Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 3, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Bob McCubbin

More than 700 people came out to hear transgender lesbian activist and 
Workers World Managing Editor Leslie Feinberg during a mid-June 
California speaking tour. She drew enthusiastic audiences in San 
Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Her well-received remarks--which 
touched on many issues but centered on the struggle against war, racism 
and capitalism--elicited repeated strong applause and standing ovations.

Her first appearances on June 13 were as a featured speaker at the 
National Queer Arts Festival at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 
Transgender Community Center in San Francisco. A repeat performance was 
scheduled that night after the first event sold out. Both capacity 
audiences responded with thunderous standing ovations to the call for a 
militant, liberation current of the LGBT movement to fight racism and 
imperialist war.

A third meeting, held the following day, was organized by the San 
Francisco branch of Workers World Party and was held at the historic 
Women's Building in San Francisco's Mission District. When the newly 
renovated building opened in 2000, its rooms were dedicated to 30 women 
leaders and freedom fighters, past and present; one was established in 
Feinberg's name. (www.womensbuilding.org/public/building/naming3.html)

At the June 14 meeting, Feinberg retraced the history of more than a 
century of support by the left-wing of the socialist movement for an end 
to sexual and gender repression--including consistent support by Workers 
World Party.

She examined problems faced by the countries that have struggled to 
build a planned, socialist economy while faced with imperialist 
sabotage. And she defended the socialist countries as achievements of 
the working class, similar to labor unions.

"Our class enemies use any imperfection in a workers' state to try to 
discredit socialism. We examine the problems they've faced in order to 
make socialism stronger.

"We say to those at the citadel of capital: It's your toxic waste dump 
of ideology that workers in socialist countries are forced to mop up. 
And while they try to carry out this task, you encircle and strangle, 
infiltrate and invade like slave-owners trying to destroy maroon 
communities of those who broke their shackles.

"But we will not let you obscure the tremendous achievements of these 
young societies. The poorest of these states have done what you, the 
richest capitalist countries, won't do and can't do because of your 
drive for profits. They have provided free education, free health care, 
jobs, inexpensive housing and transportation for all."

She called on all gathered to defend Cuba and North Korea, whose only 
"crime" is trying to construct socialist economies, and to stand up for 
all those struggling to defend their right to self-determination and 
sovereignty, including Iraq, the Palestinians, Iran, Colombia, the 
Philippines and Venezuela.

During the hour-long question and answer period following her talk, 
members of the audience showed they were giving serious thought to how a 
revolution could be achieved in this country.

A video clip from the event is on the internet. It includes part of the 
important introduction by LeiLani Dowell, who chaired the meeting, about 
why WWP is a strong supporter of the LGBT movement. The viedo clip can 
be found at: sf.indymedia.org/ news/2003/06/1621546.php.

A meeting on June 15 organized by the Los Angeles International Action 
Center was held at the ONE Institute & Archives, which serve as a 
valuable repository for the largest research library on LGBT historical, 
literary and cultural materials in the world today.

Stuart Timmons, the institute's executive director, introduced Feinberg 
to the capacity audience. Timmons, the biographer of Harry Hay, evoked 
the struggles of that gay pioneer who was also a communist, reminding 
those gathered that it was radicals who struggled for many of the gains 
that the working class enjoys today, like unions and Social Security. 
Timmons said that Feinberg, like Hay, has played a germinal role in both 
the LGBT and the communist movements.

In her talk, Feinberg focused on the question of whether overturning 
capitalism is really necessary. Since LGBT people have made strides in 
this country, couldn't capitalism just be "tinkered" with?

She pointed out that the first mass historic movement for gay, trans and 
lesbian liberation--the German Homosexual Eman cipation Movement--and 
its precious archive were destroyed by the rise of fascism in 1935. 
Capitalism in times of crisis can wipe out the gains of decades, she 
emphasized. "A movement that relies solely on incremental reforms or the 
next election is doomed to the experience of Sisy phus, who, in Greek 
mythology, was forced to roll a heavy boulder up the hill, only to watch 
it come thundering down again."

