On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 03:16 -0400, James Bennett wrote:
> Since Gecko-based browsers render (nearly) identically on all
> platforms, there's no need to worry on that count


I thought I'd take this opportunity to hijack a thread and ask about a
weird problem I've been having with Firefox on Windows vs. Firefox on
Linux. Both running 1.0.7, both with Chris Pederick's Web Dev toolbar

I haven't got access to a Mac with Firefox, but it's possible that'd
render in a similarly incongruous fashion. The site in question is at
http://www.joahua.com/rawideasmakeover/ - not mine, I redid it to
prove a point re: web standards to someone - and the rendering
inconsistency is in the height of the "Hosting services" div:

<div class="short">
<h3>// hosting services</h3>
<img src="gfx/home_hosting.jpg" alt="" />
<p>Competitive hosting for your site with multiple redundancies, regular
back ups and problem resolution to keep your business online.</p>
<p><a href="" class="more">// more</a></p>

being the source. (Yeah, markup isn't pristine, but I was in a hurry.)

That div _should_ extend far enough down to make its right border
appear to be shared between the two "cells"... which it does in
Firefox/Lin without any dramas. Scale text up and down, it copes fine,
no breakages.

Back over to Windows, however, and the event services "cell" appears
to move upwards, and the right border doesn't extend far enough down

I suspect this has something to do with fonts...
font: 1em/1.1em Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
is what's in use.

I just discovered I can break the layout in a similar fashion by
forcing Verdana (btw, the font family I'm using is just based on the
existing site: to those who care about nice typography, it's not my
fault!)... but why would Win/Firefox use Verdana over Arial (both are

For the record, IE/Win renders "correctly" (in the desired fashion,
that is), as does Opera/Lin and Konqueror/Lin.

Is this a bug? Any ideas?

Slightly perlexed,
Joshua Street

+61 (0) 425 808 469

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