Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 17, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper

Crisis Deepens for Bush and Pentagon Brass

By Fred Goldstein

President George W. Bush and his entourage are touring Africa as part of 
Washington's plans to expand its military, economic and political 
domination on the continent. Washington has threatened Iran, Syria and 
North Korea. It has dispatched troops to the Philippines and Colombia, 
and is trying to push the Palestinians into abandoning their struggle 
for national survival.

All of this is in accord with their ambitions of exercising total world 

But the momentum of the whole imperial enterprise is being significantly 
weakened, if not undermined, by the deepening crisis in Iraq.

The growing Iraqi resistance to the U.S. military and the declining 
morale of U.S. troops is haunting the Pentagon. It should be a signal to 
the anti-war movement to intensify its efforts to stop the occupation 
and bring the troops home.


Bush declared the war over on May 1 during a triumphal photo op when he 
landed on a U.S. aircraft carrier. That scene is no longer being 
replayed. The Pentagon's latest count of U.S. soldiers killed in combat 
since then is up to 30. More are said to have died in accidents. The 
number of wounded is in the neighborhood of 200.

On July 2, Bush's public response to this growing crisis and 
intensifying conflict was to taunt the resistance and say "Bring 'em 
on." This was safely said from the campaign trail in the U.S., where he 
was busy circulating among his millionaire and billionaire cronies, 
building up his financial war chest for re-election.

This belligerent, thuggish taunt was repeated by Gen. Tommy Franks 
during his retirement ceremony. But while it may have sounded good among 
the fraternity of ultra-militarists, elitist pilots, Special Operations 
mercenaries and assorted right-wingers to whom Bush was appealing, the 
phrase undoubtedly had a different ring to U.S. soldiers on the ground 
and their families back home, not to speak of the resistance fighters in 

No sooner did Bush get the words out of his mouth than U.S. forces in 
Iraq suffered their heaviest attacks since May 1. These were underplayed 
in the media. But the Washington Post of July 5 reported an attack in 
Balad, a small farming town about 50 miles north of Baghdad. Balad was 
the scene of massive U.S. sweeps in Operation Desert Scorpion recently.

"The mortar attack, which occurred late Thursday and wounded at least 17 
members of the Army's 3rd Corps Support Command at a sprawling military 
base near the town, resulted in more injuries than any other single 
incident since President Bush declared major combat over on May 1."

The subsequent ambush of a military patrol on a highway south of Balad, 
continued the Post, "sparked one of the most intense clashes in the past 
two months, with soldiers killing 11 Iraqis during three separate 
firefights that spanned eight hours, military officials said."

A U.S. military official said about 50 people were involved in the 
attack. "This is unusual and concerning," the official told the Post. "A 
group of 50 suggests a degree of organization we haven't seen before."

The attack on Camp Anaconda near Balad used mortars, which take training 
and skill in ballistics and can be fired from up to four miles away. 
During the week there was a mortar attack on the International Airport 
near Baghdad, where the top U.S. military commander works, and on the 
field headquarters of the Army's 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Ramadi, 
which was hit three nights in a row, according to the Post.


New York Times chief military correspondent Michael Gordon journeyed to 
the headquarters of Theater Support Command for logistics at Arifjan, 
Kuwait, to meet with officials there. "We are having heavier attacks now 
than we did during the war," Maj. Gen. David E. Kratzer told Gordon, who 
reported in the Times of July 4. "It is an unusual day when we don't 
have at least one attack someplace on the supply route." The area just 
south of Baghdad has been dubbed "RPG Alley" by the soldiers. RPGs are 
rocket-propelled grenades. The high command is worried that the 
resistance fighters are improving their skills.

Similar reports come from the 1st Armored Division, which arrived in 
Baghdad in early May. One field artillery unit was attacked seven times 
while patrolling a two-square-mile area, according to the Washington 
Post of July 8: "The incidents included mortar fire from a nearby 
neighborhood, a drive-by shooting, a rocket-propelled grenade launched 
from a bus stop and hand grenades tossed at soldiers' Humvees as they 
drove through a congested market."

"We're hit more now that the war is pretty much over," Spec. Justin 
Keeney, 22, of Oregon City, who drives a heavy equipment truck from 
Baghdad to the northwest, told the Post. "When we haul tanks or 
artillery, they don't mess with us. If we have engineering equipment, we 
get lit up. It's almost guaranteed."


"Such urban combat," continued the Post, "not only poses an immediate 
threat to soldiers' lives, it has the potential to stir resentment 
toward occupation forces at a time when the U.S. government is 
attempting to focus attention on its efforts to rebuild Iraq."

