Hello Junior Trainers, Hello Juniors, Hello Ultimate Community,

We are proud to announce the

*European Youth Ultimate Camp (EYUCamp) 2022*

The EYUCamp this year will start Friday evening the 13th May and end Sunday
afternoon the 15th of May.

Age 12 - 17 years of age - all levels of play!!

Participation fee: €60 per person.

Includes food, sleeping in your own sleeping bag in the gym or your own
tent, Fields, Showers, EUF Trainer instruction, Bus transfer to Heidelberg
on Saturday and free entry to the World Games Team Challenge, a 175 g.
World Games Eurodisc and more.

Many organizations are supporting the Junior Camp

- The Junior Team Rheinos from TV 1900 Oberhausen is our host near
Heidelberg and is providing the training facilities, place to sleep and
organizing food and drink and more for the Youth.

- The European Ultimate Federation is providing EUF Head Coaches and the
support trainers from the Train the Trainer program (TtT – see the separate
invitation) to assure a high quality training for the youth.

- Eurodisc is providing the World Games disc to each of the Camp

- Disc-Respect has taken the lead to organize the Camp.

- The European World Games Teams from France, Germany and Great Britain
will be visiting Heidelberg this same weekend to play games against each
other to prepare for the upcoming World Games in Birmingham, Alabama.

- The Baden-Wurttemberg Ultimate Federation will provide transportation to
and from the games in Heidelberg for all Camp participants.

Many others have supported the Junior Camp and we thank all of those

Now we need you! Spots at the Camp are limited! Registration is open under
the following link:


please fill out the form and pay the Camp fee to secure a spot for your
Junior player.

Download Camp Flyer here:

Play Ultimate!

Mark Kendall for the EUF Youth Group and the EUF Education Group

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