[wsjt-devel] I have in trouble JT65B of WSJT-X 06 Jan

2024-01-06 Thread JP3EXR via wsjt-devel
Hi wsjtx development team.

I am testing in trouble of run two JT65B with my PC right now.

Uwe, I am sorry but I have been having in trouble from the beginning.

Today's test report.

I made the to do list the following.

I am currently testing item "run two JT65B Test b" of the number 1.

I need to check the result for 10 times of H and V so need a time for 20

If this continues, there will be no programs to add to the excluded file.

Is there any better way?

JP3EXR WSJT-PC Reinstall Method06th Jan,

※To do list

Back up Folder in advance

C: Drive \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

AppData\Local Folder



\WSJT-X - JT65-H

\WSJT-X - JT65-V

\WSJT-X - Q65-H

\WSJT-X - Q65-V








JTDX-> \AppData\Local->\JTDX - FT8-H and \JTDX - FT8-V

WSJT-X->\AppData\Local-> \WSJT-X - JT65-H, \WSJT-X - JT65-V, \WSJT-X - Q65-H


WSJT9-> C: Drive-> \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

1. Install WSJT-X v2.6.1-> C:\WSJT

Run two icon of JT65-H and JT65-V

※Manual simple setting for the test, PTT port com4, Audio port H and V are
Current port use, sub mode.

※Run just one side of JT65B on V-pol Test a, it was good result.

※Run two JT65B Test b,

It was no good result, then I tried adding the network drive \Z folder to
the exclude folder of Windows Defender.

So I tried the Windows Defender method that Mike was advice.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

But the frequency of occurrence had decreased than before.

Then I tried adding C:\Splashtop to the exclude folder of Windows Defender.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I tried adding the JA2GRC ( JT linker program ) to the exclude folder
on Windows Defender.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I add C:\Hamlog to the exclude folder of Windows Defender again.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I add C:\U7Audio driver of V-pol to the exclude folder of Windows

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol right now.


If Okay then JT65B H and V setting restore from USB

Restore JT65B H and V data \WSJT-X - JT65-H and \WSJT-X - JT65-V from USB to
\Local Folder

※Run two JT65B Test c

After JT65B test if run two JT65B is Okay

2. Install JTDX V2.2.159->C:\JTDX

Run two icon of FT8-H and FT8-V

Restore FT8 data \JTDX - FT8-H and \JTDX - FT8-V from USB to \Local Folder

※Run two JT65B Test d

After JT65B test if run two JT65B is Okay

3. Install WSJT9.7 r3636 -> C: Drive \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

Restore WSJT9, \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V from USB to c: \WSJT9-H and c: \WSJT9-V

※Run two JT65B Test e

4. Install Q65

※Run two JT65B Test f

5. Install WSJT FT8

※Run two JT65B Test g

Taka, JP3EXR

wsjt-devel mailing list

[wsjt-devel] MSK144 in jt9.exe

2024-01-06 Thread Alex, VE3NEA via wsjt-devel

Hello team,

I have made changes to the jt9.exe code to allow it decode MSK144. This does not affect the existing functions of WSJT-X, so it 
is a low risk change, and I would like it to be merged to the main branch. The modified files are attached. Do I need to do 
anything else to make my submission accepted?

73 Alex VE3NEAsubroutine decode_msk144(audio_samples, params, data_dir)
  include 'jt9com.f90'

  ! constants
  integer, parameter :: SAMPLING_RATE = 12000
  integer, parameter :: BLOCK_SIZE = 7168
  integer, parameter :: STEP_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE / 2
  integer, parameter :: CALL_LENGTH = 12
  ! aguments
  integer*2 audio_samples(NMAX)
  type(params_block) :: params
  character(len = 500) :: data_dir

  ! parameters of mskrtd
  integer*2 :: buffer(BLOCK_SIZE)
  real :: tsec   
  logical :: bshmsg = .false. ! enables shorthand messages  
  logical :: btrain = .false. ! turns on training in MSK144 mode
  real*8 :: pcoeffs(5) = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /); ! phase equalization
  logical :: bswl = .false.
  character(len = 80) :: line
  character(len = CALL_LENGTH) :: mycall 
  character(len = CALL_LENGTH) :: hiscall

  ! local variables
  integer :: sample_count
  integer :: position
  integer :: message_count = 0

  ! decode in 0.3s blocks
  sample_count = params%ntr * SAMPLING_RATE
  mycall = transfer(params%mycall, mycall)! string to char[]
  hiscall = transfer(params%hiscall, hiscall)

  do position = 1, sample_count - BLOCK_SIZE + 1, STEP_SIZE
buffer =  audio_samples(position : position + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)
tsec = position / REAL(SAMPLING_RATE)

call mskrtd(buffer, params%nutc, tsec, params%ntol, params%nfqso, 
params%ndepth, &
  mycall, hiscall, bshmsg, btrain, pcoeffs, bswl, data_dir, line)

if (line(1:1) .ne. char(0)) then
  line = line(1:index(line, char(0))-1)
  write(*, 1001) line
  1001 format(a80)
  message_count = message_count + 1;
end if
  end do

  if (.not. params%ndiskdat) then
write(*, 1002) 0, message_count, 0
1002 format('', 2i4, i9)
  end if

end subroutine decode_msk144program jt9

! Decoder for JT9.  Can run stand-alone, reading data from *.wav files;
! or as the back end of wsjt-x, with data placed in a shared memory region.

