Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 8, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

President George W. Bush's nomination of John Ashcroft for 
attorney general has created an unprecedented firestorm of 
protest, including groups representing women's reproductive 
rights, civil rights and lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans 

If Ashcroft is confirmed by a majority of the Senate--which 
seems likely--he will hold one of the most influential 
positions in the capitalist government. The attorney general 
is the top prosecutor in the country and heads the U.S. 
Justice Department.

All Senate Republicans support Ashcroft. Their Democratic 
counterparts aren't mounting any real opposition. This 
should come as no surprise to anyone who knows the history 
of Democratic leaders caving in to the reactionary wing of 
the U.S. ruling class.

It would be hard to argue that Ashcroft is not a woman-
hating, patriarchal, medieval, right-wing monster. His 
reactionary record speaks for itself.

It's important to know exactly what Ashcroft's real record 
is--especially when he has obscured it in his testimony 
before the Senate.

But he isn't riding into office on a strong base of popular 
support. He's not invincible. So the most important question 
is: What kind of movement will it take to stop Ashcroft's 


Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women and 
others report that as Missouri's governor, Ashcroft did 
everything he could to amend the state constitution and pass 
legislation banning women's right to terminate a pregnancy 
by safe, legal abortion. This included cases where a woman 
became pregnant through rape or incest.

In 1998, as a U.S. senator, Ashcroft sponsored an amendment 
that would have banned common methods of birth control for 
women--including contraceptive pills and IUDs.

The same year Ashcroft was one of eight senators who opposed 
legislation requiring that health insurance plans for 
federal employees cover the cost of prescription 
contraceptives. He also voted to ban the use of tax funds 
for emergency contraceptives.

Ashcroft has called for overturning the Supreme Court's 1973 
Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

Ashcroft opposed the surgeon general nominations of Dr. 
Henry Foster in 1995 and Dr. David Satcher in 1998. Besides 
being African Americans, both nominees supported women's 
right to choose.

Ashcroft has also advocated legislation that would justify 
murdering doctors who perform abortions as "justifiable 
homicide." He wanted to fire publicly employed nurses who 
provided contraceptives in Missouri.

As Missouri's attorney general, Ashcroft sued NOW for 
calling a boycott of the state after it defeated 
ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. 

He has also opposed legislation calling for equal pay for 
equal work.

A far-right religious fanatic, Ashcroft opposes the 
separation of church and state. As governor he opposed 
legislation requiring church-run day-care centers to meet 
state health and safety regulations.

Missouri was the only state to exempt religious day-care 
centers from these stipulations.


If Ashcroft wants to turn back women's social status by 
hundreds of years, his view of lesbian, gay, bi and trans 
people runs a close second.

In 1982, while speaking in opposition to the ERA, he said 
that "homosexuality is abnormal." He also called same-sex 
love "a sin."

In 1995 Ashcroft backed an amendment to the Ryan White bill 
to authorize the cut-off of funds to community-health 
centers providing services to those living with HIV and 
AIDS. The ammendment's sponsor was Jesse Helms.

In 1996, Ashcroft voted against the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act, which called for a ban against workplace 
discrimination based on sexual orientation. Last year, he 
voted against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

He has voted to eliminate federal funding for the National 
Endowment for the Arts because of its support for gay-themed 
art and gay artists.

Ashcroft, along with Helms, opposed the confirmation of an 
openly gay capita list, James Hormel, to be U.S. ambassador 
to Luxembourg under Bill Clinton.


Ashcroft would like to see people of color back in chains 
and the back of the bus. He's a Ku Klux Klansman in a three-
piece suit.

In the Southern Partisan Quarterly Review--a publication 
that glorifies slavery and the old slave-owning class--
Ashcroft publicly defended the views of Confederate leaders 
Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis.

In 1999, Ashcroft received an honorary degree from South 
Carolina's Bob Jones University and delivered the 
commencement address. Until recently this "university" 
outlawed interracial dating.

Ashcroft opposes all affirmative-action programs. For 
instance, he voted to dilute the effectiveness of the 
Community Reinvestment Act, a federal law that prohibits 
banks from "redlining" minority areas in the inner cities.

He opposed the nomination of Asian American Bill Lann Lee to 
head the civil-rights division of the Justice Department.

As Missouri attorney general and governor, Ashcroft opposed 
federal-court-ordered desegregation for schools in St. Louis 
and Kansas City. He went so far as to oppose a voluntary 
city/suburb desegregation program in St. Louis.

Ashcroft led a virulent campaign against the federal 
nomination of Judge Ronnie White, who was to become the 
first African American judge on the Missouri State Supreme 


A united and militant grassroots movement can defeat the 
Ashcroft nomination and win. But the movement cannot view 
the Ashcroft development as an isolated matter.

It's true that Bush is hand-picking nominations from the 
Republican party that push his administration to the right 
of Clinton's. But what is the legacy of eight years of a 
Democrat in the White House?

The Clinton years saw a wave of terror assaults on women's 
clinics and doctors who provide abortions. Black churches 
torched at a rate not seen since the overturning of Black 
Reconstruction. Stepped-up demonization of immigrants of 
color. Anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks. A rise in 
violent assaults against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.

There were even issues where a Democratic administration 
made it easier to introduce reactionary policies. For 
example, Clinton eliminated welfare in 1996, something that 
a Republican could have never done without a storm of 

An "anyone-but-Ashcroft" campaign won't advance the 
movement. But an independent mass movement in the streets--a 
movement that doesn't look to leadership from either party 
of big business--can defeat Ashcroft's nomination and fight 
for the interests of poor and working people.

Anti-inaugural protests on Jan. 20 by tens of thousands in 
the streets of Washington, Tallahassee, Fla., San Francisco 
and San Diego created the basis for just this kind of 

The anger over Bush's theft of this election by 
disenfranchising millions of Black voters in Florida and 
elsewhere--along with his reactionary program--has already 
provided a catalyst that can help build this new movement 
for revolutionary change.

- END -

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