> From: John S. Britsios
> I would highly appreciate if you would come over, and have a 
> look at our new forums, and tell us your opinion or suggestions.
> URI: http://forums.webnauts.net

I tried to join using my name as the username, I was rejected
with the reason given being that the name was reserved.
So I had to use my initials.
Then when my passowrd arrived I logged in and wanted to change
the password to something other than a randow string of letters.
I went to Control Panel/Options, couldn't see any way to change it,
went to FAQ, it wasn't mentioned.

Note that the email that comes out with the password has a generic
"Login Information" or similar subject line, would be better if it
was branded, such as: "Webnauts forums - Login info".
That way when you file the instructional email, you can find it again
later when you need it.

So I tried to use U2U (never seen it called that before, it is
usually called Private Message or PM), No address list so I tried
Administrator (thinking that would be a standard contact point),
no such user, went back to forum area, saw Webnauts as a user
making demo posts, so tried that as a To: address, seemed to work.

So there is a quick summary of my initial user experience.
The forums look pretty, the orange/blue/purple combi is attractive.

Text size on the top nav is too big and "Board Rules is always
wrapped for me, it could easily be half or two-thirds the size
it is now and still be effective in my opinion. 

Peter Williams
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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