Sounds good to me.
On 4/29/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I suggest that we make 
use of the Open QA Forums. The details of this> suggestion are below. But 
first, some background.>> The wtr-general mailing list>> On several occassions 
the Watir community has clearly indicated that> it did not want to see separate 
lists for users and> developers. Instead we have a common mailing list called 
wtr-general> hosted at This mailing list is open to anybody and 
only> accepts posts from members. It is very active and encourages> discussions 
of testing with Ruby whether or not Watir is specifically> being used.>>  List 
maintenance is minor; mostly it consists of approving occassional> posts that 
have either large attachments (over 40 KB) or are from> members who are using a 
different email address from their> subscription (although i wouldn't mind 
another volunteer to help with> this).>> The biggest drawback to the list is 
the difficulty of searching the> archives. Howeve!
r, this is a less of a problem than it used to be> because we've added a search 
feature to the project web page, and the> list is also mirrored to another site 
with better archiving.>> For further details, see>>>  The Current OpenQA Watir 
Forums>> The standard Open QA hosting arrangement includes two web-based> 
forums, one for users and one for developers. These were set up for> Watir when 
we first set up at Open QA, but they have gone largely> unused and neglected.>> 
According to the Open QA website, there are also corresponding mailing> lists 
for these forums, but in my discussions with Patrick, I> understood that these 
haven't actually been set up. He also tells us> that he can synchronize forums 
with existing email lists hosted at> other sites.>> These forums have the 
advantage of being easy to browse and search for> casual users. They also have 
an interesting feature that allows> tracking which questions have been answer!
ed and who is answering the> most questions. And they offer RSS feeds, which 
offers an alternative> way of tracking a discussion without subscribing.>> For 
details, see>>> The 
Proposal>> I am proposing that the current wtr-general mailing list be 
mirrored> at OpenQA. The Watir community has recently requested that we create 
a> new mailing to handle support of the Watir code currently in> development 
(namely Watir 1.5 and FireWatir). I am proposing that a> new list be created at 
Rubyforge (wtr-development) and that it be> mirrored by a new forum at OpenQA 
(Watir Development).>> The following is a detailed action plan for how to make 
this all> happen. If this plan is approved by the community, i will work with> 
Patrick and Charley on the implementation.>> Setting Up Watir General>> 1. 
Delete the Watir Users and Watir Developers Forums.> 2. Create a new Forum 
called Watir General.> 3. Set up Watir General to include the traffi!
c from wtr-general.> 4. Get the pre-transfer archives of wtr-general from 
rubyforge and>    have these placed in the Watir General Archives.>> Setting Up 
Watir Development>> 1. Create a new mailing list wtr-development at Rubyforge.> 
2. Create a new Forum at OpenQA called Watir Development.> 3. Open up the list 
to new subscribers.>>> _______________________________________________> 
Wtr-general mailing list>>>>

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