That was fun!  Worked 20 stations in 7 countries during the hour.   

Did not call CQ. all but 2 Qs were in response to other station's CQs.

Running 100 watts to a dipole hanging from a pine tree at 30 feet.

As noted in the doc, the contest log function is a work in progress, but.

I was able to use the dupe function in N3FJP's RTTY Roundup contest program
with the help of JTAlert.

But a 'current contest' dupe function in WSJT-X would be high on my request

Had some confusion when I was called by stations when I was not calling CQ.

It is going to take some practice to be able to select the correct message
for a reply in that situation.

During the busiest part of the hour I was decoding as many as 30 stations
per sequence, and many sequences with 15 stations calling CQ.

But the segment was never overloaded with callers.

One more comment about the 'work in progress' contest log function.

Entries are added to the contest log only if it is open, and.

I 'lost' several contest log entries (they were in the normal log files, so
not really 'lost') because I went into settings to make a small change and
when I returned from settings, WSJT-X closed the contest log window. and I
worked several stations before I realized that the close had occurred.

Thanks again to the development team!

Rick - K5GZR 


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