Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 19, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Beverly Hiestand
Buffalo, N.Y.

Progressive activists organized by the Buffalo International Action
Center and members of Radikats from the State University of New York at
Buffalo prematurely closed down a white-supremacist rally here in
downtown Niagara Square on June 7.

The "Racial Nationalist Party of Amer ica," headquartered in nearby Lock
port, held a rally in downtown Buffalo in front of City Hall at the same
time the annual lesbian, gay, bi and trans pride march was taking place
elsewhere in the downtown area.

The day before, right-wing bigots had held up huge anti-gay signs along
the route of the annual Dyke March. They did it again at the pride march
the next day.

The white supremacists had stated that their June 7 rally would be two
hours long. They hoped to capture media attention.

But during the small ultra-right rally, Nazi leader and spokesperson
Karl Hand had to complain about the shouting, taunt ing, dancing and
drumming by progressive activists, which totally drowned out his
attempts to be heard over a megaphone.

Drivers passing by in cars tooted their horns in support of an IAC
banner reading: "No hate mongers here or in the White House."

After only 45 minutes, Hand and four supporters who had stood next to
him holding flags with swastikas gave up and left. Only two people had
showed up to listen.

The anti-fascist demonstrators who organized the protest on only a few
days' notice felt it was very important to not allow the racist, anti-
LGBT and anti-Semitic filth to go unchallenged for even one moment.

Some 22 years ago, the same Karl Hand and his fascist band attempted to
hold a rally in the same location, City Hall, on Jan. 15, Martin Luther
King's birthday. They announced their plans after a series of racist
murders of Black men had shocked the city.

In an exemplary show of strength, anti-racist forces organized more than
3,000 protesters to march down Delaware Ave nue in sub-zero weather to
rally in front of City Hall, where Hand and four others huddled on the
steps--completely surrounded and protected by Buffalo police.

Tom Scahill, one of this year's counter-protesters, also took part in
the 1981 anti-fascist mobilization.

He noted: "Hand and his followers felt emboldened by the white
supremacist murders in 1981 and saw it as an opportunity to organize
racist elements. How ever, after they saw the anti-racist commu nity
response, they went back into hiding.

"Today they feel emboldened by the Bush administration's racist attacks
on civil rights--especially those of Arab, Muslim and South Asian
people. There are growing reports of distribution of Klan and Nazi
literature and exhibition of racist objects being displayed on people's
lawns--including Confederate flags--in the upstate New York area.

"We have learned that the only way to stop these fascists is to come out
each and every time to push them back," Scahill concluded.

He stressed that the anti-racist, pro-LGBT and anti-sexist forces in
Buffalo are strong. Over the last decade, progressive activists in this
city have successfully blocked three national right-wing mobilizations
that tried to close women's health clinics that provide abortion and
attack LGBT meeting spaces.

- END -

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