Bill, Jim, et al,

   As we all know,  a double click on a CQer's callsign results in both the TX 
and RX frequency changing to the CQer's frequency, even with the "Lock Tx=Rx" 
unchecked. However, with the box unchecked, if a user clicks on a different 
frequency to call CQ, only the RX frequency and the green bracket change. To 
change the TX frequency one must hold the 'Shift' key....... but then only the 
TX frequency and the red bracket change. Not many know that to move both TX & 
RX freqs requires holding the "Ctrl"key down while clicking on the desired 
TX/RX frequency. That is why most folks keep the TX=RX box checked, because it 
is easier. But as Jim mentioned, doing so pulls the station you just worked 
back to your frequency, resulting in possible QRM to you.

Maybe the answer with FT8 would be to remove the feature of pulling the other 
station to your frequency and have him stay on his original TX frequency. A 
good reason for him to stay there is because:

1) You were copying him well there.

2) In all likelihood, he was copying you better on your frequency rather that 
through multiple callers on his own frequency.

I can see that with modes where a narrow 'Tol' is used that the calling station 
to be on or very near to your TX frequency. But with FT8, where almost all 
users want the the entire frequency range decoded,  I don't think that it is 
desirable to have a calling station moved away from his original operating 
frequency to a different one simply because he had the "Locked Tx=Rx" box 
checked. What is gained by this?

If the box was completely eliminated then double clicking on a call sign would 
move the TX & RX freqs to the CQer's frequency. After this is done, those who 
want to call off frequency can use one of a number of available keyboard 


Rich - K1HTV

= = =

On 04/08/2017 02:22, James Shaver (N2ADV) wrote:

I had a FT8 QSO with W7PSK earlier (thanks!) where I was calling CQ, he 
responded to me, we went through the sequence, he sent his 73 and then moved 
off to call CQ elsewhere on the band. Unfortunately, my 73 pulled his TX back 
to where I was causing him to accidentally start calling CQ where he had …

Hi Jim,

I can reproduce that behaviour if I have him with "Lock Tx=Rx" checked.
The more use cases I test with auto-sequencing the more I am growing to
dislike "Lock Tx=Rx".

I will see if I can work out how to stop this sort of thing happening.

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