Changes at Workers World News Service

2004-08-28 Thread WW is updating its news service. The WW News Service has been sending out an email edition of Workers World newspaper articles since the 1980s, before there was a World Wide Web. The form has remained unchanged ... until now. Our old system has been upgraded and with the upgrade comes

WW News Service address has moved

2004-08-27 Thread WW
The new WW News Service has moved to a new address. A notice of this change was sent out on Sunday, Aug. 22. The notice will also be resent today. Some subscribers did not receive that announcement. If you did not receive the notice, it may be because of the anti-spam filters on your computer

[WW] U.S. scholar receives death threats from Guatemalan right

2001-10-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - TRAIL LEADS TO CIA: U.S. SCHOLAR RECEIVES DEATH THREATS FROM GUATEMALAN RIGHT By Heather Cottin The U.S. has begun what it calls a "war on terroris

[WW] No war on Iraq

2001-10-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: NO WAR ON IRAQ Danger. Fear. Manipulation of that fear to promote narrow interests. It is important in the wake of the unprecedented Se

[WW] Letter from Palestine

2001-10-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - LETTER FROM PALESTINE: "WE STOPPED COUNTING THE DEAD AND WOUNDED" A massacre was committed today, Oct. 24, by [Israeli Premier Ariel] Sharon and h

[WW] Anti-war protests in Turkey, Pakistan despite gov't suppression

2001-10-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - TURKEY, PAKISTAN: LEFT ORGANIZES ANTI-WAR PROTESTS DESPITE GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSION By John Catalinotto Important demonstrations opposing U.S. aggres

[WW] Struggle in China: Two developments worthy of note

2001-10-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - STRUGGLE IN CHINA: TWO DEVELOPMENTS WORTHY OF NOTE By Deirdre Griswold Two recent developments in China are of great interest in trying to assess t

[WW] Caspian Sea: Washington's strategic target in Central Asia

2001-10-01 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - CASPIAN SEA: WASHIGNTON'S STRATEGIC TARGET IN CENTRAL ASIA By Cecil Williams "America's new war!" That's what CNN calls President George W. Bush's

[WW] What kind of justice?

2001-10-01 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: WHAT KIND OF JUSTICE? At a New York press conference where many communities announced support for the Sept. 29 anti-war demonstration in

[WW] From Mumia: Free Jamil Al-Amin

2001-10-01 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - FROM MUMIA ABU-JAMAL ON DEATH ROW: FREE JAMIL AL-AMIN By Mumia Abu-Jamal The struggle for the freedom and liberty of Atlanta Muslim leader Imam J

[WW] Fidel Castro: The tragedy should not be used to recklessly start a war

2001-09-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - [Speech given by Cuban President Fidel Castro on Sept. 22] CUBAN PRESIDENT FIDEL CASTRO: "THE TRAGEDY SHOULD NOT BE USED TO RECKLESSLY START A WAR"

[WW] Biased media back Bush's war drive

2001-09-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - BIASED MEDIA BACK BUSH'S WAR DRIVE By Heather Cottin The U.S. government is conducting a patriotic pep rally. Its cheerleaders are the media--whic

[WW] Bush appoints 'homeland' czar: Pa. pro-death-penalty Gov. Ridge

2001-09-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 4, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - BUSH APPOINTS "HOMELAND" CZAR: PENNSYLVANIA'S PRO-DEATH-PENALTY GOV. RIDGE By Monica Moorehead During his Sept. 20 remarks before Congress, Presid


2001-09-26 Thread WW
International A.N.S.W.E.R. 202-543-2777 - 202-544-9355 UPDATE ON PERMITS FOR SEPT. 29 MASS MARCH IN WASHINGTON D.C. - ALL PERMITS OBTAINED FOR SEPT. 29 MARCH & RALLY *ASSEMBLY LOCATION CHANGED* The national march on September 29 in Washington DC in opposition to war

[WW] L.A. Mumia Fest: 'Save life of innocent civilian'

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - L.A. MUMIA FEST SAYS: "SAVE LIFE OF INNOCENT CIVILIAN" By Workers World Los Angeles bureau Despite increasing threats by the Bush administration

[WW] Causes of turmoil in Jamaica, part 2

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - CAUSES OF TURMOIL IN JAMAICA, PART 2 By Pat Chin [Part I covered the recent upsurge of violence in Jamaica within the context of capitalist glob

