But that is the whole reason I am using AutoIt!  Without something like the RunAsSet() function, whenever you run something in Windows XP as a different user, Windows forces you to manually enter a password. So if you wanted to simulate 8 users, you would have to type in 8 passwords. The AutoIt script allows me to run the program without stopping to enter passwords.

If anyone else knows of a way to do that in native Windows without manually entering a password, please let me know.

There may be other utilities that will also do this, but AutoIt works quite well. Also, installing AutoIt is not such a big deal, since Watir already makes use of one of its libraries.

Lonny Eachus

[Wtr-general] using autoit functions from inside watir scripts
Manish Sapariya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:21:41 +0530

Hi Lonny,
thanks for the help. I could run IE with mutliple
user. Can I invoke autoit functions directly from watir script.
I dont want to install autoit, just because I want to use
two apis:


Thanks and Regards,

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