are (to keep it simple): -- Standardisation process in cyberspace needs to be faster and accommodate field developments -- ie. formal vs. field conventions -- MSIE vs Firefox as a bottleneck barrier to standards but also IE's version targeting and MS IE8 dilemma -- Metadata problems: two many projects for implementation such as OWL, XML's Schema's, RDF, Dublin Core, Warwick Framework...
-- Education for future improvement
My essay examines more than the above and continues to look at issues of open vs. proprietary standards, semantic web and data mining issues and more.

I am actually writing this email for a few reasons:

1. When I joined this group, one of the resources on this site offered:
10 things a developer should do for his client. One of these suggestions included implementing the Dublin Core metadata. Looking for this resource today, I couldn't find it. Well I found the page but it only had 4 points on it -- instead of 10 -- and none were on topic of Dublin Core.
Would anyone know why?

2. I guess this is part of the ever changing nature of the web but things that I thought were happening (I guess my time perception is quite lacking) have been out of date. Examples are the WCAG samurai does no loner exist (is that right???) and XMLHttpRequest is now becoming a W3C recommendation. So, just wanted to check that I haven't missed anything and that the WCAG Samurai completed their work with their recent draft. Also , did I miss any updates regarding the html5/xhtml2 specifications--meaning what is happening with these specifications' drafts?

Lastly, if anyone is interested in reading my essay, I will happily email it onward (please contact me off list) and I am very happy to receive your constructive feedback.


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