Hi Ted,

Sorry to be late with this response, but I'd encountered this problem in the
last two weeks at work. I've written some documentation for it at work, but
really the best reference is from PiE:

This behaviour, dubbed the "Explorer 6 duplicate character bug" usually
appears when a non-floated element wraps around multiple floated elements
and seems to be triggered by HTML comments and/or elements set to display:
none. Weirdness! Fixes that worked for me are applying the holly hack
(height 1%) to non-floated elements and adding margin-right: -3px to left
floated elements (the opposite for right-floated elements), for IE6 only.

Again, messy hacks galore to make IE play ball. Take it or leave it.




-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Ted Drake
Sent: Saturday, 20 November 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: [WSG] Solved-sort of-- This is really strange stuff, even for

Hey everyone
I've been hacking away at this all day, the strange ghost words.
I finally came up with a holly hack to make it a bit better.
Here's what I was coming across.

I have a series of titles/inputs that are very similar and play well. Then,
there is one with a longer title and it wraps. Next, I have one long title
(ages of travelers) that should stretch across the left nav. I found that I
needed to put an empty div with a class to clear the floating above it.
After this longer title, there are a series of ten smaller inputs (ages)
that should float against each other to create two rows of five inputs.
Unfortunately, the age inputs wanted to skip the age input label and rest
against the title above it, which was taller than its input, due to the text

Does this make sense so far?
here's a page to look at:

So, the solution that I found was the holly hack to give the labels a
height:1% for IE and to hide it from IE5.5.
This made the age boxes stay below the age input title and the text is no
longer ghosted.

If you look at the above link, you will see the bad text for about an hour
and I will probably upload the fixed pages before I leave tonight.


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