Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 1, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Greg Butterfield

"We are the first crisis of George W. Bush's 
administration," proclaimed International Action Center Co-
director Larry Holmes as he stood at ground zero of the 
historic Jan. 20 counter-inauguration protests here.

"They didn't want us out here, demanding freedom for Mumia 
Abu-Jamal and an end to the racist death penalty," Holmes 
shouted over a microphone to the crowd gathered at Freedom 

He was referring to the unprecedented police/government 
attempt to suppress the right to protest at the 

After the IAC and the Partnership for Civil Justice fought 
for weeks with Washington's multifarious police agencies for 
protest permits--and after a last-minute lawsuit to insure 
access to the permitted areas--thousands of demonstrators 
were able to fill the plaza at Pennsylvania Ave. and 14th 
St. NW.

Even then, after a court order told the cops to let 
demonstrators in, police officials delayed for hours before 
letting the protesters through the checkpoints at 13th and 
14th streets.

The government attempt to disorganize and repress the 
protests led to checkpoints being set up in Washington for 
the first time in U.S. history. There were 16 in all.

At least 9,000 police were there, including every Washington 
cop, the Secret Service, Parks Police and police from 
Virginia and Maryland.

A popular chant of the anti-globalization movement caught on 
as long-time activists and first-time protesters demanded 
their right to be seen and heard. "That is what a police 
state looks like," they roared, pointing to the cops and 
their checkpoints.

Then, feeling their own growing strength as their numbers 
swelled, came the protesters' refrain: "This is what 
democracy looks like."


That feeling of strength continued to build with every 
obstacle they overcame.

As the damp chill of rain and sleet set in, 1,000 
demonstrators seized the raft of bleachers that had been 
erected on the plaza for Bush supporters.

Washington Post writer David Montgomery described it this 
way: "Thousands more filled Freedom Plaza, brushing past a 
line of Girl Scouts in yellow slickers to seize bleachers 
reserved for Republican loyalists.

"From these $50 perches, as shocked members of the 
Presidential Inaugural Committee looked on, the protesters 
chanted: 'George Bush, racist murderer!'"

Hours later, those bleachers would be the site of the day's 
highlight, as limousines carrying Bush and Vice President 
Dick Cheney were forced to speed past the loud, angry 

IAC co-director Teresa Gutierrez reminded the crowd what her 
group had accomplished by taking on the cops in court. "We 
faced down the police and made sure everyone who wanted to 
protest had the right to do so."

Gutierrez pointed out that the IAC applied for permits at 
Freedom Plaza and other sites in October, even before the 
election, because "whether Bush or Gore won, the death 
machine would go on.

"We believe the police never intended to give us a permit or 
allow demonstrators to have access to the parade route," she 

"They hoped to shield the Bush administration from the 
political embarrassment of having thousands of demonstrators 
lining the route. But they were overruled by the strength of 
the movement."


Bush lost the popular vote but won the presidency by 
disenfranchising African American, Haitian and Jewish voters 
in Florida. He was sworn in by Chief Justice William H. 
Rehnquist, one of five Supreme Court justices who awarded 
Bush the presidency by stopping the Florida vote recount.

In his brief speech at the Capitol, Bush promised to "bring 
the country together" with his commitment to "civility, 
courage, compassion and character."

The tens of thousands of protesters lining the parade route 
knew better. The multi-millionaire cabinet Bush appointed, 
and his reputation in Texas as "Gov. Death," put the lie to 
that, they said.

Undeterred by the cold, demonstrators faced off against riot-
clad cops for hours, their numbers growing steadily while 
the ranks of cowboy hat- and mink stole-wearing Bush 
supporters dwindled.

They chanted and hoisted signs with slogans like "Bush = 
racism," "Hail to the thief" and "John Ashcroft is a racist, 
sexist pig."

Those who came were overwhelmingly young. Many were students 
and workers who had never joined a demonstration before.

While most of those who came out were white--in part because 
of police threats aimed at keeping Washington's Black 
majority from mobilizing--there were strong contingents of 
African Americans, Puerto Ricans, Palestinians and other 
people of color.

