Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 19, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


[The International Action Center released the following 
statement Oct. 11.]

The corporate-backed politicians all agree. The torching of 
Yugoslavia's parliament and the overthrow of President 
Slobodan Milosevic was a "triumph for democracy." That's 
what Bill Clinton says. So do George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, 
Mad e leine Albright, Al Gore and the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
at the Pentagon. CNN, NBC, CBS and Time magazine say so too.


In Seattle, Washington, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, 
protesters were gassed, beaten, shot with rubber bullets and 
held for days in overcrowded cells. The media called us 
"rioters" and "vandals" and told us to go home and "seek 
change through the ballot box." But in Yugoslavia the CIA 
and State Department urged the "opposition" to boycott the 
second round of elections, march in the streets and attack 
government offices.

It is supposed to be a crime for any U.S. political 
candidate to accept donations from abroad. But Washington 
gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Vojislav Kostunica's 
"Democratic Opposition of Serbia" before the Sept. 24 


Last year the United States and other NATO powers rained 
bombs and missiles on Yugoslavia for 78 days. They destroyed 
homes, schools and hospitals. They killed and maimed 
thousands, including hundreds of children. The U.S. media 
and politicians justified these war crimes with a lie 
campaign demonizing all Serbs. Now the politicians and 
generals who ordered the bombing and the media who justified 
it claim to be champions of the rights of the Serbian 

There is no inconsistency here. All over the world 
Washington's attitude is guided by concern for corporate 
interests. U.S. policy toward Yugoslavia is war by other 


Slobodan Milosevic may not be a revolutionary in the mold of 
Fidel Castro or Che Guevara. But in the eyes of Washington 
he committed the same sin as the protesters in Seattle and 
Prague: He said no to the New World Order and the 
International Monetary Fund.

Under the leadership of his Serbian Socialist Party, the 
United Left and the Montenegrin People's Socialist Party, 
Yugoslavia refused to join NATO or accept IMF-dictated 
"economic restructuring." It resisted privatization and the 
"free flow of capital" demanded by Wall Street. For that 
reason--and that alone--Yugoslavia was the target of eight 
years of war and economic sanctions by the U.S. and NATO and 
a nonstop campaign of lies by the biggest propaganda machine 
in history--the U.S. corporate news media.


On Sept. 27, unknown to most of their followers, leaders of 
the U.S.-funded "Democratic Opposition" met with 
representatives of the IMF and the World Bank in Sofia, 
Bulgaria. They agreed that if they came to power they would 
hike prices, privatize industry, lay off workers and 
dismantle Yugoslavia's free health-care system. That's 
right: Yugoslavia has free health care--and the IMF wants to 
destroy it!

These are the same measures that have devastated Bulgaria, 
Romania, the former Soviet republics and countries 
throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. That was the 
price of Washington's support.


Kostunica and his CIA advisers arrogantly rejected a second 
round of elections. They feared that even if they won--a big 
"if"--the elected Socialist parliamentary majority would 
block the IMF's program. Kostunica and the CIA wanted to 
take power by force in order to intimidate or disband the 
parliament and crush the Serbian Socialist Party and its 
allies. They wanted to send a message to anyone in East 
Europe who would resist Washington and Wall Street.

In 1993 the White House encouraged Boris Yeltsin to send 
tanks to shell Russia's parliament when it refused to accept 
IMF "shock therapy." Hundreds were massacred. Clinton called 
that a "triumph for democracy" too.

The Pentagon, State Department and CIA have decades of 
experience overthrowing independent governments. They've 
done it in Iran (1953), Guate mala (1954), Congo (1961), 
Guyana (1962), Indonesia (1965), Ghana (1966), Chile (1973), 
Argentina (1976), Romania (1989), Bulgaria (1990) and 
Albania (1991).

In Indonesia a CIA-backed junta executed nearly 1 million 
people in the name of "democracy." The New York Times called 
that slaughter a "gleam of light in Asia."

The formula is generally the same. Cause tremendous hardship 
for the people of the target country. Create a pro-U.S. 
"opposition" and pump it full of dollars. Promise that if 
Washington gets its way, people may again live a "normal" 

It's a lie! The IMF and World Bank are agencies of 
destruction. They aim to destroy all avenues of economic 
life that are not controlled by Wall Street. When they take 
over a country life always gets worse. Workers in Bulgaria 
now live on 56 cents a day.


The media call the coup in Yugoslavia an "endgame." But it 
is unlikely that the U.S.-backed regime can implement its 
program without force. The new movement against corporate 
globalization must stand with all those around the world who 
are fighting injustice--from Colombia to Zimbabwe to 

That includes those in Yugoslavia and across East Europe who 
are resisting the tyranny of NATO and the IMF.

- END -

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