Feinberg's San Diego appearance the next day drew a standing-room-only 
audience--mostly young and mostly from the local lesbian, gay, bisexual 
and transgender communities--to the Santa Fe Room in Balboa Park. The 
San Diego Inter na tional Action Center organized this event with a lot 
of help from the local HEAL organization.

Feinberg focused on the need for coalition building among the LGBT 
communities and beyond. She emphasized how tactically important it is 
that "T" has been added to "LGB." It was gender-variant lesbians and gay 
men who helped birth the movements against sexual and gender oppres 
sion, she noted. And while the populations of lesbian, gay, bi and trans 
people don't face a common oppression, they are up against a common 
enemy. "The lesson of Stonewall is that those who do not face the same 
degree of exploitation or oppression can make history when they fight 
back together," she pointed out.

She related episodes from her experiences as a young labor unionist, 
later as an anti-war and anti-racist activist, and still later as a 
community organizer during the 1990s ultra-rightist mobilizations in 
Buffalo, her hometown. The common lesson of all these experiences, she 
noted, was the power of solidarity.

You always knew, she pointed out, when contract negotiation time was 
coming in the sweatshops and mills of Buffalo, where she worked in the 
1960s. The foremen and supervisors would always seek out ways to divide 
the workers, using racism, sexism, gender-baiting the butch women and 
feminine men, anti-Semitism and red-baiting. The only answer to their 
divide-and-conquer tactics was to show even greater unity. The watchword 
she learned in practice was: An injury to one is an injury to all.

Further developing the idea of solidarity, Feinberg outlined struggles 
of the 1990s in Buffalo, when the right wing held two national campaigns 
to try to shut down women's health clinics and abortion services. LGBT 
volunteers played an important role in the Buffalo United for Choice 
(BUC) coalition that twice successfully beat back the fascist 
fundamentalists. And when the right-wingers in a last gasp of rage 
targeted Buffalo's LGBT social clubs, heterosexual women and men from 
the BUC coalition helped Rainbow Peace keepers, organized by the LGBT 
communities, to successfully defend these bars.

Feinberg reminded her audience that the left wing of the early gay 
movement won many allies with the enthusiastic presence of the Gay 
Liberation Front at anti-Vietnam War rallies, demonstrations in defense 
of the Black Panthers and the other struggles of those days.

She noted that Huey P. Newton, the inter nationally known leader of the 
Panthers, publicly acknowledged and offered a hand of solidarity to the 
LGBT movement. His revolutionary statement made in the summer of 1970 is 
still an outstanding example of political insight and courage.

Death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal's call for unity against 
anti-gay violence was from the same heroic mold, she said.

The Bush administration's attacks on civil rights and his program of 
"endless war" and occupation won't be stopped by an "anyone but Bush" 
campaign that diverts the energies of an independent movement into 
electing a Democrat, she said. She recounted how Democrat John F. 
Kennedy, viewed as a "liberal hope" by some, widened and deepened the 
war against Vietnam, while reactionary Repub lican Richard Nixon had to 
formally end the war. "It was the courageous struggle of the Vietnamese 
people and the massive protests by people of all nationalities and ages 
that made the difference," she said.

She urged those in attendance to stand up to red-baiting attacks that 
serve to divide the movement and divert it from focusing on the heart of 
the matter: The world productive apparatus has been built and run by 
hundreds of millions of workers and oppressed people worldwide, but is 
owned and controlled by a handful of billionaires.

"We don't want to break up these monopolies," she concluded, "We want to 
wrest private ownership out of the hands of this tiny capitalist class 
and apply consciousness and planning to produce to meet human needs and 
desires. It will take a mighty battle to bring this better world into 

"And lesbian and gay, trans and bi people are leaving our imprint in 
this historic struggle which is already shaping the demands and tasks of 

Feinberg's audiences ratified her conclusions with applause, cheers and 
standing ovations.

Are the political winds picking up and shifting direction? Has Pentagon 
bellicosity and Justice Department racism aroused a sleeping giant? 
Feinberg's audiences gave every indication of being hungry for even more 
anti-capitalist analysis. And Feinberg urged them to get involved in the 

- END -

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