Re: [WSG] styling auto-generated .net id values

2005-12-08 Thread Matthew Cruickshank

Rachel Radford wrote:

  I'm working with a page that has auto-generated html from a .net engine that
I then style up with css.  In this case I need to reference one item on the
page that has an id of #_1740__ctl2__1125.  When I style this up in Firefox
it works fine. But it seems that IE gets stuck somewhere on the underscores
and ignores the rule.  I can't change the underscores because it is .net
generated - even though yes, I know that underscores are not recommended as
id values.  Can anyone help me on how I would get around this?

Reference it via some method other than #ID, such as Class.

If you need need #IDs you could generate a div within your selected
frame by calling a function that optionally drawn html. Eg, (I haven't
done C# for months and don't have a place to test this)



and in codebehind,

 protected void checkItem(object itemIndex)
    int itemItemInt = int.parse(itemIndex);
    if(itemIndexInt == yourItemNumber)
        return "";

.Matthew Cruickshank

Re: [WSG] styling auto-generated .net id values

2005-12-08 Thread Ben Wong
I'd recommend not styling with the generated ids and using classes instead.

On 12/9/05, Rachel Radford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just wondering if anyone else has come across the following problem and if
> so, how they fixed it?
> I'm working with a page that has auto-generated html from a .net engine that
> I then style up with css.  In this case I need to reference one item on the
> page that has an id of #_1740__ctl2__1125.  When I style this up in Firefox
> it works fine. But it seems that IE gets stuck somewhere on the underscores
> and ignores the rule.  I can't change the underscores because it is .net
> generated - even though yes, I know that underscores are not recommended as
> id values.  Can anyone help me on how I would get around this?
> Thanks,
> Rachel
> p.s. I don't have the option of ditching IE support!!
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Ben Wong
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RE: [WSG] styling auto-generated .net id values

2005-12-08 Thread Peter Williams
> From: Rachel Radford
> page that has an id of #_1740__ctl2__1125

Just to follow up on the underscore thing...

>From the W3C HTML 4.01 recommendation

"ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"),
underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")."

So there's your problem, invalid markup, so no suprise when it
fails to function properly in use. You have to fix the server-side
generation of the bad IDs to have any real hope of this being able
to work reliably across a range of browsers, other than by good luck.

Peter Williams
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RE: [WSG] styling auto-generated .net id values

2005-12-08 Thread Peter Williams
> From: Rachel Radford
> one item on the page that has an id of #_1740__ctl2__1125
> in Firefox it works fine. IE gets stuck somewhere on 
> the underscores and ignores the rule

ID and class names can't start with a number either, I wonder if
that is part of the problem, after the underscore the first char
is a number. It seems the only sensible and ongoing way of fixing
this is to generate IDs that aren't problematic. Fix the problem
at the source as it were.

Peter Williams
The discussion list for

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