[WW] Venezuela starts land reform, ends ties to U.S. military

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - VENEZUELA STARTS LAND REFORM, ENDS TIES TO U.S. MILITARY By Andy McInerney On Sept. 4, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced a new land law

[WW] They're all unsavory

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - THEY'RE ALL UNSAVORY In 1995, because of popular disgust with massacres carried out by U.S. "assets" in Central America, Congress put some legal

[WW] New U.S. ambassador has death-squad links

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - SENATE SNEAKS IN NEGROPONTE: NEW U..S. AMBASSADOR HAS DEATH-SQUAD LINKS By Heather Cottin While most people here were focused on the aftermath o

[WW] U.S. deliberately poisoned Iraq's water, leading to massive deaths

2001-09-25 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CONFIRM: U.S. DELIBERATELY POISONED IRAQ'S WATER, LEADING TO MASSIVE DEATHS By Tony Moran >From the mouths of Pentagon p

[WW] A new virus (masquerades as a vote for peace)

2001-09-24 Thread WW
A new virus is spreading by email that masquerades as a chance to vote for peace. Please do not fall for this virus and attempt to vote for peace. (You can vote for peace by attending the rally in D.C. on the East Coast and San Francisco or Los Angeles on the West Coast on Sept. 29. See http://ww

[WW] Oil companies happy

2001-09-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - OIL COMPANIES HAPPY The return of unbridled feudal tyranny to Afghanistan is considered a "very positive development" by the U.S. energy company

[WW] Jobs, not war!

2001-09-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: JOBS, NOT WAR! The airline industry laid off 65,000 workers in the week after the attack on the World Trade Center. That number is ex

[WW] How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan

2001-09-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - HOW U.S. DESTROYED PROGRESSIVE SECULAR FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN By Deirdre Griswold [The media are suddenly full of opinions about Afghanistan, now

[WW] Israel launches offensive, then pulls back

2001-09-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - TOOK ADVANTAGE OF CRISIS: ISRAEL LAUNCHES OFFENSIVE, THEN PULLS BACK By Joyce Chediac The Israeli government launched a major military escalatio

[WW] NATO countries fear being dragged in

2001-09-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - AS U.S. WAR SEEMS IMMINENT: NATO COUNTRIES FEAR BEING DRAGGED IN By John Catalinotto The Bush administration has attempted to use the catastroph


2001-09-19 Thread WW
A Call to Join a New Anti-War Coalition: International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Please join us in signing this call: Our most heartfelt sympathies and condolences are with all those whose loved ones were lost or injured on September 11, 2

[WW] Call From The IAC re: Sept. 29 Mobilization vs. War & Racism

2001-09-15 Thread WW
Let's really help the September 11 victims: War & racism are not the answer Dear Friends, Our most heartfelt sympathies and condolences are with all those whose loved ones were lost or injured on September 11, 2001. At this moment, we would all like to take time to reflect, to grieve, to extend

[WW] September 23 New York Defend Palestine Rally postponed

2001-09-14 Thread WW
  13 September 2001 For Immediate ReleaseAl-Awda Announcement: New York City Rally PostponedDue to the current situation, Al-Awda's North East Regional Rally scheduled for 23 September 2001 in New York City has been postponed until further notice in sympathy for the victims of the tragic ev

[WW] Palestinian groups deny responsibility

2001-09-13 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 20, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Statements on the attacks PALESTINIAN GROUPS DENY RESPONSIBILITY By John Catalinotto While the ruling-class media has been quick to blame speci

[WW] WTC workers: compensate victims and their families

2001-09-13 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 20, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - World Trade Center workers COMPENSATE VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILIES! By John Catalinotto New York After the catastrophe that hit 50,000 workers at

[WW] Our sisters and brothers in the World Trade Center

2001-09-13 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 20, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - OUR SISTERS AND BROTHERS IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Like millions of others who live in New York City, the staff of Workers World newspaper has be

[WW] No to war frenzy!

