Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 21, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Abayomi Azikiwe

In a landmark civil case, Detroit's most notorious cop, Eugene Brown, 
has been found liable by a jury in the wrongful death of Lamar Wayne 
Grable, 20, who was gunned down on Sept. 21, 1996.

A jury of four blacks and four whites deliberated for less than two 
hours to render a verdict against Brown on the counts of assault and 
battery and gross negligence. A judgment of $4 million was awarded to 
the Grable family by the jury.

Arnetta Grable, the mother of Lamar Wayne Grable, brought the lawsuit in 
1999 and was represented at trial by attorneys David Robinson and 
Mellisa El of Detroit. Eugene Brown was represented by a city attorney.

Probably one of the most widely known cases involving police misconduct, 
Arn etta Grable v. Eugene Brown has come to symbolize all that is wrong 
with the Detroit Police Department. During the course of four years, 
Brown killed three people in Detroit and wounded at least one other. He 
has been involved in numerous altercations with other civilians and even 
one off-duty police officer over the last several years. In 1999, Brown 
was removed from active patrol duty by then police chief Benny Napoleon, 
but still remains on the payroll of the Detroit Police Department.


Arnetta Grable was determined to bring the civil case to trial despite 
repeated attempts by the city of Detroit to settle out of court with a 
monetary award.

"I am not concerned about the money, I want the truth to come out about 
what happened to my son," Grable said on several occasions to the media 
and the general public. "I promised my son the night he was killed that 
I would not rest until I brought the people responsible to justice."

Grable spoke widely about the death of her son at the hands of Eugene 
Brown and became a principal organizer in the Detroit Coalition Against 
Police Brutality and spokesperson for the National Oct ober 22 Coalition 
Against Brutality.

Lamar Wayne Grable was a 20-year-old community activist on Detroit's 
east side and had become fairly well known in the city for his work with 
young people seeking to establish their own businesses. He had come to 
the attention of several city leaders for his volunteer work.

On the night of Sept. 21, 1996, he was returning home from a party at a 
neighborhood church when he was chased and gunned down by Eugene 
Grable was shot eight times, twice in the back at point-blank range 
while he lay mortally wounded in a vacant lot near his home on Field 
street near Kercheval in Detroit.

Arnetta Grable announced to the media after the verdict that the 
judgment would be utilized to establish a trust fund in honor of her 
son. This fund would assist young people in the city of Detroit who are 
attempting to establish independent community businesses.

"I feel that the loss to our family and Lamar's only child deserves 


Another civil suit will be brought against Eugene Brown very soon by one 
other family which suffered a loss of their loved one at the hands of 
this Detroit police officer.

In addition, efforts by the city to suppress the finding of Deputy Chief 
Walter Shoulders's investigation into the killings carried out by Eugene 
Brown will be challenged in circuit court. This report purportedly 
carries damaging evidence against Brown that would warrant criminal 
charges. Brown has been cleared by the internal affairs department of 
the Detroit Police Department and the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office 
involving the three killings and other altercations with citizens in 

Meanwhile, Brown has filed suit against the city after being denied a 
promotion to sergeant. Yet a legal ruling last year quashed his claim, 
saying that he had no legal right to a promotion.

At present the Detroit Police Depart ment is under the direction of two 
federal consent decrees which are supposedly designed to reform the 
city's law-enforcement agency. Yet the consent decrees are providing no 
relief to victims of police brutality. The federal monitor appointed to 
oversee the implementation of the consent decrees did not even send a 
representative to observe the Grable v. Brown trial, a landmark case in 
the history of police brutality in Detroit and nationally.

[Excerpted from a longer article
by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of
Pan-African News Wire.]

- END -

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