The Post reporter talked to Spec. James McNeely, 48, a member of the 
D.C. National Guard's 547th Transportation Company. "They're getting 
tired of us," he said. "Wouldn't you be mad if they invaded your 

As the occupation drags on and U.S. soldiers are confronted with having 
to carry out the colonial role of occupation police, their morale is 

"Most soldiers would empty their bank accounts just for a plane ticket 
home," said one recent letter to Congress written by an Army soldier now 
based in Iraq. The soldier requested anonymity. (Christian Science 
Monitor, July 7)

"Make no mistake, the level of morale for most soldiers I've seen has 
hit rock bottom," said another soldier, an officer from the Army's 3rd 
Infantry Division.

This morale is being worn down by long and frequent deployments amid an 
openly hostile population, whose resistance is drastically 
underreported. A Washington Post reporter watched as the lead Humvee in 
a caravan had its front lifted off the ground by a mine on the side of a 
bridge. The vehicle was damaged, but because no one was killed or 
seriously wounded, this incident was not reported by the military. But 
such incidents are everyday occurrences. "It's becoming routine," a 
military official told the Post.

When the reporter went over to interview some of the many Iraqis on the 
banks of the Tigris by the bridge, no one saw who planted the mine. "And 
even if they did, several said, they would not identify the person to 
U.S. forces."

"This kind of attack is good for the Iraqi people," said Kudier Abbas, 
39, a food vendor. "The Americans have been here for four months. What 
have they done for us." He pulled out some candy and asked, "They think 
this will make us happy?"

This growing tide of reported and unreported attacks on the soldiers is 
downplayed by the high command. But it cannot be downplayed to the 
families of the soldiers who get letters and first-hand reports.


At Fort Hood, Tex., Fort Stewart, Ga., and base towns throughout the 
U.S., tension and anxiety are rising rapidly among military families, 
who had thought that when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld promised a 
short, clean, surgical war that would "liberate, not occupy," he knew 
what he was talking about.

"I want my husband home," Luisa Leija, a mother of three children at 
Fort Hood, told the New York Times, as reported in the July 4 edition. 
"I am so on edge. When they first left, I thought yeah, this will be a 
bad war, but war is what they trained for. But they are not fighting a 
war. ... They have become police in a place they're not welcome."

"Frustrations became so bad recently at Fort Stewart," continued the 
Times, "that a colonel, meeting with 800 seething spouses, most of them 
wives, had to be escorted from the session. 'They were crying, cussing, 
yelling and screaming for their men to come back,' said Lucia Braxton, 
director of community services at Fort Stewart.

"The soldiers were supposed to be welcomed by waving crowds. Where did 
all those people go?" asked Kim Franklin, whose husband is part of an 
artillery unit.

"In the postwar and pre-peace phase," wrote the Times, "it is not Green 
Berets or top-gun fighter pilots who are being killed. The casualties 
have been mostly low-ranking ground troops who are performing mundane 
activities, like buying a video, going out on patrol or guarding a trash 

Fear of how the brutality of the war will transform their husbands and 
break up families is common. "That's my biggest fear," said Valerie 
Decal, the wife of an artillery sergeant, said. "That my husband will 
come back different. Even if you're G.I. Joe, if you have to kill 
someone, that's not something you just forget about."

The realities of imperialist war and colonial occupation have brought 
untold suffering to the Iraqi people. Their entire infrastructure and 
state system has been destroyed. Thousands of civilians have been killed 
and wounded. Thousands have been arrested and detained by a foreign, 
oppressive occupying force that has barged into their country and tried 
to take control. Midnight raids have resulted in handcuffing, 
blindfolding, destruction and stealing of personal property. Brutalizing 
interrogations, killing of innocent civilians, widespread attempts to 
disarm a population under occupation and attack--all this has stoked the 

All these acts of terror are carried out under the orders of the 
Pentagon and L. Paul Bremer III, the U.S. overlord of Iraq. And it is 
the soldiers, the working class in uniform, who have to carry out these 
criminal orders. The Pentagon has pushed the GIs into the line of fire 
of the resistance because Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the 
entire ruling class, led by the big oil companies, are determined to 
subdue Iraq and establish their empire in the Middle East.

The task of fighting to get the troops home and allowing the Iraqi 
people to determine their own destiny is urgent. It is in the interest 
of not only the Iraqi people and the U.S. soldiers, but of the 
Palestinians, Iranians, Syrians, the people of Africa, Korea and all the 
rest of the globe who are on the hit-list of the Pentagon.

- END -

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