2001-09-12 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 20, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - NO TO WAR FRENZY! Workers World Party statement The massive and stunning attacks Sept. 11 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon pose tremen

[WW] Milosevic challenges NATO's court

2001-09-09 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 13, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - IN SECOND APPEARANCE AT THE HAGUE: MILOSEVIC CHALLENGES NATO'S COURT By John Catalinotto Slobodan Milosevic turned his second court appearance

[WW] Protest hits Boy Scouts for anti-gay bigotry

2001-09-09 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 13, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - STRENGTH IN DIVERSITY: PROTEST HITS BOY SCOUTS FOR ANTI-GAY BIGOTRY By Frank Sarjanovic Los Angeles Demonstrators gathered Aug. 26 at the Boy S

[WW] Polls show support for unions, distrust of bosses

2001-09-09 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 13, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - POLLS SHOW SUPPORT FOR UNIONS, DISTRUST OF BOSSES Unions are growing more popular at the same time that trust in employers is waning, according t

[WW] USWA: Coca-Cola colludes with Colombia death squads

2001-09-09 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 13, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - USWA FILES SUIT ON BEHALF OF MURDERED WORKERS: CHARGES COCA-COLA COLLUDES WITH COLOMBIA DEATH SQUADS By Teresa Gutierrez Very little is known o

[WW] Bush can't stop D.C. protests, organizers say

2001-09-09 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Sept. 13, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - CAMPUSES ARE ABUZZ: BUSH CAN'T STOP D.C. PROTESTS, ORGANIZERS SAY By Workers World Washington, D.C., bureau Organizing for fall protests against

[WW] WWP statement on the assassination of Comrade Abu Ali Mustafa

2001-08-28 Thread WW
STATEMENT ON THE ASSASSINATION OF COMRADE ABU ALI MUSTAFA GENERAL SECRETARY, POPULAR FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE August 28, 2001 -- National Committee of Workers World Party The National Committee and members of Workers World Party (U.S.) extend our deepest condolences and solidarity to

[WW] Milosevic counter-attacks NATO's court

2001-08-26 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 30, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - MILOSEVIC COUNTER-ATTACKS NATO'S COURT By John Catalinotto People from all over the world sent greetings and solidarity to former Yugoslav Presid

[WW] Texas court stays Beazley execution

2001-08-26 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 30, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Juvenile defendant TEXAS COURT STAYS BEAZLEY EXECUTION By Gloria Rubac Houston Napoleon Beazley, an African American who was 17 years old when c

[WW] West Coast dockers refuse to load Italian ship

2001-08-26 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 30, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Worker solidarity with Genoa struggle WEST COAST DOCKERS REFUSE TO LOAD ITALIAN SHIP By Heather Cottin Union workers joined protesters in Portlan

[WW] Denver activists tell Bush: 'Not our president. Not our policies.'

2001-08-26 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 30, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Denver activists tell Bush: 'NOT OUR PRESIDENT! NOT OUR POLICIES!' By Elijah Crane Denver On Aug. 14, a motorcade of more than 40 cops on motorcy

[WW] Protesters appeal to public as D.C. cops prepare 'wall'

2001-08-26 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 30, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - S29, S30--Stop Bush, World Bank, IMF PROTESTERS APPEAL TO PUBLIC AS COPS PREPARE 'WALL' By Nancy Mitchell Washington, DC The free speech controve

[WW] Escalate the struggle for Mumia

2001-08-23 Thread WW
uments immediately. Dembe denied this request. Instead she gave Abu-Jamal's lawyers until Sept. 7 to file a new legal petition explaining why the statute of limitations should not be a determining factor in setting a new PCRA hearing. Prosecutors would then have until Sept. 21 to respond.

[WW] Colorado communities hit racist, anti-trans murder

2001-08-18 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - 'Justice for FC Martinez' COLORADO COMMUNITIES HIT RACIST, ANTI-TRANS MURDER By Elijah Crane Denver Over 200 community activists gathered at the

[WW] 'Let Cuba Live' to challenge blockade

2001-08-18 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - At Maine border town 'LET CUBA LIVE' TO CHALLENGE BLOCKADE Special to Workers World On Aug. 18 the Maine-based solidarity group Let Cuba Live an

[WW] Fidel on Genoa & Bolivar

2001-08-18 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - FIDEL ON GENOA & BOLIVAR Fidel Castro at 75 is in synch with the revolutionary youth movement developing around the world. In a short but militant

[WW] Genoa struggles reverberate throughtout Europe

2001-08-18 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Left parties condemn state violence GENOA STRUGGLES REVERBERATE THROUGHOUT EUROPE By John Catalinotto The Genoa demonstrations opened a new perio

