I've had some success with these depending on the particular
implementation the solution differs - I'd need more detail to try to
help.  When you say date picker, is it a calendar-like element.  Does it
open in another window, or get displayed through some ajax type method
in the same window.  Please show us an HTML snippet around it and maybe
we can help.

In my solutions, 
when it was a popup window I could trigger the jscript to open the
window, then attach to it, once attached I could click on the objects in
the calendar as links.

When it was more ajax based, I didn't have to attach to the window -- so
I triggered the ajax jscript, and was again able to click on the objects
in the calendar as links.

>>There is a read-only text box where date is inserted from a Date
picker >>thru java script. How to automate this?

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