Hi All

I hope I have joined the group correctly.  If so thankyou.

I have recenlty upgraded WSJT-x to wsjtx-2.5.4-win64. I use MAP65 for EME.
The audio selection in MAP65 only offered MME. No good for 4channel audio required for Xpol solutions.
The 64bit version used libportaudio-2.dll  685kb
I tried the 32bit version.  This worked. There was a new libportaudio-i686-w64-mingw32.static.dll.  332kb I solved the wsjtx-2.5.4-win64 version by replacing the new libportaudio-2.dll  665kb with an old libportaudio-2.dll 342kb. This worked and MAP was working with 4channel audio again. I have now tried the latest version for testing wsjtx-2.6.0-rc4-win32  works well and the gain feature is great. I had the same problem with the 64bit version, fixed with the same solution. The gain geature work here too.

I know what I did was not very professional, and really the 64bit portaudio.dll needs to be looked at.
But thought you may need to know my temporary fix.


Gary  G8EOH

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