[WW] Crucial phase in Palestinian struggle

2001-08-15 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - As Israel steps up aggression CRUCIAL PHASE IN PALESTINIAN STRUGGLE By Fred Goldstein The new political-military offensive by the government of

[WW] Gov't and media harass Mumia supporters

2001-08-15 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - GOV'T AND MEDIA HARASS MUMIA SUPPORTERS By Betsey Piette Philadelphia "All the lies we can fit into print" would be an apt slogan for the Philade

[WW] It's time to unite for Mumia

2001-08-15 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - Mumia supports so many struggles-- IT'S TIME TO UNITE FOR MUMIA By John Parker As American Indian Movement leader Leonard Peltier once said, sav

[WW] Activists challenge D.C. no-protest zone

2001-08-15 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 23, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - As cops try to stifle dissent ACTIVISTS CHALLENGE D.C. NO-PROTEST ZONE Bush, IMF/World Bank targets of fall mobilization By Sarah Sloan Washingto

[WW] Zastava plant: Workers vs. privatization

2001-08-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 16, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - ZASTAVA PLANT: WORKERS VS. PRIVATIZATION Thousands of workers at the Zastava plant in Kragujevac, Yugoslavia, brought traffic to a halt July 19 wh

[WW] Ramsey Clark charges Hague tribunal with gross violations

2001-08-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 16, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - MEETS WITH MILOSEVIC: RAMSEY CLARK CHARGES HAGUE TRIBUNAL WITH GROSS VIOLATIONS By Heather Cottin >From Aug. 1 to Aug. 3, attorney Ramsey Clark c

[WW] Imperialists behind fighting in Macedonia

2001-08-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 16, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - YET ANOTHER DIRTY WAR: IMPERIALISTS BEHIND FIGHTING IN MACEDONIA By Heather Cottin Several houses and other buildings belonging to Macedonian Sl

[WW] New York rally protests Charas/El Bohio center eviction

2001-08-06 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - NEW YORK RALLY PROTESTS CHARAS/EL BOHIO CENTER EVICTION By G. Dunkel New York With spirit, a jazz band, drums galore, puppets from the Czechoslov

[WW] Oakland, Calif.: No super jail for kids

2001-08-06 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - OAKLAND, CALIF.: "NO SUPER JAIL FOR KIDS" On July 28, over 500 people, mainly Asian, Black and Latino youths, rallied in front of City Hall in Oak

[WW] San Diego victim of police remembered

2001-08-06 Thread WW
in solidarity continued almost nonstop for the duration of the demonstration. --San Diego WW bureau - END - (Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not allowed. For more information contact Workers

[WW] The real terrorists

2001-08-06 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: THE REAL TERRORISTS Terrorists struck again in Nablus on July 31. They murdered two children, 8 and 10 years old. Along with the childre

[WW] Germany: Same-sex couples win rights

2001-08-06 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - GERMANY: SAME-SEX COUPLES WIN RIGHTS By Heather Cottin A German law providing a range of partnership rights to same- sex couples was scheduled to t

[WW] Phoolan Devi, the Bandit Queen, murdered in India

2001-08-06 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - PHOOLAN DEVI: THE BANDIT QUEEN-- OPPRESSORS IN INDIA MURDER A SYMBOL OF RESISTANCE By Sara Flounders Phoolan Devi, a militant leader known as the

[WW] U.S. Navy voted out of Vieques, refuses to leave

2001-08-05 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - VIEQUES REFERENDUM: NAVY VOTED OUT, REFUSES TO LEAVE By Berta Joubert-Ceci The cold and rain on July 29 in Vieques, Puerto Rico, could not dampen t

[WW] Report from Venezuela: Masses support Chavez

2001-08-05 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - REPORT FROM VENEZUELA: MASSES SUPPORT CHAVEZ'S "BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION" By Gloria La Riva Caracas, Venezuela Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was th

[WW] Baltimore residents to protest at White House Sept. 29

2001-08-05 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - AT SEPT. 29 WHITE HOUSE ACTION: BALTIMORE RESIDENTS TO PROTEST UTILITY SHUTOFFS By Sharon Black Baltimore Over 150,000 Baltimore Gas and Electric

[WW] IAC: An assessment of events in Genoa

2001-08-05 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - FROM THE INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER: AN ASSESSMENT OF RECENT EVENTS IN GENOA The following is taken from a statement on Genoa by the Internationa