"We had people coming by buses, vans and car caravans," IAC 
organizer Sarah Sloan told Workers World. "There is so much 
massive anger over the way the election took place."

There were 125 buses from New York alone, Sloan said, and 
protesters came from across the East Coast, the South and 
the Midwest. They came from as far away as California, Texas 
and Oklahoma. Counter-inaugural protests were also held in 
San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle and many 
other cities.

The number of demonstrators in Washington may never be 
known. But along Pennsylvania Ave. and in other parts of the 
city they certainly numbered in the tens of thousands.

Channel 8, Washington's all-news channel, gave estimates 
between 20,000 and 50,000 protesters. The Washington Post 
acknowledged that on northern blocks of Pennsylvania Ave. 
the demonstrators outnumbered Bush backers.

"More protesters than supporters," as one nervous CNN 
reporter said.

The corporate-dominated media tried to downplay or ignore 
the historic turnout. But the international press saw the 
protests as a sign that U.S. imperialism's new commander in 
chief has feet of clay.


Numerous issues drew the protesters. But for many of them, 
Bush's election theft was the last straw.

The National Organization for Women gathered at 8th St. and 
Pennsylvania to denounce Bush and the Republican right's 
anti-choice and anti-women agenda.

At Dupont Circle, a "Voters' March" drew thousands of people 
outraged by the election theft. They included supporters of 
Democratic candidate Al Gore as well as more radical forces. 
Many later joined the crowd at Freedom Plaza.

Thousands more marched to the Supreme Court for a "Shadow 
Inauguration" organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National 
Action Network and other civil-rights groups to protest the 
racist disenfranchisement of Florida's Black voters.

There, students from Washington's Catholic University 
carried homemade signs on brown cardboard with the slogan, 
"Count our votes!"

"We come to underscore that today in the capital city they 
are perpetuating one of the greatest untruths in American 
history," Sharpton said. "We are here to let the world know 
that [Black people] are not going to give back the right to 

Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader denounced 
"the soothing transition between two administrations, both 
of which take their orders from big business--the same big 
businesses that pumped $35 million into this weekend's 
ceremonies." (DC Indymedia Web site)

The New Black Panther Party held a "Day of Outrage" rally at 
Freedom Plaza, followed by a march. Organizer Malik Zulu 
Shabazz, explaining why many in his group wore helmets and 
other protective gear, pointed to the police and said, "We 
are not among friends."

The anarchist-led Black Bloc also staged a march that began 
near Freedom Plaza. At 14th and K streets police attacked 
the marchers with clubs and tear gas.

Several activists were seriously hurt. Between nine and 15 
were reported arrested.


The Freedom Plaza action was initiated by the IAC and 
endorsed by Washington's Justice Action Movement and 
hundreds of other groups and prominent individuals. The main 
focus there was fighting racist disenfranchisement and 
stopping the legal lynching of Black political prisoner Abu-
Jamal. But organizers didn't leave it at that.

Through signs, banners and speeches, they strove to show the 
new movement that it must link up with all the struggles--
for women's right to choose, for lesbian/gay/bi/trans 
rights, to organize the unorganized, against sweatshops, to 
fight U.S. military intervention in Colombia, to get the 
Navy out of Vieques, Puerto Rico, and much more.

Holmes denounced Bill Clinton for not granting clemency to 
Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier.

"Clinton had the chance to do one decent thing before he 
left office," Holmes said, "and he didn't do it. We are not 
going to stop fighting until we free Leonard.

"The worst mistake our movement could make would be to put 
any confidence in the leaders of the Democratic Party," he 
said. "We need an independent movement that fights in the 

Njeri Shakur and Gloria Rubac of the Texas Death Penalty 
Abolition Movement received a warm welcome from the crowd. 
They condemned Bush's record of more than 150 executions 
while governor of Texas, including the legal lynchings of 
revolutionaries Shaka Sankofa/Gary Graham and Ponchai 
"Kamau" Wilkerson last year.

