
 All excellent suggestions for the development crew to seriously consider. If 
suggestion #4 is implemented, I'd suggest that an initial Tx tone frequency 
between 1000 and 2000 Hz be randomly generated, rather than a fixed 1900 Hz 

I've had excellent luck working KH1/KH7Z using transmit tones above 3600 Hz. I 
was able to work them on  FT8 with 75 Watts and an A3S tribander on 20M and 
wire antennas on 30M & 40M.

On a separate topic, on the HF bands, many of 13 Colonies special event 
stations have been using the FT8 mode. Worked all 13 States, 8 of the QSOs 
while using FT8.


Rich - K1HTV

= = =


[wsjt-devel] FT-8 DXpedition Mode


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Hello WSJT-X developers….

This not a bug report.  I’m sending this email to share a couple of thoughts 
that might enhance the already fine program.

DXpedition Mode

It is apparent to me that many hams have difficulty in understanding the 
settings changes that must be implemented in order to use this mode.  (Witness 
the KH1 DXpedition.)

Perhaps the addition of tabs or icons on the main data screen would help.  One 
such tab or icon could bear the title “Enter DXpedition Mode” and a second one 
could be entitled “Exit DXpedition Mode.”

When clicking on the DXpedition Mode, the following could occur:

1. “Hound” function would automatically be enabled,
2. A pop-up window would require the user to supply the DXpedition’s call and 
grid square,
3. The Rx field would automatically be set to 300Hz,
4. A pop-up would appear to alert the user to view the waterfall to select a Tx 
frequency above 1,000Hz.  If less than 1,000Hz is entered, the entry would be 
rejected and a bold message would alert the user to use an acceptable Tx 
frequency.  Perhaps a default of, say, 1,900Hz could be provided by the program.

When “Exit DXpedition Mode” is clicked, all of the WSJT-X settings would 
automatically be restored to the normal FT-8 options.

Location of adif log file

I regularly import wsjtx_log.adi into my DX4WIN log.  I would like to be able 
to select the computer directory into which the wsjt-x adif log file is to be 
saved.  Perhaps the program could cause the log entries to be saved at the 
default location and concurrently at the location I specify.

Thank you for spending the time to read this email.

73 & keep up the great work.

Mark Weiss, K6FG
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