[WW] Mumia Abu-Jamal on Carlo's way

2001-08-05 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - MUMIA ABU-JAMAL ON CARLO'S WAY The recent police shooting of 23-year-old Carlo Giuliani in the riotous streets of Genoa has sent shock waves around

[WW] Human Rights Watch: Creating the pretext for U.S. intervention

2001-07-30 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: CREATING THE PRETEXT FOR U.S. INTERVENTION By Heather Cottin The ruling class has never had much trouble with hypocrisy. Thoma

[WW] Fury in the Balkans

2001-07-30 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: FURY IN THE BALKANS Even as George W. Bush readied his triumphant visit to U.S. occupation troops in Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, thousands o

[WW] Northern Ireland: Tensions at a boiling point

2001-07-30 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - NORTHERN IRELAND: TENSIONS AT A BOILING POINT By Sue Kelly In the six counties of north Ireland, gangs of "loyalist" youths have been rampaging thr

[WW] LA 8 get reprieve in court

2001-07-30 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - FOUGHT DEPORTATIONS FOR 15 YEARS: LA 8 GET REPRIEVE IN COURT By Preston Wood Los Angeles After 15 years of U.S. government efforts to deport them

[WW] Justice for Janitors wins contract

2001-07-30 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - BIG GAINS FOR LOWEST PAID: JUSTICE FOR JANITORS WINS CONTRACT By Joe Piette Philadelphia Janitors in suburban Philadelphia office buildings have w

[WW] Northern Ireland: Tensions at a boiling point

2001-07-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - NORTHERN IRELAND: TENSIONS AT A BOILING POINT By Sue Kelly In the six counties of north Ireland, gangs of "loyalist" youths have been rampaging thr

[WW] Vieques movement prepares for referendum and what comes after

2001-07-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - A VOTE THE U.S. SAYS IT WON'T HONOR: VIEQUES MOVEMENT PREPARES FOR REFERENDUM AND WHAT COMES AFTER By Berta Joubert-Ceci On July 29 the residents

[WW] 'Boycott Adobe' say programmers outraged over arrest at computer show

2001-07-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - REPRESSION IN CYBERSPACE "BOYCOTT ADOBE" SAY PROGRAMMERS OUTRAGED OVER ARREST AT COMPUTER SHOW By Gary Wilson The FBI's July 16 arrest of Dmitry

[WW] Three students killed by cops in Papua New Guinea

2001-07-28 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Aug. 2, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - AFTER GLOBALIZATION PROTEST: THREE STUDENTS KILLED BY COPS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA By Heather Cottin Carlo Giuliani was not the first person to be kil

[WW] A worker by any other name

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: A WORKER BY ANY OTHER NAME Last year the average net worth--what you own minus what you owe--of people in the United States dropped for

[WW] Vietnamese struggle against war's legacy

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - GAINS IN EDUCATION FOR WOMEN: VIETNAMESE STRUGGLE AGAINST WAR'S LEGACY Ha Thi Khiet, president of the Vietnam Women's Union and a member of the C

[WW] Determined School of Assassins protesters face prison

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - DETERMINED SCHOOL OF ASSASSINS PROTESTERS FACE PRISON By Heather Cottin On July 17, 19 members of the U.S.-based School of the Americas Watch (SO

[WW] Settlement in Louima case

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - $8.5 MILLION SETTLEMENT IN LOUIMA CASE: CITY, COP "UNION" HELD ACCOUNTABLE By Heather Cottin New York When the police tortured Abner Louima in a

[WW] Striking workers: Boycott Dunkin' Donuts

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - STRIKING WORKERS SAY: BOYCOTT DUNKIN' DONUTS By Joe Piette Philadelphia After picketing and rallying for six weeks, 150 members of United Food an

[WW] National outrage squashes Bush's anti-gay deal

2001-07-24 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - SALVATION ARMY WON'T GET PAID TO DISCRIMINATE: NATIONAL OUTRAGE SQUASHES BUSH'S ANTI-GAY DEAL By Imani Henry They thought all they would need was

[WW] Convergence of protests in Washington

2001-07-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 4: CONVERGENCE OF PROTEST GROUPS TO TARGET WASHINGTON BOSSES, IMPERIALIST BANKERS By Gery Armsby No less than 400 organiza

