Liebe studierende Ultimate-Spielende,

nachfolgend die Info zum Uni-Ultimate-Turnier in Belgien am 8. und 9. 10. 2016.
Alle weiteren Infos siehe unten.
Mit sportlichen grüßen

- - 
Jörg Benner
Deutscher Frisbeesport-Verband e.V.
Martinusstr. 9
50765 Köln
Tel.: 0700-74474477


Hi guys, 

Flying Penguins, from "Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve" in Belgium, 
are hosting their first university tournament in order to rise the university 
level of ultimate  in Europe. In order to contact a maximum of teams, could you 
please transfer the information to the universities of your country?

Here are some infos about the tournament : 

- It will take place on 8-9 october in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- It is an outdoor tournament, Loose Mixed size (minimum two girls on the 
- It is a University tournament open to all students and those who finished in 
the last two years.
- For a team fee of 150 euros and a player fee of 40 euros, you are fed and 
housed ! Don't worry, you don't need any tent, sleeping bag or mattress: during 
this tournament, you will be sleeping in a real bed with nice clean sheets. 
(Attention: due to limited space, please keep in mind that your team should not 
exceed twelve players (plus or minus one). Of course, this can be discussed if 
Besides the tournament, we have some great activities planned, gifts, and other 
surprises of all kinds! And above all, lots of fun, and lots of ultimate! 

If you are interested, you can contact us  at :
And here is the facebook event :

Hope to see you soon on our fields!

The Flying Penguins, university team of UCL, Belgium
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