Dear sirs,

I have been on Olivia mode for more than 6 yeas and made more than 2400 QSOs on 
this mode.  There is a lot of activity of Olivia stations all over the world.  
Here is the Olivia frequencies and mode we have been used for years.

Audio off set frequency: 1500Hz USB mode

Dial Frequency: 14.105, 14.106, 14.107 MHz

I was very surprised to see a lot of strong FT8 station suddenly appeared right 
on 14.105MHz last night and FT8 signals wiped out weak Olivia signals from 
Europe and the US.  The frequencies that Pedition Mode of WSJT is not 
acceptable to me and to all the Olivia mode users at all.  DO NOT interrupt our 
QSOs with wrong settings of FT8 frequencies.  You are destroying out peaceful 
long conversations.  Do not set Pedition Mode to interrupts other digital modes.


No. 1  ARRL DXCC Honor Roll Member

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