I participated in the 2nd Mock RU and again found a large number of operators 
starting early. I worked 1 pre-scheduled window and worked 9 more during the 
scheduled window.
I was using v2.0-rc3 as required on a Windows 10 Version 1803. I initialized my 
wsjt_log.adi prior to making any Qs and had the correct exchange "NJ" entered 
for the contest. I forgot to clear the Cabrillo file, but I had no previous 
QSOs in it. I ran 20W to a long-wire as I normally run FT8 mode.

Problem while logging:
I noticed that the exchange fields weren't being populated in the Log QSO box 
and on several occasions I typed them in manually. In both cases, the ADIF file 
did not contain any exchange information. Both the sent and received exchanges 
were displayed on the view contest window and appeared in the Cabrillo file 
generated after the contest. For parts of the test, I tried running JTAlert to 
my regular log both with and without exchanges filled in and no Exchange fields 
were passed. I also had the similar results when I ran N1MM+ for a couple of 
different QSOs and again no exchanges got sent. I saw someone mention that by 
switching from Tab 2 Messages to Tab 1 Messages that it started working. I 
always use Tab 1 Messages, so I didn't think to try switching back and forth.

Worked B4 and DX coloring:I noticed the CQ coloring did change to Green after I 
worked domestic stations, but all DX stations are Green whether they have been 
worked or not. As someone else said with the small number of Qs you can check 
if you've worked a station, but during a 24-hour contest that would be 
difficult at best.
73 David KC2WUF
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