  use options
  use prog_args
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use FFTW3
  use timer_module, only: timer
  use timer_impl, only: init_timer, fini_timer
  use readwav

  include 'jt9com.f90'

  integer*2 id2a(18)
  integer(C_INT) iret
  type(wav_header) wav
  real*4 s(NSMAX)
  real*8 TRperiod
  character c
  character(len=500) optarg, infile
  character wisfile*256
!### ndepth was defined as 60001.  Why???
  integer :: arglen,stat,offset,remain,mode=0,flow=200,fsplit=2700,  &
  logical :: read_files = .true., tx9 = .false., display_help = .false., &
   bLowSidelobes = .false., nexp_decode_set = .false.,   &
   have_ntol = .false.
  type (option) :: long_options(33) = [  &
option ('help', .false., 'h', 'Display this help message', ''),  &
option ('shmem',.true.,'s','Use shared memory for sample data','KEY'),   &
option ('tr-period', .true., 'p', 'Tx/Rx period, default SECONDS=60',&
'SECONDS'),  &
option ('executable-path', .true., 'e',  &
'Location of subordinate executables (KVASD) default PATH="."',  &
'PATH'), &
option ('data-path', .true., 'a',&
'Location of writeable data files, default PATH="."', 'PATH'),   &
option ('temp-path', .true., 't',&
'Temporary files path, default PATH="."', 'PATH'),   &
option ('lowest', .true., 'L',   &
'Lowest frequency decoded (JT65), default HERTZ=200', 'HERTZ'),  &
option ('highest', .true., 'H',  &
'Highest frequency decoded, default HERTZ=4007', 'HERTZ'),   &
option ('split', .true., 'S',&
'Lowest JT9 frequency decoded, default HERTZ=2700', 'HERTZ'),&
option ('rx-frequency', .true., 'f', &
'Receive frequency offset, default HERTZ=1500', 'HERTZ'),&
option ('freq-tolerance', .true., 'F',   &
'Receive frequency tolerance, default HERTZ=20', 'HERTZ'),   &
option ('patience', .true., 'w', &
'FFTW3 planing patience (0-4), default PATIENCE=1', 'PATIENCE'), &
option ('fft-threads', .true., 'm',  &
'Number of threads to 

[wsjt-devel] I have in trouble JT65B of WSJT-X, 06 Jan

2024-01-06 Thread JP3EXR via wsjt-devel
Hi wsjtx development team.

I am testing in trouble of run two JT65B with my PC right now.

Uwe, I am sorry but I have been having in trouble from the beginning.

Today's test report.

I made the to do list the following.

I am currently testing item "run two JT65B Test b" of the number 1.

I need to check the result for 10 times of H and V so need a time for 20

If this continues, there will be no programs to add to the excluded file.

Is there any better way?

JP3EXR WSJT-PC Reinstall Method06th Jan,

※To do list

Back up Folder in advance

C: Drive \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

AppData\Local Folder



\WSJT-X - JT65-H

\WSJT-X - JT65-V

\WSJT-X - Q65-H

\WSJT-X - Q65-V








JTDX-> \AppData\Local->\JTDX - FT8-H and \JTDX - FT8-V

WSJT-X->\AppData\Local-> \WSJT-X - JT65-H, \WSJT-X - JT65-V, \WSJT-X - Q65-H


WSJT9-> C: Drive-> \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

1. Install WSJT-X v2.6.1-> C:\WSJT

Run two icon of JT65-H and JT65-V

※Manual simple setting for the test, PTT port com4, Audio port H and V are
Current port use, sub mode.

※Run just one side of JT65B on V-pol Test a, it was good result.

※Run two JT65B Test b,

It was no good result, then I tried adding the network drive \Z folder to
the exclude folder of Windows Defender.

So I tried the Windows Defender method that Mike was advice.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

But the frequency of occurrence had decreased than before.

Then I tried adding C:\Splashtop to the exclude folder of Windows Defender.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I tried adding the JA2GRC ( JT linker program ) to the exclude folder
on Windows Defender.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I add C:\Hamlog to the exclude folder of Windows Defender again.

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol it was No good

Then I add C:\U7Audio driver of V-pol to the exclude folder of Windows

Then Run two JT65B test with each TXing on H and V-pol right now.


If Okay then JT65B H and V setting restore from USB

Restore JT65B H and V data \WSJT-X - JT65-H and \WSJT-X - JT65-V from USB to
\Local Folder

※Run two JT65B Test c

After JT65B test if run two JT65B is Okay

2. Install JTDX V2.2.159->C:\JTDX

Run two icon of FT8-H and FT8-V

Restore FT8 data \JTDX - FT8-H and \JTDX - FT8-V from USB to \Local Folder

※Run two JT65B Test d

After JT65B test if run two JT65B is Okay

3. Install WSJT9.7 r3636 -> C: Drive \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V

Restore WSJT9, \WSJT9-H and \WSJT9-V from USB to c: \WSJT9-H and c: \WSJT9-V

※Run two JT65B Test e

4. Install Q65

※Run two JT65B Test f

5. Install WSJT FT8

※Run two JT65B Test g

Taka, JP3EXR

wsjt-devel mailing list