[WW] Seattle: Demand justice for Aaron Roberts

2001-07-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - COMMUNITY TARGETS RACIST POLICE SHOOTING: DEMANDS JUSTICE FOR AARON ROBERTS By Jim McMahan Seattle On May 31, Seattle cops gunned down Aaron Robe

[WW] Entombed alive: protests spotlight 'super max' incarceration

2001-07-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - ENTOMBED ALIVE: PROTESTS SPOTLIGHT "SUPER MAX" INCARCERTION By Joanne Gavin Livingston, Texas Members of the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movemen

[WW] Selling out cheap

2001-07-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: SELLING OUT CHEAP Being an imperialist puppet is losing its allure in the post- Soviet world. Back in the Cold-War days, a faithful serv

[WW] U.S. stance on climate control enrages world

2001-07-22 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 26, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - REAPING THE WHIRLWIND: U.S. STANCE ON CLIMATE CONTROL ENRAGES WORLD By Deirdre Griswold A world summit on climate control opened in Bonn on July 1

[WW] Greek Cypriots break parliamentarian out of jail

2001-07-17 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - GREEK CYPRIOTS BREAK PARLIAMENTARIAN OUT OF JAIL By Heather Cottin Hundreds of Greek Cypriots stormed a police station at the Episkopi-Akrotiri B

[WW] Writers' battle to win compensation

2001-07-17 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - WRITERS' RIGHTS AFFIRMED BY SUPREME COURT NOW THE BATTLE TO WIN COMPENSATION By Susan E. Davis Co-Chair UAW Local 1981 New York The Supreme Court

[WW] Workers beware

2001-07-17 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: WORKERS BEWARE Subscribers to the Wall Street Journal receive an email update each weekday highlighting the most important development

[WW] Quiet coup in Colombia?

2001-07-17 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - EDITORIAL: QUIET COUP IN COLOMBIA? The Colombian regime and its U.S. mentors have no answers to the revolution gathering strength in that country

[WW] Workers around the world: 7/19.2001

2001-07-16 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - WORKERS AROUND THE WORLD NIGERIA: STRIKE WAVE BUILDS A series of strikes is sweeping the West African nation of Nigeria. Nigeria is a major oil p

[WW] Romanian steel workers chase U.S. capital out

2001-07-16 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - ROMANIAN STEEL WORKERS CHASE U.S. CAPITAL OUT Union protests, hunger strikes and fierce battles with new management over unpaid wages have reverse

[WW] Argentina: Unemployed workers fight privatization, cops

2001-07-16 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - ARGENTINA: UNEMPLOYED WORKERS FIGHT PRIVATIZATION, COPS By Gery Armsby For over two weeks some 200 unemployed workers have occupied the main plaz

[WW] Battle over stem cells: How outmoded capitalism holds science back

2001-07-16 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - BATTLE OVER STEM CELLS: HOW OUTMODED CAPITALISM HOLDS SCIENCE BACK By Deirdre Griswold A breakthrough in biology in 1998 had the scientific world

[WW] Boston committee urges defense of Palestinian activists

2001-07-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - BOSTON COMMITTEE URGES DEFENSE OF PALESTINIAN ACTIVISTS Palestinian activist Amer Jubran was arrested June 10 while leading a protest against a ce

[WW] Mumia's message to students censored

2001-07-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - MUMIA TO CASTLEMONT HIGH GRADUATES Students at Castlemont High School in Oakland, Calif., wanted to read a speech by Mumia Abu-Jamal at their gra

[WW] Five Cubans imprisoned by U.S.

2001-07-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - FIVE CUBANS IMPRISONED BY U.S.: A CASE NOT OF ESPIONAGE BUT OF SELF-DEFENSE By Gloria La Riva Five Cubans--sent by the Cuban government to infil

[WW] Cuban labor leaders to tour U.S.

2001-07-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - CUBAN LABOR LEADERS TO TOUR U.S. Five leaders of the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC) will be touring 30 cities in the United States. The tour

[WW] Caravan takes medical equipment to Cuba

2001-07-14 Thread WW
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the July 19, 2001 issue of Workers World newspaper - U.S. CUSTOMS SEIZES SOME, BUT CARAVAN TAKES MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TO CUBA PLANS TO BRING BACK CUBAN PRODUCTS IN "REVERSE CHALLENGE" By Teresa Gutierr

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