Kim Denmark, a former welfare recipient from Dayton, Ohio, 
spoke about how she has walked across the Eastern U.S. to 
expose the evils of workfare and other so-called "welfare 
reforms." Paul Ford, an activist from Grinnell College in 
Iowa, led a chant of "Students united will never be 

Other speakers included Jerry Do minguez of the Mexican 
Workers Association, the Rev. Kiyul Chung of the Korea Truth 
Commission, Rebeca Toledo of the U.S. Out of Colombia 
Committee, Zapatista supporters and representatives of the 
group Free D.C.

Protesters shook the bleachers with cheers when an 
audiotaped message from Abu-Jamal called on them to 
"organize a revolutionary movement."

When a Texas marching band replete with Stetson hats and 
cowboy boots became the first parade contingent to pass 
Freedom Plaza, its members soon wished they were somewhere 

Protesters drowned out their patriotic tunes with chants of 
"Free Mumia, jail Bush" and "Racist, sexist, anti-gay--
George Bush, go away!"

"There were a lot of lesbian, gay, bi and trans folks," 
Elijah Crane of Rainbow Flags for Mumia told WW. "It was 
great to hear the whole crowd chanting against Bush for 
being 'racist, sexist and anti-gay.'

"People representing every issue and struggle were standing 
side-by-side. Someone was holding a sign that said 'remember 
Wanda Jean Allen' next to someone with a sign that said 
'stop Plan Colombia,'" said Crane.

"That was really inspiring and lent to the strong feeling of 
solidarity throughout the day."

Workers World Party presidential candidate Monica Moorehead 
told WW: "The movement for social justice may have begun in 
Seattle in 1999. But today marks a new milestone, despite 
all the attempts by the big-business media to whitewash the 

"The hijacking of this election by the thoroughly racist and 
reactionary Bush administration is helping to broaden the 
movement. It's embracing more people of color and working 
people as well as militant youths.

"This will be an important and exciting period for the class 
struggle in the United States, and the whole world will be 
watching," she predicted.


The afternoon wore on. But despite the chill, the crowd's 
anger only seemed to heat up the longer Bush delayed making 
the drive down Pennsylvania Ave.

Across the avenue from the liberated bleachers, an 
elaborate, enclosed viewing stand had been erected for 
Washington officials and big-money guests. They nervously 
sipped tea and ate hors d'oeuvres as they watched the 
protesters spill over to their side of the block.

When demonstrators spotted arch-racist New York Mayor Rudy 
Giuliani in the viewing stand, they erupted in loud chants 
of "Amadou, Amadou"--for Amadou Diallo, the young African 
worker killed by 41 New York Police bullets.

Bush couldn't put off running the gantlet much longer 
without losing face. Buses roared up the avenue carrying 
Republican big shots, escorted by motorcycle cops. As each 
one passed, the crowds roared "Shame! Shame!"

Every few minutes a new contingent of heavily armed cops 
would march into the street and line up in front of Freedom 
Plaza. Then, just before Bush started his drive, a squad of 
riot police staged a mock assault on the protesters at 14th 

Advancing in military formation with nightsticks swinging, 
the police stopped just short of the front line of 
protesters. Then they retreated.

If anyone was scared by this display, they didn't show it. 
The chants of "Stop police brutality!" only grew louder.

At 12th Street the limos carrying Bush and Cheney came to a 
dead stop. More Secret Service agents surrounded the 

When they finally moved, it was to race by Freedom Plaza as 
quickly as possible. Secret Service agents, gasping for 
breath, tried to keep up.

But there's no way Bush could have missed the message. 
Thousands upon thousands of angry protesters were waving 
signs and chanting "George Bush, racist murderer!"

Bush, the police and the ruling class had hoped the 
inauguration would be a crushing defeat for the new protest 
movement. Instead it was a great victory.

"This is precisely the scene the Bush administration did 
everything it could to prevent," said IAC Co-director Brian 
Becker. "As they went up Pennsylvania Ave. they didn't want 
to see thousands of placard-waving protesters opposed to his 
conservative policies. But we've done it."

Michelle Gore, a young African American woman from Brooklyn, 
N.Y., and a member of the Actors Equity union, echoed the 
sentiments of many first-time demonstrators. "It was 
exciting," she said. "I can't wait for the next protest."

- END -

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